Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. jFND

    jFND Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    lol, you guys are fiending for this game. I am too, but let it take its course. It's not your game, it's the devs game that they made for you. Don't press them for the game if they don't think it's best to release it today, or tomorrow. It's their hard work, and we can surely wait a few days for a game that's been hyped for half a year.
  2. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    Off topic but winners for the contest are posted in the promo thread...good luck

    Now you can continue your talks :)
  3. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    LOL FilthyCanadian and very true Rocketman919, I was thinkin the same thing.. Well hopefully they release it soon and they get a lot of money, because they certainly earned it, dealing with a bunch of dogs like us hehe :rolleyes:

  4. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    yea, they deserve some money for putting up with us >:l
  5. ksl2006

    ksl2006 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    Planet Earth
    When you search 'Car Jack Streets', Payback is the result xD
  6. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    not last time i checked >:l
    EDIT: LOL yea
  7. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    LOLOL thats a bite in the ass :/ hahaha
  8. iGame

    iGame Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    I hope it's $4 left over. o_O

  9. arbnRanger

    arbnRanger Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    #629 arbnRanger, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
    You guys are missing the point!

    Ok here are a few relevant points and 1 irrelevant point.

    1. Mondays suck. If they release the game on Monday, tons of people will have a great way to make their day better!
    2. You have to pay the Mob the money in a week.... which means if it is released on Monday, you would have the weekend to fulfill that obligation if you procrastinate. This, of course, depends on if you buy it on the release day. I plan on buying it when its released- I'm betting on midnight Sunday, so that everyone who buys it on release day can have the following weekend to finish their payment if they need to.
    3. Paul is saying it's under 5 dollars... can he seriously mean it's $4.99? That's sneaky and wrong. If he says it's under $5 he better mean $3.99 or below!
    4. I love UniWar. It may be the best game in the App store, certainly the best online game.
  10. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    Haha, obviously it isn't based on when you download or dependent on "real" life in terms of when you download and when it is released. The one week thing to pay back the boss only starts once you download and actually start playing the game, after than it is dependent on time.
  11. robertf224

    robertf224 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    lol its definately 4.99
  12. Jblack4083

    Jblack4083 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    Isnt the game in real time but... not starting at the time out in the real world. For example, minutes in the game are 60 seconds, hours are 60 minutes, but it's not like 10:00PM in your city is 10:00PM in the game correct?
  13. Maythius

    Maythius Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2008
    it goes by the time in your iphone or ipod. It uses the same system found in animal crossing. So 10:15pm in real life is 10:15pm in the game, and when you get a job that needs to be done in five minutes... you only have five minutes to do the mission
  14. eyemh8

    eyemh8 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2008
    To stay stupid
    Estes Park co.
    As for the release day it does make sence DVDs are released on Tuesdays because most people are home and will rent or buy them to go home and enjoy and movies are released in theaters on friday because most people go out on weekends but this being a portable system and the chaos of the app store don't know how much it matters but Paul said he has stats and that's enough for me to trust he is makeing the best choice for the game on Tuesday and for the future of the company and game helping us with more money for giveaways and updates but I can't Waite for the "car jack streets vs. Assasions creed" threads LOL
  15. Haephestos

    Haephestos Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    Please trust Paul, he knows what he is doing!
    All of this nagging like little kids isn't going to make the game come out any faster. Paul will release it when he is ready, and you should be thankful that he has put his time and effort into this game, because, without that, Car Jack Streets would not exist for iPhone.
  16. Crypton

    Crypton Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2009
    #636 Crypton, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
    Paul does not lie!!!

    I believe Paul, when he says that he hasn't the approval from Apple!

    There is another thing most people don't realise. Database syncing takes time!
    Apple has, I don't know how many AppStores worldwide. Each Appstore most likely has multiple databases connected.
    Each AppStore must be synced wich each other AppStore, so if someone with an US account logs in into the German AppStore his/her data is accurate.

    Apple sells what several hundreds of thousand Apps a day? And then the Apps which got released every day? Imagin the amount of data those databases must keep in sync! :eek:

    So it is logical to me, that a game, which is shortly before approval by Apple (and which has already created such an amount of awareness - Apple is not stupid and they most likely know that) will be pushed worldwide into all those databases before Apple send the approval to Tag Games.
    So the actual release is just a smal update into the database and not the whole game with what-do-I-know-how-many-megabytes-because-of-the-music-and-all!
    I think this is the reason why we see the name in the auto-fill of iTunes.

    The more likely reason for the auto-fill, could be name reservation!
    Think of it: If I know that a game is in development due to media and such. How fiendishly clever would it be to create a small "fart"-App (which doesn't take long for the relase approval) and submit that under the name of the big-other game at the same time of the other big app??!!! If my "fart"-App would be relased earlier I would get the name and the sales!

    So my guess is: The auto-fill is either protection of the name or the normal pre-release stuff that Apple does!

    EDIT: Now that I've written it I realise that my later argument is the strongest one! Database syncing shouldn't take days, just some hours.
  17. alza

    alza Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
  18. Jblack4083

    Jblack4083 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    #638 Jblack4083, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  19. jFND

    jFND Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    Well this could be seen either way. Either good, or bad.
    Bad meaning we won't be seeing this game for another week or more.
    Good meaning when we do see it, we'll like it even more.

    Ah well, as long as the indie-developed game Ignite is coming out, I don't really mind the CJS delay.
  20. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009

    Imagine if after all this time and hype the game sucked balls.

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