Universal Noblemen: 1896 (By Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Foursaken_Media, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Will we be able to increase units' supply to have them better prepared for battle after movement? While still keeping the 3 move limit intact
  2. Jrcat2

    Jrcat2 Member

    Sep 3, 2017
    Bugs and questions

    Sometime and enemy army with a unit that can bombard but is dead will still try to bombard me. It shows that no units fired and it's always a miss of course but it's every turn and it's just an annoyance.

    Not sure if this is attended but when an enemy has the overgrown (+2 movement cost in forests)card in play. It causes a movement cost even when moving through forests connected by your supply depots.

    Is there any point in saving up for the tire 6 skirmish crate if it costs 2.5x more for 1 more legendary, or should I just buy the tire 5 skirmish crate every time.

    Is there any chance you could add a custom game set up so we can chose what army, difficulty, and map type we want; because I enjoy playing on the forest map on hard difficulty and I would like to play on that more often.

    The open field map could use some rocks right next to spawn or maybe a hill in the middle because Agar/Gatling gun seem to destroy every thing on that map in seconds.

    Is there any chance we could get an all undead army to bring more use to the paladins, also are paladins any good against ghoul/vampires because it looks like ghouls would be able to kill them quickly due to the armor piercing and squad size vs. slow attack speed and low health. But I don't know, I don't have paladins yet so I'm just guessing if that's even what they are meant for.
  3. AdelTruth

    AdelTruth Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    somehow, the animation got ok and i can continue playing.
  4. I have two suggestions about Noblemen.

    I'm huge fun of Foursaken Games.
    My English is not good so sometimes this post might looks funny.

    Basically this game is good game. but sometimes I couldn't understand how to play & good tactics.
    I need more information.

    1.I want to more tutorial.
    I couldn't understand how to use new army.
    This is a complexity game. Especially battle field has a lot of information.
    Every unit has week point, but I couldn't feel work it fine.
    Enemy officers easily kill units before units work. sometimes upper lv week unit kills lower lv strong unit.
    So I couldn't understand stronger and weaker relationship.

    2.We need armies for fun.
    Please tell users to effective way to collect armies.
    Or... give every one to basic armies.

    At first, I thought that Noblemen 1896 is very greedy!
    I bought $60 golds and pay for random supplies but I could collect only 6 armies at global lv 8.
    There is few tactics from 6 armies. It's makes the game dull.
    After I know war shop has new army. I bought armies from war shop and now happy.

    Thank you.
  5. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Yes... "upper cap" would be 8 and you can still resupply beyond 3. Still experimenting with this though, as it does change the usefulness of some cards and some other things, for example.

    Re: bombard - will check that out.

    Re: overgrowth - that is intended. It SHOULD try to auto path around it for the shortest path, but will double check.

    Re: skirmish crate - the chances for the other items also increase, so I think it goes from a 10% chance for a legendary on T5, to a 30% chance on T6. You also get a legendary silver (6000 gold) vs a rare (1000). Also keep in mind that while the shields required are doubled, the battles at that point should be giving you anywhere from 3-5 shields per game... so its not just a linear increase.

    Re: custom game... its on our list as a possible update. We may do a sandbox type battle where you can choose units on both sides, environment, etc... but you wouldn't get any rewards in this case (would strictly be for fun). Don't hold me to that though, its just an idea at this point.

    Re: gatling on field - yes, that map is definitely tough. But snipers, ranger class, or armor you can still break through.

    Re: ghouls are OP... we've nerfed their armor piercing. But I think paladins are pretty good even against regular infantry - they're so armored.

    1. Its not just stat based, in regards to combat... there are so many other factors that its impossible to talk about them all. You can look at stats in the barracks, so you can see the relationship between high level weak units and low level strong units.

    2, 3. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. marcus76

    marcus76 Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Instead of custom sandbox game without reward, I would prefer a custam challenge game where you choose the level of reward then you have a related number of war point to build your army in order to face a challenging randomized enemy. Would be more exciting exploring different army set.
  7. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I'm trying so hard to get into this game. I really am. I still go back and play war tortoise lol.

  8. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    #188 JCho133, Sep 7, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
    It really takes till at least level 15 in the campaign for things to click into place, especially when it comes to the overworled strategy bc it really requires the larger maps.

    But once things do ramp up... OH BABY
  9. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    The enemy hq bombarded one of my armies, and as usual, the game crashed. However, now it just won't open at all and crashes constantly. Anyone else have this issue?
  10. Almerto

    Almerto Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Same here.. i think it's like a server issue
  11. TheKindMind

    TheKindMind Member

    Aug 11, 2017
    Sounds exactly like TA's review. I'll press onwards then.
  12. Black_Hammer

    Black_Hammer New Member

    Sep 8, 2017
    Been enjoying the game so far. I've read TA for reviews and such for a while, but seeing the FM people here made me actually register to post.

    Had a lot of fun with Noblemen so far, but I do have a couple design questions for the devs:

    1. Why include the unit variety if I can't control what gets deployed in Skirmish or with much control in campaign? Unlocking more unit types punishes me in both cases, since it means splitting up XP and my much more valuable silver between types to upgrade more stuff. So I have lower level units, and a good chance of less upgraded stuff being deployed, and all I get out of it is a chance for highly specialized stuff like sharpshooters or cannons appearing in battles where they are more a liability than an asset.

    In Heroes & Castles, you get to pick what gets used, and that made all the difference. Here, unlocking Pioneers has only hurt me, since it drains silver and leaves me with a weak unit inferior in pretty much every way to my highly upgraded Infantry. I'm looking at the War Shop with enough gold to buy Armor Busters, and I can't think of any reason to actually do it.

    2. Related to Question #1, is there any intention to increase the player's ability to choose what units get deployed? I know armies can be rerolled to a limited extent, but that isn't terribly satisfying.

    It'd also be nice to have a set difficulty modes for skirmish. Unlocking a level one unit isn't super fun when your skirmish battles involve mostly lvl 6+ units. Hard to see what's effective when the unit is down six guys and 15% accuracy from what it ought to be.

    3. Giving orders in battle seems like it should influence things, but I feel like units tend to either ignore what I tell them or go about it in a very ineffective way. I see short ranged units in the backfield firing across the map uselessly, or sharpshooters sitting behind rocks or houses that block LOS doing nothing at all. Am I just not applying these the right way, or is the vast bulk of battle tied to using your hero, with allied units there for environmental flavor?

    4. Why do officers have so many levels? 250 apparently, of which several upgrade only a single stat by 5% or less. Why are there unarmored officers with short range weapons that aren't even AP? Is there ever a reason to invest in an officer without a long range AP weapon, when there are some who are armored, AP, long ranged, AND have AoE attacks? The balance doesn't even seem to be close, based on the numbers or in-battle effectiveness I see.

    For example, I have one Felton Robertson, with a 15mm Tyrannosaur. Came at lvl 42. Has 10 Armor, 709 ranged power, and a range of 300/600. Fires slowly, but shoots what appears to be an AoE AP shell. Almost never dies, and can nearly wipe a unit with a single lucky shot.

    Then I have Bob Archer, with a DRUM Autocannon. Tiny range (120/240), no armor, a high rate of fire, but low piercing and accuracy. He dies every time I deploy him, since by the time he gets into range, even Militia are returning fire effectively, and pumping his unarmored body full of holes.

    Is there a reason to spend silver leveling up Bob?

    This probably sounds rather negative, but I'm loving the game. Bought the daily gold pack so I can grab the odd pack here and again when things feel slow, but that hasn't really happened yet.
  13. Jrcat2

    Jrcat2 Member

    Sep 3, 2017

    Do you think you could make a mode unlocked after campaign that is called conquest or something that is a giant fixed map maybe like 10x20 tiles so we can have a giant game that feels like a long all out war. Maybe put three pathways separated by mountains/large forests one side is a bunch of forest squares one side is a long bridge, the middle is all plains/towns, maybe some city's near the bases, and 1 strategic point in the middle of each path.
    If you would consider this idea maybe also tune down the frequency of massive restart, but up the frequency of reset to constantly shift who has the advantage in certain areas like the forest due to cards like overgrowth, make the earth shaker cannon take 16 points to charge up for a longer game.
    Maybe completing this would give you large rewards like an epic crate.
    I think this would be a lot of fun with your new supply system so you can't run across the map and capture everything.
    I also think this would help bring an end to the story like it's their main HQ or something, and give some more end game content.
    I think that this would be a nice addition, because I see the game getting old after the campaign is beaten because all that would be left is skirmish and grinding.
  14. Kenan2000

    Kenan2000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2013
    Is there something like burning forest/plains location in this game?If not,that would be awesome,like it's just the environment,that fire won't deal any damage to anybody.
  15. BlackBlurr

    BlackBlurr New Member

    Sep 2, 2017

    So really like what you guys did with the last update. The bullet mechanics and the video rephreshes have resolved my previous frustrations and still keep the game very challenging and fun. Additionally, while it took a bit to understand, the mechanics of the campaign are very fun and my favorite part of the game. I wouldn't change anything about it other than the low rewards for it.

    One thing I would add is to add an indicator on the silver cart to let you know it's full. It appears there's a max amount that can be in there but there doesn't seem to be any way of knowing when you are at that amount or not.

    There has been a bug hindering my gameplay though. I am no longer able to watch videos. A message pops up saying an unknown error occurred, please try again later. This happened suddenly while I was playing even after I had watched a video a few minutes before.
  16. marcus76

    marcus76 Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    I think there is a server issue as I cannot connect to watch adverts
  17. marcus76

    marcus76 Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    I like the idea
    Would it be possible to do campaign and skirmish in parallel ? Sometimes I would like to pause my campaign and do quick skirmish, but once the campaign is started you have to finish it before playing skirmish.
  18. AdelTruth

    AdelTruth Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    cannot play video

    why i can't play video, always said unknown error occurred. is there like, a specific number of video we can watch daily? i cannot revive my officers.
  19. marcus76

    marcus76 Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Got also video issue
  20. Foursaken_Media

    Foursaken_Media Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Hey, thanks for the feedback. Its a long post so i'll have to respond specifically later...

    Interesting idea. Though, we do plan on continuing the campaign with a new set of missions once we've seen that people have started completing the game.

    Still? Looks like its resolved when I last tested...

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