Guy can you just... shut up? It's really hard following this thread without caving and buying the game. Yes I do have to read the whole thing.
I'm probably gonna buy it once it stops raining and I can go outside where there is wifi. But I have never played a gta game for more than 5 minutes, and not a fan of top down. I love gangstar. Do you think I may like this game/is it a good GAME? Or is it just for gta fanboys? (no offense).
How can you love Gangstar and not be a fan of GTA games. It's like saying you snort apple juice but hate apples in general. Anyways, it's an amazing game, easily my favorite app.
Wow, this really came out of nowhere! I'm downloading right now. Wasn't sold based on the screens, but after watching the video and hearing that it's the entire game, I couldn't resist.
I too, am puzzled. Gangstar is a rather weak and watered-down Vice City... it is but a mere shadow of the greatness that is an official GTA game. Shouldn't be possible to love the tech demo yet hate the real deal.
Theory is the success of Gangstar 'inspired' Rockstar to port GTACW to this platform! So cheers to Gangstar
Free roam from the start works just fine. Some things like drug deals and ammunation won't be unlocked until your about 10% done with missions.
Damn I'm so lucky, I made 2200 dollars off of I'm RICH and got a house on my 26th try.Took 40 mins but it was worth it.
It's not that, I'm just trying to save money until I find out if the Apple tablet is worth buying or not