If we all buy this do you think it will prompt them to make a port of (or sequel to) the DS Ninjatown TD game? I'd love to see that on the iPhone. Pleeeeease!
Hi all Another Venanite here. I can't say that we'll definitely make the TD version for iphone if this game does well, but I can say that we will keep working with the Ninjatown world if we have a reason to. We like Ninjatown quite a bit, so we'd love to do more with it.
Last VenanEnt tweet: "#TreesOfDoom sale coming up, we're going to push for the Top 10! Tell your friends and help us bring more Ninjatown to the iPhone!"
Just bought it at the sale price. After playing it, I wouldn't have minded paying the higher price. Awesome Game!! A lot of fun!
Definitely going to update. We have a lot of neat ideas and plan to support this for quite some time.
Are you planning on adding a resume feature to come back to the game you were playing once you exit the app? That was really my only gripe.
I've asked this on twitter to Shawn and in my review but are you going to make it so there are skins like Anti-Ninja, Yeti Ninja, Ninja Consultant, or Aqua Ninja??? I'd love it AND you! Even for dlc!
Yes. I got it for $1.99 - EASILY WORTH IT - and it's a steal at the sale price. Oh, and it's one of the apps on my homescreen now.
Are you guys gonna make it so that after you get past a certain point, you can restart from there? I've barely played the game because I'm already extremely tired of playing up through until about 800, until I finally have to start paying attention, and I'm not even good at this game. I'd really appreciate being able to start from 500 or 1000 or something. What I suggest is making it so that you have to beat the checkpoint score three times before you can choose to start there. That way its not like you were just really good once, but you can actually consistently get there. This would also allow the checkpoints to start at something like 500 instead of 1000, whereas if you only had to beat the score once, 500 seems really low. But after beating 500 three times, its really annoying to have to replay that section while trying to get 1000 (or higher). For me, starting from the bottom wouldn't be so much of a problem, except for how it does take a fair amount of time for it to get interesting. I think it takes about 2 minutes to get to 500, and 5 to get to 1000. I hate wasting that time. Finally, I know this would remove some of the difficulty, but I occasionally find myself wishing that I could climb downwards and am annoyed that I can't. I understand that in other vertical platform games you can't go back down, but this game is different. When climb up past the obstacles, it feels like you should have the opportunity to retreat and try again if you don't like your timing. In horizontal games you can do this. I guess the problem would be how this would fit into the controls, though.