This is so clean and beautifully presented. an Instabuy for me and definitely Game of the Year material!!
About controls Battles are one of the key ingredient in Oceanhorn, but so is interacting with your environment. We aim to keep on-screen buttons as minimum as possible. In fact, you will do various things with that same "A" button. You can talk to people, push boulders, throw rocks etc. Controls are one of the drawbacks of the iOS platform. I know there are games with slew of buttons for your right thumb, but many times they can make gameplay just a little bit confusing and sometimes frustrating. We try to minimize confusion, but it is likely that we will add "B" button at some point, but first we try to live without it. Less players have to worry about, where to press, more fun he has with the game. Thanks for your interest towards Oceanhorn everyone!
i hope the game will have a variation and lenght like zelda. this looks good, but i hope everything else in the game will also look good. Needs lots of dungeons, woods and quests
Nice! This is one of the tricky things on iOS. With platformers, I like to see my controls, but it still has to be done right. Other games like MC3, the controls feel too cramped. Then there's traditional fighting games that feel like crap on the touchscreen Even the best touch controls are extremely inferior to physical buttons for traditional fighting games. I like the scheme you guys are using--visible but minimal. FWIW, I'd love to be able to move around the controls, so that i can fix them in a position that feels good to me.
After that trailer the game looks even better... Seiken Densetsu was my favourite RPG saga of all time... i like this feeling im having with this one...
I think developers often underestimate how well people can use on screen controls -- just watch folks touch-type when texting on their iPhones. Keeping things simple is a good thing, but creating a Zelda-like game that has no defensive moves (parrying, rolling) is, to be blunt, a recipe for failure. Simplifying the combat to the point where it's a boring button-mashing affair is no way to deal with the touchscreen control "problem." That said, you can add some functionality to the single button by distinguishing between tapping and tapping+holding -- either to charge an attack, or perhaps to block.
Well, I think they're going for simple and minimal but intuitive. I highly doubt they throw a crappy scheme at us. Like they said, if a B button is needed they'll add it. For me, on iOS, the more minimal the better. IMHO, anyone that says a traditional fighting game on a touchscreen works is a fool or has never experienced the joys of console or arcade gaming.
don't add another button, but if combat needs to be "spiced up" could you possibly add gestures? swipe down on the button is roll, and swipe up is power attack or something like that
Fighting games do work on a touch screen -- call me a fool. But don't take my word for it: check out the impressions from hardcore Street Fighter gamers when the port originally hit the App Store. More casual fighting game players (like me) appreciate the simplified control schemes. And, yes, I've put my time in both the arcades and consoles (especially with Soul Calibur). The idea that touching a button is somehow not part of the core control vocabulary of a touchscreen, that's what's foolish IMHO.
I guess I'll have to look up the hardcore SF gamers. I've played a ton of fighting games on both consoles and in the arcade and touch controls don't even come close--at all. I guess I just roll with a different crowd, which is fine. i mean if you consider tapping a gauge at the top to do high level attacks intuitive then sure. But there's nothing like having a physical controller. It's amazing that fighting games are the only games I can't get into on iOS. The difference between the touch screen and a real controller is ridiculously noticeable. And remember, i'm still new to the forums, but most people that have iCade or iCP seem to prefer those devices a lot more over touch. I can't help but think it's foolish or just another trend of gaming I just can't/don't want to be a part of. Even with this game, I could/would easily enjoy an added B button, but I'm a believer of simpler controls thanks to other games. FPS and traditional fighters haven't made me a believer of anything other than they are far inferior on the touchscreen.
I think there should a "B" button you know to add a shield, you press it and a shield quickly blocks attacks, or even objects like falling spikes or boulders and then if you double tap it, the shield stays guarding you, but the disadvantage is, you can't run. I'm just spit balling here.
It's all about how you define "work." For me, it's whether the game is fun, and whether I feel I get better at it the more I play it. I'm not a big fan of fighters; I wouldn't, for example, shell out $40 to pick up SF4 on the 3DS. Not really interested enough to pick it up for OnLive. But at iOS pricing, it's an entertaining diversion (though my favorite is KoF). But that's all off topic. Back to this game, I'm all for simplicity, but not at the price of losing core functionality. And defending is core functionality for an action game
I wholeheartedly agree. I have played street fighter iOS, and my troubles with it sprang largely from my lack of skill with fighting games, rather than from the controls. Virtual buttons only become a problem when there are too many for two thumbs to realistically control with any speed or accuracy. Yes, touch controls might be 'inferior' to real buttons, but they are still perfectly workable, and there is no reason to avoid using them at the cost of the depth of the game.
Wait, did they say they were getting rid of defending. I'm just assuming they're looking for a way to implement it into the game without a second button. I thought that's why they said they might add a B button later. I was thinking later on in development before release. Yeah, if blocking/defending isn't in the game them I'm 100% with you! Unless they add a ton of spells. I'm more of an attacker anyway and buff out attacks, but in a Zelda game blocking is pretty necessary. TBH, I think with some RPGs on console, blocking is less prominent but obviously still there.
Not to really get back off topic, even though the dev mat or may not care to hear this argument. I was a pretty proficient Soul calibur, Tekken and SF player; especially Tekken. However, on iOS, I struggle tremendously. I'm betting if devs didn't give the option to tap to use a skill then a ton of people would be dissatisfied. Call me crazy, but i still like skill based games. Even with throwing skill out the window, the controls are definitely less intuitive than an actual controller. You'll never here me say that SC, KoF, SF, or Tekken are anywhere near there console counterparts when you're talking touchscreen only. Handhelds don't even compare to a controller IMHO. I find it highly ridiculous! I also find it even more ridiculous if someone chooses this platform to play games like that. And everyone can save the "it's cheaper" mumbo jumbo for another person. Edit Been on iOS for over 2 years now, and these are still things I struggle with as a traditional console gamer.
I'm buying this game day one for sure. But to be a perfect iOS game for me there will have to be customization. I'm hoping for a lot of different weapons, hopefully some different armor/ clothes options. I'm hoping it's a long game, with tons of enemy's and some side quests thrown it. It looks amazing so far, keep up the good work! Also if you don't mind me asking how close is the game to being done? I'm not asking for a time frame of when it's going to be released, just how much more needs to be done before the game is complete.
Yes! It's good to hear that this game is still in development. I've been waiting for this since the start of this thread. Woo! I'm loving all the polished games as of late.
Things this game needs 1. Sword upgrade system(Would be cool if it was like LoZ minish cap) 2. multiple shields with upgrades (similar to LoZ skyward sword) 3. Collectables 4. A harder version of the game after completion with added bonuses!