Oceanhorn is game of exploration. You're right, there is lot to explore! Game has very open ended flow, so in that sense there is side missions. You will always know where the main quest continues, but you can always take your boat to random island to check it out. Also, the main quest is designed so that you can play parts of it in whatever order you wish.
Oh boy, I am SO stoked for this one! The graphics and the gameplay just look amazing. A worthy entry in the battle against Zelda for superiority in mobile adventure gaming! @ Fox-One-1: At some times, the animation seemed to slow down or pause. Was this because of the recording quality or is it an issue in the game? Also I can't wait to see how you will handle the use of gadgets with just one button. In most mobile Zelda games this was solved beautifully by having you assign whatever item you wanted to the two action keys you had. Will your one button strictly rely on context sensuality or will we be able to assign the different items freely and play with them? Last but not least: Will we be able to adjust the visibility of the on-screen-controls? Because this is one of those games (together with Ravensword 2 obviously) I could see myself buying an iControllpad 2 and an AppleTV for, so I could chill on the couch to play this in full glory on a big screen. @ psj3809: You are not alone! I myself (and I guess quite a bunch of other players) also prefer to hold the iPhone in 'landscape right'. For me, this is because most of the time I play with my iPhone plugged in for charging and I find it easier to hold it with the cable between the fingers of my right hand (with only headphones plugged in, I change it the other way round though). Also, since I'm right-handed, I naturally hold my phone at the bottom with my right hand, when in portrait mode, so it feels a lot more fluent to keep the home button on the righr hand side, when shifting to landscape mode.
Still not sold on the one button combat. Looked kinda dull in the video. Other than that it looks good, very charming. Better animations could do wonders though.
That's the plan. I don't think any publisher can come up with the deal that would make us interested.
very beautiful and slathered in a hearty, rich, art sauce looking. not sure what i mean by that though, but i like it. thanks for throwing in the mechanic of being able to jump/drop off of ledges. hate the normal mechanic of having to run around needlessly to backtrack.