Won a Promo code the other day so sent an email to help out with the marketing my way of paying you guys back.
please please please can we not have hundreds of "email sent" posts. no-one cares and this thread is hard to keep track of as it is!
Agreed! Folks you dont need to tell everyone you've sent an email! Thanks for the stunning response so far. Will leave this open over night and send details in the morning (UK time). Its a basic idea but might be quite effective! Anyway still no news from Apple....
In terms of when we release... well I had a dream that CJS would be the billionth app downloaded from the App Store but it looks like we'll miss out on that chance now unless approved in the next few hours. Basically If the game isn't approved over night then the next earliest we will release will be next sunday/monday or tuesday. There are very solid arguments as to why this is - I know that isnt what you want to hear right now though ;-) Sorry I cant be more specific. Once this is all over and I'm sat on holiday (vacation) enjoying a cold beer I'll write the whole story down for a blog entry or feature!
Oh yeah and no plans to 'lock' orientation. Its easy enough to get it the way you want it as it is. I've often played in bed, on the toilet, in the bath, driving a lawnmower etc and never had a problem!
lol i always play and mow the lawn! o yea, its good to hear the fact CJS wont have to wait for another month, im hoping for tonight!!! >:l
Serious kudos for that It's like a secret club that every man (and woman, if they want) should be a member of