Cards from a global pool has changed now. You each have your own "hand" of cards to play from. You don't create a deck though, its just random draws from cards that you have unlocked. There will probably be around 80 or so battle cards, which include offensive cards, passive buffs, defensive cards, economy cards, building structures, etc. We haven't quite gotten to the "test on all devices" stage yet. We'll create some baseline graphics presets for beta, but we'll gather feedback from testers to see how it goes on a wider scale. I would think at this point that iPhone5 and up, and iPad Air and up will be sure things. For iPad 4, we'll likely test some more drastic measures to at least get it playable, such as reducing the gameplay resolution, etc. Of course, the best graphics running at 60fps will only be able to run on the highest devices.
War Tortoise creaked and groaned on my iPad4 with the graphic settings turned up on higher than lowest settings... I don't remember the official title for these.. so I would assume with what is going into this experience, it might break my device. Which is unfortunate, but it's the times we live in, man.... Obviously when we get to testing phases I'll offer my decrepit system for your testing whims I do have a Samsung S6 so if this does get added to Android, I'll be good for awhile longer for newer releases.
I really am extremely excited for this game. As someone who has largely abandoned mobile gaming due to the constricting market created by the entire Clash of Clans culture, I always try to come back and keep up on Forsaken Media games. At the risk of sounding like a kiss-ass or shill, I would say Forsaken is one of the few companies left in the mobile gaming sphere that cares about their customers and still produces quality content. With that out of the way, I do have a few questions, and I apologize if any have been asked before, I have only been able to skim through the 31 pages as of now. 1st, I understand this to be a mix between military conquest strategy and actual on the field combat, but I was unclear on if there is a distinct advantage to being on the battleground with your soldiers rather than the top-down tap to move view mentioned previously. Ideally, I would like to feel as if you can influence battles on a personal level as well as being a commander. 2nd, is there a plan for a difficulty level, the ability to change how hard or easy both combat and stratagems are to pull off? 3rd, I think this is a fantastic period of time to have picked, but I am curious, how historically accurate (barring alternative-reality stuff mentioned before) are the weapons/gear? Will the focus lean more towards Civil War era 1860s or closer to WWI early 1900s? 4th, Just clarification, this uses the same engine as previous FM games (H&C etc) correct? 5th and final question, do you plan on having any sort of ability to customize unit types or personalize gear, not talking Call of Duty create your own pattern stuff, more like just light customization to particular aspects of squads to create a bit more connection between players and their units so it doesn't feel as if it's some nameless, faceless group of soldiers dying. I completely understand the busy schedule your team must be under to get the beta out, so don't feel obligated to answer any of this, especially if it's been asked before. Thanks, and keep up the top-notch work. Edit: Jesus, the formatting for this post (or lack thereof) is awful... I'll reedit as soon as I can!
To answer a few questions - yes, there is a clear advantage for playing as your hero on the field... you can never replace player control with AI, depending on your skill level of course. The commands are given more as "general commands" rather than RTS like complete control. In general, I believe the game will be played in a way that most of the time, you will be controlling your hero, and then popping in every once in a while to issue specific orders (if you see a specific situation arise, need to take out specific enemies, etc). Playing as the hero allows me to overcome much greater odds simply through player skill vs if I let the AI do the shooting. Re: difficulty, each map has 3 levels of difficulty you can choose to play. Its a 3 star system, so if you play easy, you get 1 star and you get less rewards. Eventually though, you will have to begin to ramp up your play - or at least go back and complete earlier levels in harder difficulties - as later levels require a certain amount of total campaign stars to progress. We also have random single battles, or "quick play" games that ramp up in difficulty the more you win. Re: history - the game is based more off of civil war era weaponry than WW1 (and there is a reason for that There is a story to the game, but it won't be in beta). Most weapons are fictional, but loosely based on real world counterparts. Some weapons mirror real world counterparts (such as mounted weapons from the civil war and up era: gatling guns, gardner guns, coffee mill agar gun (not common), williams gun (rapid fire auto-cannon, basically - also not common), parrott rifle cannons, whitworth cannon, etc. Honestly, the game started off a lot more historically accurate than it ended up being. Things like weapon stats began as true to their real world counterparts as we could make it, down to muzzle velocities - but we ended up pretty much just going with what felt good in a gameplay sense. That means we slowly added in more rapid fire, fictional weaponry in order to simply make it more fun and add variety. History buffs will hopefully see the influence from real history (actually have done a lot of civil war and WW1 research), but ultimately the game is not historically accurate. Finally, there is no customization for regiments on a per squad basis (there are upgrades and stuff for unit types, but not specific regiments). However, we have officers which are unique characters with unique names, backgrounds, and looks, of all different types (you can have a ranged officer, melee officer, cavalry officer, vehicle captain, etc). You attach officers to regiments. Hopefully, it is the officers will offer that level of "personal-ness" that you might be looking for.
Okay, the time for beta sign-ups are finally here! We're just a few days away from finishing up a good 1st beta candidate and we'll send out invites after that. In the meantime, we'll start collecting applications from those that want to participate. All you need to do is send an email to [email protected] with the following information 1. Make sure to title your email as Noblemen beta 2. your name 3. your device and OS (specific version number, please) 4. your TA name Testers will randomly be chosen. Also, please only apply if you are serious about helping us to improve the game and find bugs. I know some people just want early access, but please only apply if you have time to test and are willing to give constant feedback! Thanks!
I've been waiting for this day for a very long time, email sent!! I was just wondering, r u guys planning on using discord for the communications with the testers or continue using this thread?
Thats a good idea. I haven't used Discord at all, but it'll give it a look. Generally we discourage our beta testers to post publicly anyway (after all, it is a pre-release beta with everything subject to change ) so that will be a great alternative for tester discussion
What ever you guys price it at, I will buy it. I do hope to be in the beta to see if the game is as good as I have seen.
Done and done! Sent in mine as well. And if I do get to test, I can try it on both my iPhone and IPad mini
It's a little naive to tell that the developers should charge at least $10 for a game based on some gifs or screenshots you can't get a clear picture of what the final game is gonna be but don't get me wrong I don't like most ftp games and I rather pay upfront but being a bit more critical on what you buy is nothing wrong.