ooooo... but not snapping turtles... they don't mess around. They just sit there, with their 90 dollar sunglasses and capri pants.... they know who they are...
I got rid of my turtle he was always just chillin in my ride think he was so cool in his little shell I just throw his as is butt out the window and his wounderfull shell just cracked open now I have his naked as is butt on a leash like all beast should be. But no I really love turtels that was just a little poety I use to have a box turtle she had babys to I named her after yurtle the turtle
Your kinda a hypocrit this isn't a treasure code and it looks like bs. See you are right about somthing it is hard. You couldn't even control the urge, that urge to post bs is a strong one. I bet it's like crack for a crackhead, you would sellout on your morals just to get some. Kinda like you right you think only TCs should be posted yet you posted this, hum am I the only one that sees this. Your just another offtopic bshead like me you sold your soul to me haha I always win. What do they say a dance with the devil my last forever. Now lets see if u can say nothing when you see this I don't think you will be abell to. Ether way I win I really don't want to hear from you again but it would be funny to see you post offtopic again.
Come on now everyone, is such anger needed? I can understand if TC's were being released daily the mindless posts were honestly making it difficult to find out if any TC's had come out; but TCs aren't coming often at all. I promise, the second a new TC comes out I bet it will be listed in about 20 posts straight and then every other post after that.
i didnt mean it like that i just meant it like u ppl cant stkp fighting over one little thing i mean come on ppl this is a freakin thread for TC's wow the only reson why i read all this crap is to get to the TC's COME ON PPL GET A LIFE AND ARGUE SOMEWHERE ELSE
yeah they use to come out with TC's everyday then its like they just slowly releasing them less and less often i keep checking around thinking im missing it but still none
"i think they want to get rid of the idea that they will give a Tc code every 2 days" Some one else posted this on another fourm i think this is probly the reason
Ha! I laughed so hard I peeed in my pants almost All your crappy songs and ultra sucky jokes and "C'mon where's the TCs" is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joke? what joke? o? you were trying to be funny... sorry that was a fail. go drown yourself in piss from your depression, you apparently care about what the internet thinks of you
New TC Freshly fried TC: musclebeach You found 1x Corndog! Permanent +10 Max HP. Om nom nom. Have fun everyone spread the love, Deep Breath in, ahhhhhh(exhale). Corndog, haha this ones funny. It looks like a corndog with a bite out it.
Hey be greatfull atleast you got something. Somethings always better than nothing and, it's free to. My dad always told me to never pass up a free meal.
Wow, you're an idiot. Wait till everyone except for you has gotten 10 each and you're stuck 100 hp behind everyone. What then?
Wow, man chill out. Its not that big a deal that he's not happy with TC. Also I don't get how he would be 100hp behind everyone wouldn't he only be 10?