Oceanhorn - New Zelda-inspired title from developers of Death Rally!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Fox-One-1, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    You do know devs have said it won't be released at a certain release and ended up doing a surprise release, don't ya? It's happened in a few cases. So who knows
  2. biokid

    biokid Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Wop Wops
    Yes, I know that, but that is highly unlikely. I am giving him the most probable answer. Why don't you just wait and see? It will be released soon anyway.

    Very understandable, but you cannot really do much about it. Maybe find other good games to play while waiting, since many excellent games were released last week (Bit Trip Run!, Chippy, Anomaly 2, Papa Sangre 2, and Ittle Dew). In addition, Rayman Fiesta Run and Sorcery Part 2 are releasing this week. So, you will have plenty of high quality games to kill your time with.
  3. michaelfields

    michaelfields Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Judging by this entire post I'm going to guess you're probably around 13 years old. Seriously, one kid says they're over the hype and all of a sudden everyone says f*** this game? Ridiculous. You kids should go play follow the leader outside, not on a forum.

    PS I'm pretty sure your parents shouldn't have bought you battlefield or call of duty. Also, play better games COD is terrible.

  4. biokid

    biokid Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Wop Wops
    Well, they can go and play follow the leader outside, because there are many amazing IOS games they are missing out on. Just have patience for this game; it is going to be released sometime in November anyway.
  5. michaelfields

    michaelfields Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2010
    Seriously. We've been waiting a year for this game...what's a few more weeks (at the most)?
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    How do you think the devs feel? Months of work. They cant wait to release it. Films hype themselves up. Let them have their way of hyping up the game

    If they relaxed it early so you wouldn't have to wait you'll be the first to moan when there's bugs. Don't see the issue. It'll be this month finally.
  7. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    I must admit that when I first started lurking this forum I was like 'oh this looks decent! When will it be out?' And it turned out to be undefined, except that when the devs popped in (which was rare), all they said was some rubbish like 'we are nearly done! Just tweaking the game and squashing bugs and it will be released soon!'. However, after seeing this for months straight I stopped believing. So at that point I had been caught, but then slipped off the hook.

    Now, after they had posted some pictures, which was evidence to me that there actually was a game and it actually was being developed I fell back in line with the other hopeful people blindly guessing the date. After all these hints and stuff i formed the idea that the devs could just be buying time to finish the game. Maybe the game isn't overhyped, maybe just having hype over a long time. If the devs had been saying 'soon' to soon, then people get hyped over a half-finished product, and after a while 'soon' doesn't cut it.

    At least we now have a definite range for release, and I am definitely going to pick this up, but I still think the devs could have done better with their hype management, and not just say everything is going smoothly just to please the crowd.
    -end of rant-
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    See people moan when devs don't talk much about their game and it comes out with no hype. They then moan when they hear about the process of developing the game with delays (quite normal) as they want it ASAP or go OTT and say it'll never come out etc

    They can't win! People are acting like a 7 year old at Xmas wanting their presents now now now !
  9. Welcome to the internet. I see you have found the gamer species
  10. Jinathin_x_X

    Jinathin_x_X Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    This is why I don't bother buying iOS game at launch now unless it has MP like MC series.
    $7 for couple of hours fun is not really worth it
    Not to mention those dumb IAP in the game... Annoiest the living crap out of me whenever I see it
  11. iCarjoe

    iCarjoe Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    Keep calm! We don't know the price yet and there is no IAP, it is confirmed!
  12. HansSatori

    HansSatori Active Member

    Jul 6, 2013
    This is day 1 purchase.. why?

    1. Awesome art style/graphics
    2. Music from Nobuo Uematsu and Kenji Ito
    3. Game Center support
    4. Made in Scandinavia

    Generally love all aspects of what iv seen
  13. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    #813 psj3809, Nov 5, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2013
    I think you get more than a couple of hours of fun. I mean what next, not seeing a film as its only 90 minutes long ? Why do you think 'a couple of hours' isnt worth it ? How do you know the game doesnt go on for longer than a 'few hours' ? Its still a very cheap price regardless of if it'll be $7 or less

    Oceanhorn seems like theres a lot of content, its not just the length of the game its the amount of time/money spent on graphics/music and other things. If the graphics were more basic us retro gamers would be happy but others might moan the graphics arent good enough.

    But again in iOS land its difficult to please everyone, for a few dollars people want the world and decades of gameplay it seems!

    I mean no ones even mentioned IAP's for Oceanhorn so lets not go over the top. But one major reason devs go freemium is because too many people think a few dollars for the game isnt worth it so they wait for it to drop in price etc. So we're partly to blame for the freemium craze
  14. Duivs

    Duivs Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Guess what? Classified.
    Your sarcasm may seem obvious to you, but sarcasm is hard to read on the Internet. If I said 'oh yeah, I love pickles', you can't exactly tell if I'm joking or not.
    Also, there's no need to treat others like idiots if they misunderstand things.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Come on people calm down

    We have potentially one of the games of the year coming out soon. Ideally it'll be soon but either way its this month. Going to be a great time for gaming
  16. Guys, let me clear some facts up

    1: We don't know when the game will release
    2: There has been no comment on EA purchasing FDG Entertainment
    3: It's been confirmed that there won't be any in-app purchases in this game
    4: The price tag has not been revealed yet
    5: This whole thread is becoming ridiculous now. Seriously, stop it guys
  17. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I dont mind what the price will be, for me the installation size is the biggest issue. Said so many times before but i wish Apple would release larger ipod touches !

    To be fair being a horder of games doesnt help, need to free up some space i think.

    The graphics look stunning, from what i've read the game will be a lot of fun. The screenshots make me think of a '3d Swordigo'
  18. Reydn

    Reydn Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    For me, having a game (that looks and sounds like it will be) this close to recreating the Zelda experience on my iOS device - it is well worth the wait and the price tag.

    For no IAP, a look and feel that recreates the Zelda experience, and length to boot - I would gladly pay $30, gladly free up 3gb (or whatever).

    I am glad there are devs out there still willing to make a premium product, and I am glad there are still plenty of gamers that prefer premium games (like you all!) - not that Angry Birds and Candy Crush are bad games, but I would like to see more games with heart and soul - and I'd like to see them do well :)

    Here's to having Zelda on iOS!
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    ^Totally agree

    Just wish people were a bit more patient, i mean its coming very soon, its not like 6 months away or anything.

    Again the same people would be the first to moan if there were serious bugs etc. I cant wait for this game, glad this games coming this month, sure we'll get some great games later this month ready for Xmas well

    Time to free up the space!
  20. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Oh yes this is gonna be a great game, worth the wait. I'm wondering the space size too but other than that, this game is gonna rock. Now I'm wondering if this would work on my moms iPod touch 4g she loves Zelda and I think this game be up her ally. I may have missed info if it was compatible on that device so any clue? :confused: :)

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