So wait, Rockstar releases an amazing version of Chinatown Wars for the iPhone, charges a third what they do for the same game on the PSP and DS, and we're complaining about a lack of multiplayer? Seriously?
Game Impressions This is one of the best looking games on the app store. Once you really see it in motion, it truly looks incredible. Plus, it's an absolutely amazing game that truly isn't watered down GTA in any way. Within a few short minutes F bombs and drug references will be seen aplenty. The story is great, the controls amazing, and the sheer amount of content/missions/replayability is nuts. 10 bucks is a steal for all the content here. 10/10
Take One For The Team. And it's stupid because it's not a team here, and it ruins these forums where the inevitable first post on game release is "Looks good, anyone willing to TOFTT?". A team would imply that people actually take turns to be the one to get it first, but I'm willing to bet that it's the same people who do, and the same people who wait for others to try it for them. Some team.
It's pretty easy to integrate Wi-Fi multiplayer into the iPhone/iPod Touch, from what i've seen. They would make more sales too
Some people acually TTOFTT, even though they said it, just for the heck of it. Just as I, NFS: Shift was a terrible IMO, it's a bit laggy for the iPod Touch 2G, and the drifting is a bit buggy. Unlike NFS: Undercover, which was amazing with all the cutscenes and the voicing. D:, that is HORRIBLE... Thanks for the short review
I think it's going to do well, regardless. Keep in mind that on the DS and PSP multiplayer is local only.
Yes I know , online multiplayer? PSH... They messed up GTA:IV from the PC version I have D:, freakin' crashing all the time, DAMN YOU GAMESPY!!!
Oh my god! It works. I downloaded iSamuari Lite, extracted it with WinRar, dragged the .app file to iTunes and installed it. It's currently "installing.!!" Time to buy GTA Chinatown Wars Thanks "somerandomdude!" You are the best
Yes, they're there. 10 seconds into the game. Ever since the 17+ category was introduced, there have been few content limitations in the App Store.
Haha! Great dude! Post your efforts to the Game Discussion so other people won't spam it xD!! Dude o.o, wut the FUX!!!! haaaaxxx !!! (I play Gmod too much D