Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    Thanks for the input. Sounds like it really is more frustrating to you and team than us...I doubt Apple even understands their own approval seems so different during certain times of the week even. I really think the approval department is completely separate and distributed from Apple's main HQ. How that baby shaking app got approved, but CJS is rejected after two and a half weeks for something minor makes absolutely no sense. It just proves that they are extremely stringent and test every single aspect on actual games of worth, but yet have some automated process for no name apps. They just approve those continuously while the well made and high profile games get an extra level of testing that is just unnecessary and time consuming.
  2. lghtnsurf

    lghtnsurf Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    I havent been paying much attention to this thread but this game looks like it will bw good. I dont wanna get my hopes up over anything but it looks really nice. Good luck with the release and all, I wish I could buy it but I cant really afford to buy any apps atm. you need reviewers/testers/friendly promo codes :p lemme know cuz i'd still really like to try and review this game. Good luck with the review process, esepcially after that baby rattler app lol
  3. FilthyCanadian

    FilthyCanadian Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Ontario Canada
    I'm happy that he said that if it's approved soon, it'll be released on sunday. Very excited for this game..
  4. bigred447uk

    bigred447uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Veteran lurker of this thread rears ugly head !

    Ive lurked this thread from the start and i feel like a veteran. I'm very disheartened to hear a probable release date :( I don't know what i'll do on my phone at work if this game does eventually come out and this thread dies :p .... I've checked this thread every few hours for so long it's addicting. I'll have to up my dose to get as much in as possible before Sunday.
  5. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Paul, I will cross my fingers for you and everyone here that it will get approved in time for a Sunday release.

    I am looking forward to it. :)
  6. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    +1, if it gets released on Sunday I'm set for life :D
  7. Haephestos

    Haephestos Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    It will come. No matter what happens, it will come.

    Edit: Can a moderator please get rid of the silly tags on this thread.
  8. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    +1, these tags r not cool, anyway i hope it comes out on sunday! >:l
  9. VoodooVyper

    VoodooVyper Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    So now that the rumor has been deemed true for the submission of NFS, it looks like CJS will get pushed back in line again.
    That really sucks for you guys, I can see what you mean when you say it's cursed.
    I'm sure most of their attention is going to go towards the cashcow EA to push that game out asap.
  10. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    Yeah, I heard Need for Speed is coming out next week! If so, I feel bad for Tag Games, because that will equal in a noticeable loss of sales. Even though people are saying "Oh I won't buy Need for Speed now", I can guarantee that 90% of them will end up buying it... Here's to hoping it comes out before NFS so that Tag can get the best out of it.

    Thank you, that gave me more hope. :)
  11. robertf224

    robertf224 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    Paul had said they were gonna launch on monday or tuesday, but he changed it and said if its approved theyll launch sunday; probably because of need for speed coming next week
  12. dogmeat

    dogmeat Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Information Security Engineer
    San Francisco, CA
    This is all speculation, people who will buy the game will buy it when it comes out, and people who don't, won't. So until it happens, whats the point of getting too excited.
  13. Jblack4083

    Jblack4083 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    I think it will be a popular game. No bias here (I actually bought Payback) but Payback leaves a lot to want. The game is boring, seems uncreative, the environment is drab, the interface isn't refined enough, etc...

    CJS seems to solve a lot of that stuff through basic stuff such as having colors and the storyline it has. And since it's the only game to come besides Payback, people have no choice other than to try it if they do or dont like Payback.

    I think if it gets good reviews it will sell well.
  14. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    Yeah, I gathered that they wanted to release last Tuesday, but because of Apple's delays and pressure from upcoming games (possibly?) they chose to release it on Sunday IF approved.
  15. M.W.

    M.W. Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    It really doesn't matter why they didn't release it, it just needs to come out without more delays or people will get angry.
    But, when this game is released, they are gonna make a killing!
  16. nooobynick

    nooobynick Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2009
    I'm sure that this has been mentioned before, but I don't have time to go through 132 pages of posts;), but how much is this game going to cost when it comes out?
  17. darkhorse

    darkhorse Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2009
  18. Paul@Tag

    Paul@Tag Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2008
    Scotland, UK
    So... looks like EA released Trivial Pursuit yesterday. Do we still think NFS will be released next week then?

    Interesting to see what the approval time for NFS is compared to CJS!

    While we are waiting we'll be running a promo code competition to win one copy of each of our previous iPhone releases on the Car Jack MySpace site today. Thats four free games! Do take a look and add us as a friend!

  19. jaikben

    jaikben Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Lol with EA you never know, I really think apple should be more consistent with approvals:

    - all developers should know how many days it would take
    - should be no difference between small/ big developers

    And for tag games, I really don't think NFS will take crowd for your game, maybe in the first week but NFS will sell al lot only based on the name alone, but I think it will be only in the first few weeks. A game like yours will sell more constitanly for a longer time.

    And all people complaing about the delay pff, come on don't you think TAG games want it on the appstore asap?
  20. ringring

    ringring Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    #1320 ringring, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
    all in all, i would say that the premarketing was too pre. Better waiting for the approval and then do premarketing stuff, and then release. But afterwards its easy to say this!

    Sad, but let's hope the game rocks so it will sell as hell and TAG can continue their projects.

    And lets hope for CJS that NFS doesnt come out today or this weekend...EA seems always there for a surprise...positive or negative. Pfff! =)

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