Can't wait for this game !! After all this Time, it's finally here and i'm sure they did a great job developing this one.
I think this is a forum (vbulletin) error that is caused by deleted posts. If the posts were still there and not deleted there would be 103 pages of posts but since a few were deleted at sometime there are really only 102 pages. /backontopic I cant wait!!!!
When there are lots of deleted posts in a thread, page numbers will still go up as if to include deleted posts, but members will not see them. On topic, I have about 9 hours on the in-game clock and I have to say - this is utterly fantastic. No question about it, it's a quality game through and through.
I don't think I've ever seen this many pages on an unreleased game. I'm definitely interested in this one and think I'll end up hitting the download button. Anyone know if they plan to expand in the future and if you can continue doing anything once the missions are complete?
TA posted a TA Plays video:
The fact that the level size is small, makes me hope the game wil run well on my iPad 2. Would it be possible to share some info on that? What do you mean by 'low-end'. Oh, and man, I haven't been this psyched for a game since Swords & Sworcery. The TA Plays video seems like the final result is great. And on top of that, it's another step in the right direction for the premium prices market segment. The iOS market really needs more of those, to get people used to paying more (but only once) for bigger games.
iPad2 is one of our high-end devices! - all the levels in Oceanhorn are made with my iPad2! Our low-end are the devices that are not included in our "For the best experience" list, such as iPod 4th gen and iPhone 3GS. iPhone 4 is somewhere between high and low-end. We hope that you'll get smooth experience, no matter what device your playing with. Owners of the old devices can join in the Oceanhorn fun, although all the graphics fidelity and all effects aren't there. I hope you enjoy the game on your iPad2 Prodigy_BE!
How deep are any rpg elements on this game? Also still wondering if I can keep playing after all missions are complete to make extra cash for if there are any expansions in the future?
Game runs really well and looks great, I'm on an iPhone 5. There is an attack button which also picks up, throws and flips switches. There is a block button and an item menu, move touching anywhere on the left side. Very Zelda-esque and very polished, 10 hours play time here? Damn... Good price and definitely recommended
Wow. That's great news. I know how hard it is not to give into the temptation of stronger hardware (I do a little dev'ing too, here @Monkube). But there's nothing more depressing than looking forward to a game for a long time (Shadowrun comes to mind), just to see your device can barely run it. We have newer iPads, but I'd rather not have to take them from a colleague, just to play a game. Hope your game sells by the boatload (pun intended). You earned it.
Jeezum crow, all of that work & under 300 megs? Fantastic! Can't wait to dive into it! This along with "Wolves Of The Atlantic" & "Faraway" is something that I've been looking forward to for years. But since those other 2 games are 1] figments of the imagination & 2] dev'd by 2 unmitigated a-holes, it's so cool to see a game that's been hyped for years, y'know, actually be released. I've been wanting to play this since I first saw a screenshot of this "Zelda-esque experiment" some guys in Finland were kicking around a few years ago here at TA. Hurry up 11 o'clock! lol @Fox-One-1 Your economy of filesize work should be made an example to the entire f-ing iOS industry! Bravo, Sir! You know why that is, right? It's because there's such a dearth of shite in the App Store that when something finally comes along that's of such obvious AAA calibre like an "Oceanhorn", people will gladly fall all over themselves to pay top dollar for a likewise-attributed product. It's plainly self-evident. I, for one, don't mind the price, as I can see it's clearly sooo gonna be worth it!