We need to see more stuff like this ;-) Haven't played this on other platforms but controls seem very well adapted to iOS. even using the gyroscope for cam control is convenient/functional and all that makes it easier to nail jumps, etc. looks great on iPad Air 2 w/all settings at max and runs smooth. only 1.1GB installed and you can save whenever you want. there is hope for iOS games!
I've been there before man. I know how ya feel. Hopefully playing this takes your mind off things. Hope all is well.
I am sorry to hear that yo. Around Birthdays and holidays we wish it not to hurt so much. Wow, talk about videogames helping the healing. I know it does for me. I hope your spirits will continue to be lifted and thoughts and memories progress to the good times for you and yours.
How do I get rid of annoying description boxes in the middle of the screen? They seemed to stay after the tutorial and block my view. There must be an off switch somewhere?
Is this the same company that released abes odyssey back in the day? I would love that game to come to ios
Does anyone know if you can turn off the boxes that appear on the screen? They stay there and block the view.
There's a button in the top right hand corner of the screen for dismissing the tutorial boxes. It even says so under those boxes.
Performance on iphone 5s anyone? p.s alright bought it,playing it,loving it. the game works perfectly on 5s will 'everything' turned to max,no lag nothing.Controls take a bit of time to get used to but they are customizable so that's great.Even gyroscope is used to perfection to reload and recover.The devs have truly outdone themselves. Not to say incredible voice acting and brilliant dialogue,Can't go wrong with joe pesci duck. this version is actually superior than the vita version,comparing both side to side better effects,poly models and textures,incredible port I must say best on ios.
Runs brilliantly on full settings. It doesn't have the resolution issue of the bigger iPad screens. I've noticed a couple of seconds of slowdown in my first hour of gameplay. i'd certainly rather have a bigger screen but its very playable so far. One of the prettiest games I own when its in motion. Love it.
I thought this was just going to be "defeat enemy, get bounty" routine over and over, but things got interesting since meeting the Doc. Im almost convinced to add this to my Game of the Year 2014 list, but i want to go farther to secure a spot for it. So far, it's been a great journey, one which i know it's only the surface im scratching so far.
Im not sure what the differences are exactly, but there's an easy mode you may want to take when you start the game.
Performance is pretty bad on mini retina 2 unless you play with very very low resolution and some shadows disabled. Very disappointed with the port. No reason this shouldn't run at least on par with Vita's version. Hopefully they will update. Controls aren't the best either. For instance, being able to hold the fire button while you move the camera is a staple in iOS FPS's and it isn't possible here. This was not on PS2.
That's strange because 5s has exactly same chipset as mini retina and I'm getting good framerates at max settings till now.Maybe it's running at retina that's the probelm?