Hi I'm offering my services as a localization editor for English. I was recently the localization manager for a Chinese MMORPG company (now an associate producer), and I've worked on Asian games brought to the US for 3-4 years now. I've also written articles about games for both insidemacgames.com and examiner.com. While I do not speak other languages (other than a few phrases of Spanish and French), I have excellent command of the English language. I know these services are in need, because I see foreign games with poor English translations all the time. Having well written text in both your games and your game descriptions (in the app store, etc.) is very important for presenting yourself as a professional and competent game developer. PM me if you're interested in my services, and I can provide you with a quote. I'll be happy to also provide you with examples of my writing. Happy gaming!
Not to hijack this fellow's thread.....but yeah, what he said. I also offer this, just because I would like to help.