Nintendo 3DS: Portable Gaming Will Never be the Same

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by dancearcade1, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Hitch

    Hitch Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    The Lonely Island
    What other features? (if you don't mind me asking)
    I'm just wondering because the NPG has more "touch input", dual analog sticks, higher resolution and much more memory, graphical power, etc.
    I'm just wondering what makes the 3DS better than the NPG besides the 3D.
  2. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
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    USA WA
    #42 Omega-F, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
    It always boils down to the same thing in these type of threads. Oh well, with the 3DS portable gaming will indeed never be the same. I always dreamed with having Ocarina of Time on the go, and in a couple months I'll finally have it... and remastered. :D

    Right now it's impossible to compare 2 systems that are not even out yet (3DS in NA at least), so deciding which one is "better" is kinda pointless. What I'd say, and like I mentioned before, technology and features are good, but they don't mean squat if the actual games are not good portable games. Look at the DS and the PSP, the general consensus is that one system is more liked than the other one, and it isn't precisely the most powerful ;) The DS did an admirable job at creating original games that had a perfect balance between portable and incredibly depth experiences, while the PSP (with a few exceptions) failed to do portable gaming right because it desperately tried to replicate the "home console" like experience, which the market has demonstrated that that's not what it wants from these systems.

    From what we've seen so far, Sony is going the exact same route with the NGP....
  3. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    edit: oh forget it, I take it all back, I just read what he posted above me, you're right on that one.

    Oh right, 1) I didn't realise developers had to pick one console and only develop for that one console, even when is becomes outdated and 2) I'm pretty sure I already addressed that point in the post you quote.

    I'm not disagreeing that general devices can play games, but come on, you're comparing something that costs $250 to something that costs $1000++
    Cost aside, they aren't even designed for the same purposes (okay I guess dedicated gaming laptops would be an exception there)
    It's just nonsensical to compare the two, IMO.

    Fair enough, but for myself and a bunch of others, I cart around an iPod Touch, not an iPhone, and I carry it pretty much just for the games. So carrying a 3DS isn't much different to me.
  4. Epox

    Epox Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    The most important feature is that they have Nintendo
  5. Watabou

    Watabou Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    I specifically said the 3DS is "on-par" with the NGP.

    And by other features I meant that it has better graphics than it's predecessors, more power and memory than them and has a decent set of preloaded applications including AR games.

    I think the NGP is great too and I'm pretty sure I'll buy that too once I saved up enough money to do so down the road.
  6. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    #46 Zevious Zoquis, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
    thats great. Sometimes I want to do that too - and I'll go do it on my PC or my PS3. If I want some Mario action I'll go play some Gamecube or GBA or DS (or my Wii, lol...forgot I have that :) ).

    The point I'm making is that the market is different now than it was when the original DS launched. Theres a large segment of the gaming market who are like me - we aren't looking for the "console experience" on a portable device. We're looking for games to play when we've got a few minutes to kill here and there through-out the day. Prior to the ios gaming we had limited options - either you get a DS or a PSP or you don't game on the go. Now however, we have a very viable option in the ios games. I have no inclination at all to invest in a 3DS becuase the ios games fill the need perfectly. The question is, out of all the millions of people who bought DSs in the past how many are like me and how many are like you? I argue that a large percentage ar elike me - satisfied with what the iphone can do and not at all interested in acquiring another device for portable gaming.
  7. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Damn, I'd wish they were the lowest percent on the market because that attitude of "what the iOS do is good enough" is destructive as hell.

    The 3DS will have the support of the people who appreciate value and are willing to pay $40 for their gaming time.

    The smartphone gaming will have the "support" of the people who are happy with casual diversions, and/or apps that will keep you entertained for a couple minutes until you find something else to do.

    Two completely different markets in my opinion.
  8. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    #48 Zevious Zoquis, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
    I'm willing to pay $40 for my gaming time. I'm just not willing to buy a 3DS to do it on.

    But you're right - two different markets, which is exactly my point. It used to be one market - now its two.
  9. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    That was not my point.... The smartphone gaming is its own new market. It's not taking anything away from Nintendo, and if it is, it's probably the 8 years old kid who didn't even purchased DS games, but got a R4 to pirate games from the Internet. So instead of being worried, Nintendo should be happy of getting rid of that kind of audience imo.
  10. Watabou

    Watabou Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    #50 Watabou, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011

    Okay I enjoy a fair amount of iOS games. Casual games are the best because they typically cost 99c to around $13 for Chaos Rings. And what if you want indepth games? Well for indepth games, you either have:

    1. A port
    2. Buggy games
    3. Gameloft games
    4. Compromised games.

    I don't know about you but I don't want any of those. The iOS is only good for casual gaming but if you need something more, you have to have a dedicated gaming device.

    I mean there are some good indepth games if a good company decides to develop for the iPhone but so far, the only indepth game that beats any iPhone game hands down is Chaos Rings. There are some good ports too namely Crimson Gem Saga and Phoenix Wright. And those are just few games. For the rest, you get a buggy version of a game because there isn't enough development time gone into the game compared to a polished DS/PSP game. Examples: Aralon and Dungeon Defenders. They had great potential but they are infested with lag and crashes. Gameloft games are just clones with little to no updates. I bought several gameloft games but I felt no satisfaction at all from playing them. And then you have the games that have to be compromised in order for you to be able to play them on the iDevice like lack of any buttons and such. Look at Infinity Blade. I won't deny that it's an awesome game but they had to compromise it from being a full fledged RPG game without rails and look at it now. Now you just fight the God King over and over again and that gets stale after a while.

    On the other hand, for people who don't want to deal with those headaches, they would go buy a dedicated gaming console. It's as simple as that really.
  11. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    No, smartphone gaming isn't its own new market. Lots and lots of people who are buying games on the app store are people who bought DSs and Gameboys in the past. I'm one of them. I don't think Nintendo is going to be too happy about losing any portion of its audience - and I suspect it might be a bigger portion than you imagine...
  12. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    Don't think so, but anyway, 3DS is coming out this month so we'll see how it performs. I think it will do kinda decent. Hehe ;)
  13. Epox

    Epox Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    3DS will do a lot better than NGP
  14. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
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    Dec 10, 2008
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    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    I should note this comment because it rarely happens with Omega-F, but I agree wholeheartedly with this -- both the Ocarina of Time point and the point about the 3DS vs NGP.
  15. Zevious Zoquis

    Zevious Zoquis Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    oh it'll perform great for a while - just like it is in Japan. Theres lots of Nintendo fans who will jump right on it. I just don't think its going to end up selling like the DS did. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it ends up selling half what the DS has...
  16. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Sure it is. People who love games go to consoles for games, not phones. People get into iPhone gaming because they needed the phone anyway and it seemed like a good choice. A huge percentage of iPhone owners who are gamers will also own other gaming devices, not many people start off this way.

    Gimmick or not, 3D is massive business these days, absolutely everyone is pushing it and right now, it's still selling. Sure it might die off, in fact I kinda hope it does, but the 3DS is gonna rake in some impressive sales before that happens and afterwards it'll continue to sell on it's other strengths. At the very least it'll match current DS sales simply because it's taken over and supports the DS library.
  17. Pyro

    Pyro Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    My house
    While I know that debates aren't always bad things (this one seems to be very constructive actually), I figure I should throw this out there:


    3DS, NGP, and iOS are all completely different markets that appeal to completely different people.

    1. 3DS players will most likely be Nintendo fans that love the company's many classic series that continue to hold up to this day.
    2. NGP players will most likely be people who want a near-console experience in their hands.
    3. iOS gamers are mostly (Most but not all! Just speaking generally! Don't get offended!) people who want a quick 5-minute fix and aren't looking for an epic 50+ hour RPG or a hardcore shooter. They just want bite-sized fun.

    My point is that there is a market for all three of these devices. I dream of a better world where all of them (and all of their respective players) can live in harmony and not have to worry about which is better than the other when all three are so completely different.
  18. Omega-F

    Omega-F Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Graphic Designer
    USA WA
    That's what I love so much about the DS: it nails all those three markets (those looking for games with console like depth, portable games, and bit sized, quick fun) perfectly. Here's hoping the 3DS follows the steps of its father.
  19. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    One can't help but wonder why you spend so much time here.
  20. astralucid

    astralucid Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    3d effect is so gimmicky, I'm not really interested with that feature but some of great third party games like MGS and new Resident Evil looks promising indeed.

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