Hi Is it worth offering promo codes on TA? I gave away a set of promo codes for my new app in the promo code section. All I asked was for a simple review to be left on the app store, not a single one was left. Is this what usually happens? I just want to get enough reviews so that Itunes will actually show the star rating. Thanks Oliver
Not a developer but I do remember someone posted a script here before to grab promo codes and put them straight into itunes, so the odds are probably it's the same people getting them all each time. You might be better asking people to private message you for a code as then you are at least likely to get people who will actually try your app out and have shown an interest in what it does. It's also possible maybe Apple is blocking reviews from going through, I won't pretend to understand their system but they sometimes do pull stunts like that.
Apple currently does not allow promo code users leave review. But it just happened in U.S Store.If you redeem code in other country,you can write anything you want.
Lots of times if you post promo codes in the forum they will be taken by people who aren't regulars and, as such, have no obligation to anyone. (Not that members do, but they are more likely to have some decency) Looking at your app specifically, the first problem that I see is that it's an app. Games are more likely to gain exposure here. Second thing is, it does have somewhat limited appeal - the TouchArcade audience might not be the best target market. Just as an aside, I have no idea whether your app will work in my country - whether it works in any country, etc. At a cursory glance, I dismissed it as another service only available to those in the US (Why can't we have nice things!?). Maybe it's because I don't know what foursquare is/does, but I thought you might find the feedback useful.
That doesn't appear to be true. I've gotten promo codes (and I mean somewhat recently - several weeks back), used them, and posted a review. No problem. I'm in the US.
I don't understand why there's an hour gap. Shouldn't you be able to spend more time with the app to give a more accurate review?
I think the gap might be a side-effect of some background workings of the App Store. The no-review might be a default, but while it takes an hour to cement just where you got the app from, you are able to leave a review. My perspective, of course. Who knows what the heck is actually going on.
I'm sure if I noticed it the moderators must have but for all I know maybe the thread is still about somewhere.
I wish apple wouod choose a promo code review policy and stick to it. For a while you had to review an app within 2 hours otherwise you couldn't leave a review. So I was quite confused the other day when I tried to write a review immediately and couldn't. 90% of the time I writeba review 10% I just rate if there's no much I can say about the game/or really busy BUT I only take codes of a game I think I'd enjoy, alot of purists literally grab any promo codes, even if they don't want the app. I think that's when no reviews re left..people should have a general interest in the app to get a promo code, that way they'll be more inclined to enjoy and review. Lurkers just want something for free, always PM codes..you get alot more appreciation and feedback on TA.
While that's true, there's a flip side to it. If the app has limited appeal and the developer opts into the PM-me way, they run the risk of getting very few PMs. I've seen it before here, and I always feel bad for the developer. I've programmed a game myself and decided to never do that again. It can be very disheartening to not get a response that you were hoping for after putting in that much work. (not talking about the app in question, of course, but just discussing the topic in general)