Offering Free Game Recommendations/Review..

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by 306Designs, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. 306Designs

    306Designs Active Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    If this is the wrong section for this, kindly move it. Thanks!

    I am an independent developer but I am also trying to network by running an Apple-based blog. So far, things are going pretty good. I have averaged about 20-30 unique visitors per day over the past few weeks and my twitter account is steadily gaining followers.

    I know lots of people here are independent developers as well and I am offering to do some free networking. I'm not looking at doing a complete review site for iPhone apps, but I am constantly looking for games that catch my eye that are fun to play and addicting. So if you guys have a new game released that would like more attention, PM me here on toucharcade or else contact me through my site or on twitter and I'd be happy to check out your game. If I like it, I'll put it on my blog as a game recommendation and write up a short summary and review of the game. All I ask is for a follow on twitter and a retweet when I give YOU free advertising and link to the recommendation. I want to give some free promotion to developers out there grinding like I am.

    Thanks everyone.

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