Android No Escape: Minimalist mobile game [Puzzle - Arcade]

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Nns_design, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Nns_design

    Nns_design New Member

    Sep 29, 2021
    Hello everyone! I made my first game and i am very happy about it. I am interested in game development about 2 years and finally released a mobile game. Its not perfect but i am proud of it. I would be gladful if you the game and give me some good advice about it: Is it a good game overall ? Which areas i should improve myself ? Or should i quit making games?


    No Escape is a simple game with basic controls. Main task of the game is keeping the ball in the center of circle. Its easy to learn but hard to master. When the ball hits to parts of the circle; parts get destroyed. And if you can manage to destroy last part; a new circle appears. If the ball escapes from the circle you lose. Every hit adds up to your score. With your highscore you can change appearance of the ball and the tail which follows the ball.

    I'm still working on updates to improve the game so feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you find any glitches or believe the game could use an extra something, let me know. Thank you.

    1920x1080.png 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png

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