Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. AppAttack

    AppAttack Well-Known Member

    Alright, like everyone here, I've been checking this thread consistently (saying "unhealthily" would probably be more accurate). I'd be TOTALLY happy if it comes out this weekend, but like many of you, I'm no longer that anxious about it. I think "the build up" to releasing it has just gone on way too long. But there's two things we can learn from all of this:

    #1 When a game is approved by Apple it appears in the Appstore. I noted this on page 80 something (I think) that you could visibly search for the game in the store and it appears. This is all speculation but I'm thinking it's safe to say that this is a "window" into Apple's approval system. (The fact that it momentarily showed up in Australia's(?) store is another sign that it'd already been approved).

    #2 In the end, the developer has the ultimate "green light" as to when to release the application. Paul has said to some extent, "hey don't rip Apple a new's not all their fault" (paraphrasing, of course). Which clearly shows that there's two sides to the story (or release date).

    My guess is that the game literally runs on a day to day basis. Ex: Monday in the game, is Monday in real life. So to release a game on a Thursday where the due date (to the mob) is on a Sunday, may look funny to some. If the game runs this way, then releasing it early in the week makes both the developer look creative and the game itself would generate a lot of "noise" in the appstore. Above all, developers can now read threads like this and Zen Bound and learn a thing or two :D I wish the best for CJS and TAG games. Until then...I'll keep singing, "Tomorrow,'re only a day awayyyy".
  2. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    Hi everyone, I'm back from a little break from usual life and you guys have been busy.

    Still sad to see it is not out yet but to the dude above me about #1 that's not so accurate. It wasn't approved when it showed up in the app store and was infact actually rejected

    I'm thinking that maybe they had to add a disclaimer like don't try this at home or something to the game
  3. ringring

    ringring Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    Would make sense, but could be the suicide feature for the game for casual gamers. they play WHEN they want to and not when the game wants them to do so. argh, lets wait and see. ;-)
  4. Tiny Omar

    Tiny Omar Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    I've read rumors about the game having streakers, Maybe what they had to add was underwear???

  5. Chapperz :D

    Chapperz :D Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    has nobody thought that it doesn't matter if the game is realeased on a thursday and you've got to pay them on sunday then it won't really matter. you could just buy the app on monday (though i doubt many people would do that) or it could just give you a week to pay it off,as in you would pay the money on the next thursday.or even if you fail to pay that money on the sunday you would just restart the game and then have a week to play it and then pay the money on sunday.this has probably been covered and i've probably made a mistake somewhere but i can't be bothered to check .
  6. darkhorse

    darkhorse Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    It doesn't. At the time of opening the app, you have a week to pay off the debt.
  7. Chapperz :D

    Chapperz :D Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    i know it's just that some people think that if you get the game on thursday you have to pay it back by sunday.
  8. CloudStryder

    CloudStryder Active Member

    Mar 30, 2009
    just wanted to add, because it seems people still believe that the developer is at fault for this long wait and not apple. if you talk to the dev of CozyQuest, they werent even told when their app was released on the store.
    and woke up to it on their store, meaning he has been working his butt off to get things the way he wanted them before the green light to go.
  9. Swordplay

    Swordplay Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    I was really anxious for this games release but not so much anymore. I still might get it but it's not a priority. What I'm really looking forward to is zenonia, hope the weight isn't as long.
  10. rpb1975

    rpb1975 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    IT Consultant
    Zenonia is going to be heavy???? what? What weight are you talking about?

    By the way, it is just in beta will be much longer than this because it isn't even submitted yet.
  11. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    In response to Sword, I'm a beta tester for Zenonia so it won't be coming out in the next week or even a month, it's got some time still to go.
  12. rpb1975

    rpb1975 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    IT Consultant
    I wish I was! You're so lucky, Candy.... *sigh*
  13. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    I am blessed indeed :)

    CJS should be coming anywhere from Sunday to early next week so not a long wait hopefully :D
  14. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    As nice as it would be to believe that, I have stopped getting my hopes up for this game. As stated before, the marketing and hype was just too much seeing as the game still isn't out. In the future I hope other devs can learn from this and Real Racing and not begin to promote or market their app until it is submitted and approved. Then market for a week or so, set a release date, then actually release the game on that day. I'm willing to bet this won't be out by May...
  15. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Note I said hopefully :)
  16. ringring

    ringring Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    100% agree
  17. Paul@Tag

    Paul@Tag Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    Scotland, UK
    So we are still waiting on approval! We really wanted to have CJS out tomorrow so that we at least avoided NFS by a day but doesn't look like that is going to happen.

    There seems to be alot of confusion about why this is taking so long and why the game appeared on iTunes search and stuff like that. Obviously I can't go into too much detail due to the Apple NDA but I really want to give you an overview. Believe me this is not Tag trying to be clever and draw out the hype.

    1/ We uploaded an early version to Apple about 6 weeks ago. It went through and got approved (which was good because we were concerned about some content) but we felt we wanted to take a few weeks more to add a bit more polish to the game so didn't release it. This is probably why it appeared on iTunes search.

    2/ We then uploaded a new build about 3 weeks ago and sent out review builds to games websites/press etc. We recieved some feedback that again we felt it was important to address before release (we aren't a developer that wants to be know for releasing unfinished games despite the update functionality in the App Store) and so we pulled the 2nd build and took a couple of days to work on those things. Those two days have made a massive improvement to the game and without giving too much away we already have three excellent professional reviews to prove it - and I hope many more to come!

    3/ We then uploaded the final build. It was reviewed in around a week and rejected by Apple due to a minor issue with the connected functionality. We resubmitted the next day (last sunday) and continue to await approval...

    4/ The build released on the Australian app store was the very first one. We had forgotten to set the release date forward when the final build was rejected... human error our end but at least it happened in the middle of the night and we got to it quickly!

    So as you can see we could have released the game a while back but ultimately it wouldn't have benefited either us or you guys.

    The helicopter didnt quite make it into the game, but is complete and ready for update 1.1 which we hope to upload a few days after the first build is launched so you wont be waiting long for it!

    Thanks for your patience. I hope the wait will be worth it and let me say that every single person at Tag appreciates it immensely when you choose to support the small guys (us) with your hard earned cash. I'm sure CJS will give you many happy hours of game-play.

    We aren't giving up on a top 20 spot just yet ;-)
  18. Paul@Tag

    Paul@Tag Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    Scotland, UK
    Oh forgot to note that we are working on some cool Car Jack Streets t-shirts, hoodies and other clothing. More news soon!

  19. dogmeat

    dogmeat Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Information Security Engineer
    San Francisco, CA
    I'll take 1 hoodie please ;)
  20. crimson.

    crimson. Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    I don't have one...
    Are they vaporwear too?...

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