Universal Noblemen: 1896 (By Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Foursaken_Media, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. Silvercreek

    Silvercreek New Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    #261 Silvercreek, Oct 20, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
    That's good.
    I've been playing this game for about a week and really am impressed so far,you guys are brilliant!
    But,,I was having problems with lag in cities,forests,combined with storms steam wagons, it lagged alot.
    Today just installed the update,and the lagging is much more less now,as far i can tell.
    So good job!!
    I use an samsung andriod,i know i'm pushing the limit,but its working out quite well so far.
    Thanks so much for continuing to support such a great app and listening to issues the players have,its payed off for me at least.
    Btw,those who dont have the required device,might want give it try anyway.

    Oh,also ive dailed down the resolution turned on
    Battery saver and low light.
    Less detail but worth it imo,and dont need that xtra "shine" anyway ;-).
  2. Silvercreek

    Silvercreek New Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    Posts order.

    Is there anyway to show most recent posts first,instead of oldest?
    It's backwards to me,or am not getting it right.
  3. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    Anyone know the best way to get armor? I’ve been trying to find an armor with a high armor stat for a while with little luck. I know there’s the officer and armor pack but I have really no need for anymore officers.
  4. LtChambers

    LtChambers New Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    #264 LtChambers, Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    The developer listens!

    This is awesome! Despite being an Android user, I had to register here in iOS-land to say how cool it is you're posting here. Then again, I can't find any official forum for the game, so it makes sense (but it would also make sense to have an official place to post detailed bug reports and feature requests).

    You already have a great game with Nobleman 1896, especially considering you're a team of 4 people (how long was it in development?)! And it sounds like you're going to keep adding to it. If you do that and polish some things, you can make it a fantastic game (I've already wondered what it would be like to play it on my PC...). Things I love about it already:
    1. The setting. Very few games venture into this period of history.
    2. The mixed gameplay of strategy, FPS and tactical commands. It's a bit like a mini Empire: Total War with an FPS component. :D
    3. Upgrade system
    4. Armor system (despite being unrealistic)
    5. Supporting artillery in battles (airships, forts)
    6. Simple but fun strategy gameplay
    7. It's offline!
    8. No stupid energy system!
    9. Your use of ad videos is very appropriate

    I do have some bugs to report:
    1. I've seen AI use "Retreat" card on an army stationed in its own HQ
    2. I've seen AI use several 3x3 heals on random squares where no AI army is in the 3x3 radius
    3. When I have 2 airships supporting me in a battle, they start right next to each other (parallel), they don't rotate to fire, they just sit there. On the other hand, when I have 3 airships, they also start parallel but didn't just sit there, they rotate and clip through each other. Easy solution: have them start further apart!
    4. "Mine" and "Factory" should not show up as supporting units (or do the miners/workers come out to fight?)
    5. Until you can fix the performance issues of the city and forest maps, disable them in Skirmish (or give an option to disable them).

    And some feature requests :D
    1. Stop the camera bouncing among supply points when starting the player's turn: this is extremely annoying when the player has a bunch of supply points!
    2. Color the US campaign map based on campaign progress: make it feel like the player is actually accomplishing something (bonus points if the player takes land on one part of the front and the Feds lose ground on another part)
    3. Battles are MUCH cooler with the inaccurate supporting artillery (airships, ships, forts, bunkers, hq). The explosions going off everywhere add to immersion tremendously. I'd like to see land artillery companies (cannons/howitzers, not rapid-fire guns) changed to be more like that. And instead of 1-3 units those companies get half a dozen units, but they are much less accurate.
    4. Let me throw grenades! This would also add to the battlefield explosions that add immersion.
    5. Make medium difficulty harder. It's too easy to steamroll the enemy in campaigns. Don't let it turn into a "they send 1 army at me per round and get annihilated every time" game. Although it's good for farming XP. :D
    6. More variable terrain elevation. Maps should be mostly flat, but forts and artillery should have some high ground to be imposing and threatening.
    7. Let me spectate the battle from the airship's point of view. Just for the cool factor. Bonus points if I can control the blimp.
    8. Add more weak spots on vehicles, it's currently too random how damage is calculated against them.
    9. Disable melee damage against vehicles (it's entirely ridiculous)
    10. Allow vehicles to run over infantry
    11. Let me control a vehicle. It would be fine to add them as a class like the 4 classes we have now, so not like Battlefield where you can get in and out of vehicles at will. This is why being able to run over infantry is very important. :D
    12. Make cavalry more effective. They should trample, cut down infantry, then run away, rather than run up to a group and sit there whacking and quickly dying.
    13. Let me build decks of battle cards rather than have everything be random. Some cards are annoying and I don't want them.
    14. Let me set up custom skirmish armies without rewards (other than the giggles of seeing what happens with Gatling guns vs prisoners).
    15. Let me queue up the bombards of bunkers, forts, and [air]ships instead of executing them immediately. That way all bombards happen at the end of the turn, like they do for armies vs. HQ.
    16. Let me queue multiple targets for friendly units so I don't have to keep going back into tactical menu to give them a new target. Battles are short enough and with few enough units that my ideal tactical experience would be to go into the tactical menu once at the start, assign targets, and then play FPS.
  5. gonif

    gonif Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    I finally make it to Nobleman level 7 (which took far too long, btw) and you slap me with a 17,000+ silver cost to actually advance?!?!?! What was all the hard work for then?

    I don't game to grind.
  6. Silvercreek

    Silvercreek New Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    What are you saying??
    There is no 17k silver cost to advance,as far i know.
    Im currently at global7 noble8 did not happen to me.
  7. Teknomancer2008

    Teknomancer2008 New Member

    Oct 24, 2017
    Battle 31

    I have fought this battle over and over, even on the easiest settings, I cannot beat the computer, it has too much of an advantage. If there is a way, I have yet to find it. No matter if I decay one of his supply points, he just regains it next turn. If he does the same to me, it takes two turns to regain, by which point it’s game over. Too powerful by far...
  8. gonif

    gonif Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    Wtf did Foursaken do to the aiming controls in the update? They're all choppy now (and I *still* find my shots often being blocked by invisible obstacles).
  9. Adaptor

    Adaptor New Member

    Nov 2, 2017
    Need some help regarding the game.

    The game is awesome. I am a bit new to the game. I realized that in war campaign an enemy can attack your army with two separate armies. Like another army comes as reinforcements. I just want to know, can I do that as well ? Please someone do reply.
  10. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #270 JCho133, Nov 6, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
    Any news on the elephants?

    Edit: Nvm! Just saw them in the support section.

    Edit 2: Global Rank 16!? Holy cow that's a lofty goal to reach
  11. xfirx

    xfirx New Member

    Aug 3, 2013
    Weapons level

    What is the current max lvl for weapons? Can't seem to get anymore gun upgrades in war shop
  12. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Load out

    1) Different skirmish maps favor different load outs.
    Am I missing an indicator which map is coming up or how to switch load outs?

    Scoped sniper is nearly worthless in city.

    2) Is game progress attached to device or account?
    Playing game on two devices and will need to migrate at least one.
    What’s the best way to save progress/not overwrite an account?
  13. Captainraptor06

    Captainraptor06 New Member

    Nov 27, 2017
    Progress Erased?

    I've been playing the game for awhile now on my LG G5 (current OS) and I finally saved up for a War supplies chest. I then bought the chest and got some amazing stuff out of it. But then, my game force closed and I then opened it again to see that I was back at the tutorial with my Cloud data not coming back. Is there anything I could do?
  14. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Great thoughts! Have added a bunch to possible future updates :)

    1) You switch loadouts after the map/battle loads, so you should be able to see which map it is and then adjust accordingly.

    2) It is tied to both device, and your iCloud account. So the best way to migrate one to the other is to save to icloud in options on the device you want to keep the data for, then on the other device download from icloud.

    Email us at [email protected] with more details and we should be able to help you out! We'll need to know as much info as you can give us about your progress (hero level, campaign level, etc)
  15. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    New update with mulitplayer co-op coming!

    You guys.... never.... STOP!
  16. Rudie

    Rudie New Member

    Feb 5, 2018
    Can’t access armies

    Hi there
    Great game but I think I’m running into a problem, I can’t seem to access any armies other then the infantry and armour busters armies. I have quite a few others collected and units for those armies but am never given the option to choose them at the start of a campaign battle or when I create a new army during the battle. Have I missed a step?

  17. Aleksandr

    Aleksandr New Member

    Dec 14, 2016

    Enemy airship squatted on a strategic point.
    Three artillery batteries, one airship, one scout ship and I was barely making a dent!

    115/3 points held at bay by 15/2?
    When I tried to attack directly, system says “not enough supply” even when maxed out.
    What am I doing wrong?
  18. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    Not sure if this is a bug or not but after finally getting to anti armor lvl 6 and unlocking the tyrannosaur gun when upgrading the firing pin it constantly stays at 1.00.

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