Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    Ouch someones cranky.

    If you expected $4.99 then why are you complaining? Top quality games are going to be a little higher, 5 bucks really isnt that much

    And I love games like this so this is a much better alternative to Paybacks even just price wise
  2. FilthyCanadian

    FilthyCanadian Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Ontario Canada
    If I can get this through your head..

    I'm not complaining about the price, I'm complaining about the announcement that if we save 5 dollars, we'll have change. And then it gets announced as 4.99.

    It's like the cars under $20,000 commercial, and then you see the price of 19,999.
  3. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    All right my bad,

    But you just posted the reason why he said that. It is under $5 bucks like he said even though tax (which he cant control) changes it. They are still getting under 5 for it
  4. Stykman

    Stykman Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    Beta Tester, Student
    United States
    #704 Stykman, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
    were technically not saving any money well pay more than 5$ with tax

    if 4.99 is intro price im afraid of what the regular price will be

    i mean 3.99 would have been better and under 5$ see how that works

    i pay like .7% sales tax which is 7 cents on a 1$ game but on a 5$ game its 35cents more :eek:
  5. gootch12

    gootch12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
    New Orleans, USA
    Well...I stand corrected.

    For the record, I am charged tax on all my app store purchases, so clearly, 5 dollars will NOT be enough (let alone with change left over!) for me to buy CJS. :(

    But whatever, no's just a buck! :)
  6. ajd90

    ajd90 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, UK
    #706 ajd90, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
    4.99 is less than 5 dollars :rolleyes:. I know when Paul said it would sell for less than 5 dollars, people immediately assume that it will be around 3.99 but you can't really complain at the price for all the work that's gone into the game.

    EDIT: while I was creating this post, the thread had moved on and FilthyCanadian explained what he meant. Sorry FilthyCanadian :)
  7. FilthyCanadian

    FilthyCanadian Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Ontario Canada
    As we've explained, with tax it is not 5 dollars. And once again, I'm not complaining about the price.
  8. PrivateJoker

    PrivateJoker Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Herefordshire, U.K.
    Can everyone please quit going on about the price ffs...

    The state of the appstore means we get quality games ridiculously cheaper than other mobile devices. It was only last year that most games for my previous phone regardless of quality were £5, which is over $10 right.

    I expect this is still the norm for your Nokia's, Samsungs etc. And they are technically inferior devices.

    CJS is going to be a bargain at £2.99 imo.
  9. Zincous

    Zincous Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Sacramento, CA
    Well I save a penny then :D

    No tax on my apps. Ever. And I live in California.
  10. ajd90

    ajd90 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, UK
    Sorry man, in the time it took to create that post, you had posted again explaining :)
  11. Stykman

    Stykman Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    Beta Tester, Student
    United States
    that is true app store has cheaper games apps

    take a look at verizon and tmobile or whatever their ga,mes sell for like 20$ at times and the games on the mobile phones are crap(sorry for such great language;))
  12. VoodooVyper

    VoodooVyper Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    What the hell is going on...? You're complaining that the game is $4.99 when the dev said it'd be under $5 because you were expecting it to be <$3.99 or less after saying that.

    Has it ever dawned on you that maybe if the game was set to be $3.99, that the dev would say it will be less than $4? Would you feel better if the dev said the game would be under $9 and released it at $4.99.
    I understand what your saying and I too sigh a bit because when you hear "it will be LESS than $5" you assume a range of prices, but cmon who couldn't figure out that it would be $4.99? This is the oldest marketing trick in the book. How many infomercials have you seen growing up where they say "all this for less than $20" and the price is like $19.98 but with 3 easy payments. It make's a person think they are getting a great deal with a great price.

    Just be lucky the game isn't $5.99 after saying it'll be less than $5.
  13. spiffyone

    spiffyone Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008

    The problem is that foolish indie (and even some bigger devs) have gone with the "race to the bottom" $0.99 price point and set some sort of expectation on the parts of consumers, thereby creating a silly backlash by some potential consumers (which is somewhat understandable, as everyone would like to get everything they want at the lowest possible price), and thereby fudging up the market for selling things on the App Store.

    Everyone's out to save a buck, and foolish developers have been feeding into it for so long that it's become expected, to their own detriment.

    TAG is doing the right thing by their game, by their company, and ultimately by the game consumers by not rushing to the bottom. It will ensure, if it generates enough revenue, future games from TAG.
  14. gootch12

    gootch12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
    New Orleans, USA
    I am confused about this inconsistancy.

    I know Apple has a presence (I've heard that presented as an (unsatisfactory) explanation before: no apple stores in that state, no tax.) in California.

    Why does apple charge tax in some states and not others? (Or perhaps more accurately, why do some states charge tax when others do not?)

    Seems...odd. :confused:
  15. PrivateJoker

    PrivateJoker Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2009
    Herefordshire, U.K.

    As a consumer, or speaking on behalf of consumer's. We are actually very lucky somewhat with the pricing structure, in that, games are low priced.

    The only real bug bear for me is when an app is released for, say $4.99, and within a day or two, it's slashed right down to a dollar. No hint of an upcoming sale or nothing.

    I'd rather they stick to the convictions of their opening price for at least 4 weeks or so, or do what other publishers do, like with Uniwars for example and it's introductory offer price.
  16. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    Paul said, I believe, that this is the intro price
  17. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    Wow Apple is pulling some strange stuff with this game, adding it to the search terms but lagging on approving it? Makes absolutely no sense :confused: Anyway, I'm going to be on a little trip until Sunday, so hopefully there will be good news then :D
  18. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    ummmmm, i dont think its apple...... >:l
  19. Haephestos

    Haephestos Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    As I keep saying through the whole of this thread, stay calm. It will come when it comes, and no amount of nagging will change that.
  20. different

    different Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I actually think that 59p introductory offers aren't that beneficial - if CJS was released as a 59p app for it's first week, yeah it would shoot to the top. But that'd be because all the early purchasers would have heard about the app and would have bought it anyway.

    Look at Rolando, it had a £5.99 launch price point and reached at least position 4 in the UK chart on the first day.

    The reason why people sell new stuff at a high price is because it DOES sell. People who aren't that interested will wait till the price drops to a reasonable level where they will consider a purchase.

    An introductory offer of say £9.97 on a DVD for the first week and then £13.97 for the next month or so, then £6.97 or lower later on is common practice in the entertainment industry (brick and mortar). But this is far different from the fire sale prices that have now become expected in the Store.

    Personally, having played the game, I would fork out £2.99 for it without a doubt.

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