To reduce the game's footprint (how many MBs it takes on your device). Same reason for the reduced the number of tracks on the radio stations. It also speeds up performance for older-gen devices.
Did they reduce the amount of radio stations too? =O And I don't see why the DS can handle all of that, but a 1st gen iPod can't.
yeah i found the dirty used condom. eww. heh only in gta. chris. ps. i bought gangster to compare the two.. gta wins doh! no brain er i know.. but i figured i better see for my self. gangstar is at 48 top grossing. waits for gta to boot stomp that.
FINALLY! I won the Gold Medal in the Liberty City Gun Club using the Pistol. Damn... that was difficult.
DS version has lower resolution and dedicates all of its (limited) resources to whatever game you're playing. Those better graphics on the iDevice come at a cost, particularly on the older devices.
So far the only difference between this version and the DS version seems to be pedestrian voices. (Thanks The Bat Outta Hell for the heads up on that one). Otherwise it's the same content. Can't vouch for the additional content that came with the PSP version -- my guess is that it's not included, since graphically the iDevice version looks like an upgrade of the DS one. In any event, it's not like Beaterator at all.
The only view change you can do is by double clicking on the virtual analog stick. It will face the camera toward the way your person is facing.
I have re ds version and have been playing it for MONtHs! So much to find ad drug dealin is so addictive! I've sunk many hours ino it! Definitely wether ten dollars!
Broke down and picked this up. The app store screenshots do look horrendous... but judging from the videos that's certainly not the case. Will give it a run tonight...
Alright, this is probably a dumb question but how do I view my stats? And when I open the map and bring up the four menus on the bottom of the screen and click them it says it's not avaialable. What are those menus?
I can attest to the fact that the screenshots don't even come close to doing it justice. WELL worth the ten bucks. No regrets here.