Universal Noir Run (by Kronnect)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Just bought it. Not bad. Had a quick go. Didn't realize the landscape moved all the time. Thought it was more a traditional platformer. My fault for not realising from the video. So far so good though. It's quite tricky !
  2. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    #22 TapTapGo, Sep 4, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
    I'm Rob from Kronnect Games. Thanks all for the comments.

    Regarding revive options, you have two options:

    a) when your Avatar dies you can spend "gift" points on character improvements which will make easier to finish THAT level next time you play. You earn gift points whenever you overcome any obstacle or foe. Improvements include:

    - Dodge: when you activate this gift, your Avatar will have a small chance to "dodge" a collision with an obstacle/foe, thus preventing instant death.
    - Teleport: similar to Dodge, but your Avatar will reappear in a random location on the screen.
    - Fast React: will automatically activate any power-up collected in special situations (example: will activate shield powerup just before a collision or the wings powerup just before falling into a hole).
    - Resistance: the damage to Avatar's moral will be reduced.

    Some levels are quite challenging... hopefully these gifts will help you to end the day...

    b) ultimately you can also purchase (yes, in-app) "extra lives" which you can consume to resurrect the Avatar and resume the game from that point. This option avoids having to start form the beginning the same day.... and yes, it's completely optional. Just for the impatient.

    See you in Noir.
  3. Crazyboy423

    Crazyboy423 Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    #23 Crazyboy423, Sep 4, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
    Nice game. I was a beta tester
  4. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    #24 Lavender, Sep 4, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
    I beta tested this game.
    Following is my feedback or review.

    When I hear the word 'Noir' it makes me think of the old gritty films that had a darkness and depression about them. With unassuming and sometimes low-key characters. The type of films that had an atmosphere and story that could capture and change the mood of the viewer.
    Noir run is basically, a runner and a little bit platformer. But; can it live up to it's name?
    When you first start Noir Run, you see a somewhat 'Noir" comic strip or story. The man is obviously depressed and finding it hard to smile everyday. When he is home, he works on his avatars and a world.
    I am going to put that intro here because it gives more understanding to the game and answers some of those questions regarding the bright smiley face possibly not belonging in a dark monochromatic world.

    # "Life was not easy. I tried to overcome everyday with a smile.
    In the middle of that chaos, sometimes I had deja vu. Or was it some kind of recall?
    At night, I felt relieved creating my own world. Enjoying the fleeting feeling of false freedom.
    I liked to think that my avatar could find answers in a strange world. Ultimately finding a purpose for his existence.
    I called that world Noir. It reflected my inner feelings. An unsettling place...
    ... full of deadly obstacles...
    ... and fear.
    I had to break in my own way...
    ... and face the ultimate despair ...""#

    So; the bright yellow smiley face is his avatar fighting through 'Noir;' his own world he created from his depressed and fearful mind. I guess you could say that this game explores these issues in a strange way. #
    Dodge, jump, avoid, run and roll your way through each level. There are some fairly hectic obstacles.
    There are also some fun power ups that may or may not be helpful.
    Each level is considered to be 1 day. So... you are trying to make it through one day at a time. When you pass or defeat an obstacle, look above, a letter will appear to continue filling in a motivational quote. When the quote is finished, you must survive the big boss or challenge for 60 seconds. You have survived another day and are then off to the next level.
    So... back to question I stated earlier. ""But; can it live up to it's name? ""
    Well, for me; I say yes and because everything is in the eye of the beholder.. I leave it to you to answer this question for yourself.
    Firstly, I recommend headphones. The background noises that ping from ear to ear are very effective at lending a surreal and eerie presence to the background 'Noir' essence of the game.
    I found that when I wear the headphones, I can get lost in the game and sometimes, when my character meets a cruel demise, I jump a little! LOL
    Each day presents you with new and sometimes unexpected obstacles. It's like a different element each day, that sucks you into this daring and defiant place. And; every time you fight and survive a new day, you might be getting closer to the happiness that the said depressed man might deserve. (I don't personally know if he deserves it. I never met the man! He He)
    If you enjoy games with a surreal uplift and unique strangeness, and moving landscapes (yes, I said moving!) then you will answer yes to the question as well and, most likely, enjoy Noir Run.
  5. jacqth

    jacqth New Member

    Sep 25, 2012
    Game doesn't work if wifi is on, strange!
  6. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Works fine for me with wifi on
  7. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    Developer here!

    There's a new update under way packing some bug fixes and including new additions. Anyone with questions, suggestions or problems can contact us using our online forum at www.kronnect.com.

    Much thanks!
  8. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    I don't know if my posts are considered "a trusted post,", but I'll answer this anyway.

    I see that TapTap posted about the revive stuff.

    If you look at the video that Sanuku posted, you'll see the controls. They're quite simple really. On the left side are the arrows for forward and backwards. The up arrow on the right is for jump. The circle in the center is for a power up when you have one.
    I personally think that the controls work well. Sometimes when it looks like the forward/backwards control isn't working, I realize that it's just me not paying attention to the controls and I'm pressing the wrong spot! LOL

    From time to time, if the ball is gong very fast or at a slight down cline, I'll lose control of the ball for maybe 1 to 2 seconds. but; I believe that it is part of the challenge. Be fast or be cautious.

    It doesn't bother me as if it is a glitch or failed coding because there is a chance to get out of it if you are quick enough.

    I hope this is helpful. I am very tired at the moment from a medical thing.
  9. Joyomi

    Joyomi Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    I was also a tester of Noir Run, the game is very challenging, and it's actually pretty rewarding once you beat a stage. The Smiley character does not go good with the overall style of the game, this was a complaint of mine. I truly like the background and the style of the game, but that character just does not fit in, at all.
  10. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    The innocence of the mysterious guy is represented by the smiley Avatar, the universal symbol of hope which tries to survive in a hostile world.

  11. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
  12. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    Thank you for clarifying the revive option

    Thanks for the controls explanation, but...i got the game before your post and what nobody in this thread mentioned: you have to lift your thumb for left/right. This is (for my preferences) an absolute no go. Not in a hectic game (in a good and challenging way) like this. Also, the hit area is way too small. Move your thumb up just a little and you'll miss it. Obviously i'm the only one having these problems.

    The Devs are here and an update is on the way, so i'm pretty confident to recommend this game, already.
  13. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
  14. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    Version 1.2.1 is now live on the App Store with lot of contents and awesome levels waiting for you in Noir.
  15. Joyomi

    Joyomi Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    I understand that's the message your tying to convey through your game, but I just think it's to off putting for the style of this game. In my opinion, the character is just way to generic, as is the App icon. I'm not trying to sound to harsh, I do love the black and white style, but I just think people will see that smiley face and skip right over the game.
  16. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    Story introduction:

  17. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    #37 Lavender, Sep 7, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
    But... that's why i like it!
    It's different and daring. Because it seems out of place it will possibly be rememberable.
    Also, I believe that dev is working on the story to bring the character and story out more.

    Beauty errr... or apps... surely are in the eye of the beholder. ��

    Interesting enough to me.. I sometimes work with kids and adults with depression. (as well as so many other things)
    Sometimes, it's that one thing. That one bright shiny thing, memory, feeling, person or desire that gets that person through.
    I see that smiley face as possibly being that one thing. The one thing that doesn't falter. Doesn't become a part of that dreery world and instead, keeps going. Proving that although it is out of place and an oddity, it can keep going.

    Heck.. maybe I'm reaching too far?? LOL

    One thing for sure though that I, and some others that I know have experienced. At first, the game seemed a little 'off-putting' with the icon. But, we put on those headphones. We all noticed, that sometimes when our smiley face got out, we jumped a little!And; when we actually completed a level, we were all quite joyous and proud of ourselves!!

    I am so glad that I did not overlook this game. �� �� �� �� ��

    How about adding other colors or faces/balls etc that the player could choose from??
  18. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    #38 TapTapGo, Sep 7, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
  19. TapTapGo

    TapTapGo Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    #40 TapTapGo, Sep 19, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
    Noir Run now free for limited time!

    We're preparing a contest. More details to come soon in the contest section!

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