Official Car Jack Streets preview thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Paul@Tag, Mar 15, 2009.

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  1. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    Well you are all acting extremely irrational. Tuesday means nothing, show me 3 "quality" games (Zen Bound and Sway came out at 1 am and 4am respectively on a Tues, but it was a mere coincidence) that have come out on a Tuesday. The day means nothing, it is all about submission date, size of game and the features contained within. And you are all forgetting that Paul has said once the game is approved there will be a marketing period before it is actually released. So it's not just going to show up randomly, we all will know the release date once approved. Who does the hiring at Slide to Play...:rolleyes:
  2. CandyNJ66

    CandyNJ66 Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    With all due respect, you did call us "dumb" and Tim is merely pointing that out. You then make a snide remark about Slide to Play. No one is acting irrational here but you. I suggest you use more tact rather than being rude.
  3. ksl2006

    ksl2006 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    Planet Earth
    Uh, iTunes updates its store on Tuesdays
  4. RaZrVIN

    RaZrVIN Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    Currently unoccupied.
    The Empire State, America.
    Well, hopefully all of you are right about the release date being Tuesday... I've been watching this thread like a hawk and the anticipation for this EPIC game is killing me... :mad: I can't wait :D
  5. jFND

    jFND Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2009
    Really anticipating for this game. Payback was alright, this looks better.
  6. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    yea, payback lite was ok but not full
  7. Exile

    Exile Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2009
    #467 Exile, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
    The thing I liked about Payback was the angled view.
    Also, what will the icon look like?

    Edit- i think i'll want to wait for the icon, seeing how awesome the game art has been. :)
  8. dmbfan1192

    dmbfan1192 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2009
    #468 dmbfan1192, Apr 12, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
    Hey buddy chill out ok? Now listen..

    1. Submission date has nothing to do with release date. You can release a game a month after it has been approved.
    2. Size of game and features also have nothing to do with release date. They have a lot to do with the time until aproval which as I stated above has nothing to do with release date.
    3. What I was saying was that the game was probably approved and the waiting for them to find the right marketing time is now. What I think they meant by that is that they would wait until the tuesday after the holidays because many people will see the game on a Tuesday.
    4. We are not asserting that the game WILL come out on Tuesday, we are just saying that it would make sense.

    See that wasn't so painful? Maybe next time just get a cup of coffee and chill out before freaking the hell out and screaming, "OMGZZZ youu guys are soo stoopid!1!!!!"

    P.S. I know you didn't actually say "OMGZZZ youu guys are soo stoopid!1!!!!," you said it very eloquently so you don't have to call me dumb about that as well.
  9. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    Haha, since that is how I phrased it and everything right...

    Anyways, the vast majority of devs don't specify a release date, they just let the game go live as soon as it is approved. Seeing as we are arguing about approval time (and not release date, as if it had been approved already Paul would have told everyone the date) my points are valid in terms of what affects approval time (size of game, features and submission date). I know that we will all know very soon after the game is approved, as Paul has said that he wants nothing more than to get the game out to us, he wouldn't purposefully leave us in the dark just to have the game come out randomly. How would coffee chill someone out, I thought that increases activity(caffeine being a stimulant and all), never enjoyed the stuff myself :p. Anyways...people here are so sensitive...don't take anything anyone says personally, it is just an internet forum...:)
  10. STP_Tim

    STP_Tim Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    Don't do anything to provoke it then.
  11. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    well, the wait has been very long, which begs the question will this game actually be worth it? >:l
  12. darksoul

    darksoul Active Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    the game better come out soon b/c this threat is getting wild:D
  13. Haephestos

    Haephestos Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    It is DEFINITELY worth it! :D
  14. Varkman

    Varkman Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2009
    I'll tell you what CJS has over Payback, and this is utterly fundamental for my enjoyment - It has Personality.

    Payback, while technically impressive, feels like a GTA by numbers with absolutely no personality whatsoever. Car Jack Streets however is full of character and it just elevates it to an experience you will remember as opposed to a throwaway mobile game you'll play a few times and forget.

    It's not perfect but I wont get into that here, you just need to know that it is worth the wait :)
  15. AppAttack

    AppAttack Well-Known Member

    A point of interest: (I assume this works worldwide, maybe only where I'm at in the U.S?). If you go to the Search in iTunes and start typing "ipsx: iphone fantasy stock exchange", before you can finish writing "ipsx" iTunes automatically spells out what you're looking for. I believe the dev of that app mentioned in another thread here that Apple had approved their game and that they planned to release it shortly, after touching up a few loose ends. SO, why does iTunes know what you're looking for, though it's not there? I assume it may be safe to say that because "Car Jack Streets" doesn't appear in the Search menu that it hasn't been approved yet? I don't know...this is all speculation. I'm looking forward to both games, btw!!
  16. randomdude

    randomdude Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2009
    So what do you guys believed that CJS will be the best game ever or is it overhyped?
  17. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    idk from videos it kinda looks like a 2D payback with a story so it looks overhyped in that respect but the story looks nice so it looks good like that, maybe it could be the most amazing game on the app store, who knows >:l
  18. STP_Tim

    STP_Tim Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2009

    Off Topic, but i can tell you that iPSX is definitely worth the wait. The interface is great and it does a great job of realistically simulating the real stock market.
  19. steviet

    steviet Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2008
    tv editor
    any hint a the price yet?

    I've got £5 left on my card and theres a few games I want to get. knowing my luck I'll buy them then cjs will come out! Paul said earlier in the thread something about the price being a pint which would be about £2.99 but then he also mentioned rewarding early adopters.

    Paul - can we please have a price?
  20. Vester

    Vester Well-Known Member

    any news yet?

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