No replies to announcement thread. Advice?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by nicolasgb, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames :
    Paris, France
    hi everyone,

    Last week I posted an announcement thread for our upcoming iPhone game "Ski Champion", and got no reply at all :

    (message 2 was posted by myself and message 3 was by a friend)

    Can you help me determine what's wrong with my post so I can improve for future announcements?
    Here are some reasons I can think of, wonder what's your take on it :
    • Our ski game is simply not appealing to the TA community
    • Too much text
    • Lousy copy writing, especially the thread title
    • No trailer
    • My post comes too much off as advertisement
    • Timing (saturday 6PM, WET)
    • Screenshots are too bright

    Thanks !
  2. Comicool

    Comicool Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2011
    Melbourne, Australia
    I've found a trailer always helps, but mainly from what I've seen the majority of posts/announcements don't get replies and simply a a couple hundred views.
    Sadly it's hard to stand out in the crowd. I've also experienced similar issues.
  3. Rubicon

    Rubicon Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Lead Programmer, Chief Bottlewasher
    Isle of Wight, UK
    #3 Rubicon, Mar 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2012
    Hi Nicholas, sure I recognise that nickname from somewhere.

    I think a key point you're missing is that this forum is bloody busy and any post you make will drop from view within a very short space of time - minutes at peak times.

    Post a couple of "anyone?" bumps periodically and that should tell you if people missed it or just aren't interested.
    UPDATE: Don't post bump-type messages as that's against the site rules.

    fwiw, I think your post looks terrible tbh. Remove all the bold and colours and stuff that makes it look like "no job too small" classified ad for a local plumber. People are going to think the game must be shite if you can't even make a nice looking plug for it.

    One big ass picture, a link to a video if there is one, and a single paragraph of explanation text is all you need.
  4. headcaseGames

    headcaseGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Mobile Game Developer
    Hollywood, CA
    there's a lot to say, and it really is the same list of things that have been said many times in this forum, so I won't go on too much at length on it. To boil it down, try to look at your thread objectively and compare it to the bulk of what else is out there. Which threads are getting hits, and which are floundering? A quick scan over the hits vs misses often spells it out pretty easily. In your game's case - it looks competent, but it certainly isn't very attention-grabbing. Nothing intense is going on, there needs to be some eye-grabbing splashy action going on (fancy promo art, your "boxcover") to help inspire a little mood at least. The copy is fairly dry and standard, and considering the steady oversaturation of product that usually pops up in this place, there's really nothing to push it over a bit (no matter that the theme isn't quite as done-to-death as some others have been).

    You could even break it down psychologically "harder to relate to visually since the people are all very nondescript, no faces/character/etc." That's just for starters - there's plenty of other things you could do to try to incite a little action in your thread, some discussion. Maybe a little promotion if nothing else (give something away, though you don't need to break the bank!!)

    Once you start getting some talk going, then it becomes easier to attract more attention - getting over that 1st hurdle is the toughest, so many things sink like a rock from the get-go these days if people don't really put much effort into marketing. Treat it as importantly as any other part of the process, and see if you can't turn it around a bit.
  5. GSnyder

    GSnyder Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2010
    The posting looks pretty good to me in its current state.

    For me, the issue is "coming in March". I remember the headline going by a few days ago, and I ignored it. Why spend time to read about some game that isn't even available?
  6. aviadbd

    aviadbd Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Software n' stuff
    What would you say about my post on Firewall, then? I tried to do it like all the others, or so I thought..
  7. headcaseGames

    headcaseGames Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2009
    Mobile Game Developer
    Hollywood, CA
    hmm. read my wall of text above and see where you fall! I watched your youtube vid, and with the sound off, it doesn't really hold my interest at all (this is a good test of how your average youtube viewer will see your vid). Once again, you need to have some gimmicky stuff going on (good name, interesting illustrations, maybe some well thought out promo campaign) to spark a bit of interest. otherwise unless you have a particularly trendy game, it's tough to get past a first page or 2 of a thread these days.
  8. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    So in that thread is Yixian your friend ? If so that puts me off as your friend isnt obvoiusly going to say 'looks bad', he'll say its great whatever.

    When i saw that thread i liked the look of the game but i prefer seeing a video of the game in action rather than screenshots.

    I dont mind IAP's at all but i dont like the sound of the ones you have, so the games free and then you buy IAP's as 'passes' to play the game ? So i presume i have to keep buying passes to play this ? To me that doesnt sound good. It mentions you get them for free at a 'rapid rate' but i've heard similar things in the past so i'm a bit doubtful. Dont think that system really works well at all.

    I dont mind a game being free then i pay xxx to unlock it, fair enough. But to basically keep buying 'play tokens' sounds bad and that put me off right there. I buy a lot of games but thats what put me off this upcoming game, hearing about these 'passes'.
  9. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    well i would say the ta community did not respond to both guys games because they simply did not like them..

    also in such threads its best to combine screenshots & a video.. not one or the other.. its a synergy connection there..

    you see a screenshot that attracts your attention and you click on the video..

    if there is only a video and the preview still doesn't attract your attention you're more likely not to watch that anyway..

    as for text.. its secondary.. similar to app descriptions people want to see stuff first and not read alot of pr blabla..
  10. thedollarhunter

    thedollarhunter Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    I agree, things seem to move SO quickly on here. Need something special to get noticed - note to self "make a great app" ;)

  11. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames :
    Paris, France
    Thanks a lot for the feedback everyone ! I'll try to edit the thread once I have a trailer. I'll need to rework my copy too as I'm not a native English speaker (even worse, I'm French)

    Rubicon -my nickname sounds familiar from the indiegamer forums, as does yours of course ;-)

    Also, psj3809, thanks for your comments ! I appreciate the honesty and shall try to reply equally honestly :

    Actually I don't think I know Yixian. Or maybe it's someone I know under a nickname, as I lived in China for a few years? Anyway, another reply was posted by a friend as a way of support, and I assume it was deleted by a moderator who saw this post ^^ (no worries there)

    By all means do feel free to comment on the actual thread, maybe it'll help it get some traction :D

    Passes refill for free at a rate of about 10-20 per hour (still tweaking this), so you can keep playing for free eternally, just not 24/7. The idea is that the average gamer will only play for a few minutes several times a day (say during commute or coffee break), so he'll never have to pay. Also upon installing players will start with a large number of passes (about 100 or so), and will be able to earn 40 more free by rating the app or subscribing to our mailing list.

    I can see where you're coming from, though, and appreciate that not everyone will be ok with our system. We implemented it because it's simple and because it's fair. It doesn't give an advantage (time, superpower...) to paying players as we wanted this to be a competitive game.

    As for the "unlock" IAP, I can see why you would prefer it but the economics simply do not work for most developers. I can explain why if you like.

    I did hesitate on giving specifics on our IAPs in the announcement thread, but thought it was more honest and less misleading this way.

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