Ugh that moment when your legs give out due to complete surprise but you muster the strength to mash the purchase button 8 times....
Mmm, bought this one back in the day along with Stranger's Wrath (one of my favorite games of all time) and recently bought it again for the Vita (again, with SW) so yeah, I'm getting it again. Also, kinda surprised that this was a surprise release.
When stuff like this pops up out of the blue it re affirms my choice of iOS as my main gaming platform everytime. Completely spoiled for choice we are.
Thank you. Exactly what i was afraid of. I was more frustrated than happy to play the first so this is a no-go for me.
Let me respectfully disagree. Never played this on the XBox, so perhaps I lack a point of comparison, but after completing the first level I'm finding that the controls work remarkably well, even when running around under the influence of "expresso" avoiding critters, or sneaking through minefields. It's possible that later on they'll prove inadequate, but so far I'm really enjoying this. I should note that I'm playing on a 6s; often "control" problems are really "laggy performance" problems.
Great to hear this has controller support! I am from the "never played before" camp so it'll be a fresh experience. Now just 4 more hrs. Of work...ugh
Wouldn't be sorry my name is luke, I hear all the star wars jokes If this is half as good as the old oddworlds on ps it will be awesome.
Great news,that was faster than i thought though.I was planned for beta test but i thought i have more to time to react to the mail,lol.But i'll buy it for sure. If you have complaints or requests i recommend sending a mail to square one games.They are VERY responsive and have open ears.They did a great support for strangers wrath as well!
Man, they need to tone down the sound level of the Mudokon chants. It is seriously annoying when you have to put up with the constant noise of a bunch of them chanting for several minutes while gathering more characters to stand on the spots to open gates. Also, the mystical guy who shows up once in a while to give advice is too quiet in comparison.
Wow, are Jared and I the only ones who missed this game on XBOX? This is pretty solid. I'm on an iPhone 6, iOS 9.1 and I've had not an issue one. It's hard to believe how old this game is as it looks fantastic. Touch controls work perfectly for me, savings a breeze and visuals are so good I don't even choose to skip the great cinematic cutscenes! This is an easy $5 decision...get it NOW..
I find that i prefer touch over MFi for this game oddly enough. Very good port & I hope they port new n tasty
Yeah, I thought I'd start out with touch before going with my controller and I haven't felt the need to do so yet as the touch interface is pretty straight-forward and responsive.
The first and second games were in 2d, why would you opt for releasing the 3d on touch screens when you got better gameplay on the older ones. I have never played this since I never owned an xbox but I got hooked playing oddworld back then on psone.