Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Friday is usually when people have extra dough in their pockets, so not sure why that wouldn't be a good day to launch the game.

    Paul is off to sleep so we will have to wait.
  2. STP_Tim

    STP_Tim Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    Thats what I would think too. Also, as somebody else mentioned people would have the weekend to fool around with the game. Considering the type of week-by-week gameplay, being able to play the game over the weekend is somewhat crucial.
  3. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    yep, my thoughts exactly, i think its foolish to release a game on a certain day because it just so happened two big games were released on that day >:l
  4. Jblack4083

    Jblack4083 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    Can we take a moment to wipe the drool from our mouths.

    The game will be out when it's the best time. Tag Games is a business, we are consumers. As a business they want success, as consumer we want the game. Let them play their part and we will play ours...
  5. chukwuka13

    chukwuka13 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    Another reason this week would be a good week is that next week assasins creed will be released giving this game some competion. This will cause people to have to decide between the 2 of them or just get them both. I second the fact that getting a weekend to gather money to pay the mob would be good.
  6. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    hey guys, you know what i was just thinkin'? what if Paul is trying to surprise us by approving it later today but is pretending he doesn't know if it had been approved? i know, sounds unlikely, but a guy can dream right? :rolleyes:
  7. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    worst idea ever other than paul waiting for marketing
  8. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    I know for a fact this have been approved. Under no circumstance would Apple add the search term "Car Jack Streets" to iTunes unless it was approved, it makes no sense for them to add a search term for something they would later reject. I really think there is a delay between California and the U.K., as they are a few thousand miles apart, it could take a little bit of time to propagate all the way there. I wish Paul had stayed just a little while longer, as I have a strong feeling it is actually approved now in iTunes Connect.

    As to the point of releasing on a Monday/Tuesday, if you remember correctly Zen Bound/Sway did not specify that Tuesday would be the release date, it was merely a coincidence that both simultaneously came out on that day, but it was more so attributed to their near duplicate submission date. I find it humorous that someone could believe the day of the week could make any noticeable difference in terms of potential sales as opposed to any other day. If anything, a Friday release could generate more sales based on people wanting something new and different for the weekend to amuse them.

    Anyways...long drawn out post, but the point is I am looking forward to this game very much, and appreciate all the time that has gone into making it a quality, noteworthy product. Great work TAG Games [​IMG]
  9. Acole18

    Acole18 Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    college... :) n :(
    somewhere n washington i believe...
    to anwser your question no that not wat i said, u should read my post carefully, i only said that since it seems as though it was approved i would expect it to be out either this week or early next week. :/
  10. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    yea, the day will have little to no impact on sales, im sure of it, anyway did zen bound and sway even make a whole lot of money on their release day? >:l
  11. FilthyCanadian

    FilthyCanadian Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
    Ontario Canada
    Do you just sit on this thread 24/7? Seriously, I've never seen a post that isn't answered by you 30 seconds later.. >:l, >:l,>:l,>:l
  12. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Come on Paul, just release it. What is the point in doing this? We all know it has been approved, why not just market it after it is released? Most games dont even hit the top 50 until they have been out for a week.
  13. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Ha, Vester lives on this thread 0.o
  14. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    #614 Vester, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
    correct, i have been watching this conversation for a while (its also th most active thread on the site)>:l
  15. Acole18

    Acole18 Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    college... :) n :(
    somewhere n washington i believe...
    see now i totally understand that because ppl do have mouths to feed and etc, thats why tag should take as much time as they need to ensure this is a success because not only is the success of the game at risk, so is the key fact of them getting enough money to feed and take care of their families. I'm sure everyone can wait their doin tha best they can!! :)
  16. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    but it has already been accepted and i think that the release day has no impact on sales, so i would release it friday or tommorow >:l
  17. Varkman

    Varkman Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I know a lot of people here are ravenous for this game but don't worry, it's on the way...

    1) Paul says the game hasn't been approved yet, it's really not worth the aggro to invent theories about "lining up marketing". Good things come to those who wait :) It's not like there is a shortage of quality iPhone games at the mo.

    2) I don't believe Marketing activity should be treated as an enemy. This doesn't just apply to TAG Games either but any dev/publisher particularly in iPhone development, the teams are small and in some cases the devs are even living day to day off start up capital.

    Marketing is an essential element to generating pre-release hype and making sure that day 1 sales are as high as they can be. If these games don't do well studios can dissapear and people are out of work. With the App Store being as crowded and cluttered as it is it's very hard for new games to cut through the noise. Marketing helps to deliver this brand awareness so for the sake of an extra week of planning wouldn't you make sure you got it right if it was your game?

    At the end of the day It is better to see CJS sales optimal as a result of foresight and planning, that money can be invested in the company and sequels and updates and other fun stuff :)
  18. Acole18

    Acole18 Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    college... :) n :(
    somewhere n washington i believe...
    i would to, all i am sayin is that they have a difficult decision and are tryin to do the right thing to satisfy themselves and the consumers. and puttin it out on the weekend is a great idea, im jus putting myself in their shoes :/
  19. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    r u kidding this game has been hyped for 62 godd*** pages >:l
    ok im done with this thread for today FilthyCanadian
  20. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    2 things: First, it HAS been approved. If you type "car jack" into itunes, the full title pops up. This means it has been approved and is waiting for the dev to release it. Second, what kind of marketing can you even do with an iPhone game? Sure you can buy ads on sites and whatnot, but those dont take days to set up.

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