Universal Nimian Legends : BrightRidge HD (by Robert Kabwe)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by redribbon, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Nice photos -and thats a pretty high frame rate. I added in the "unlimit frame rate" at the last moment because a player recommended it and i didnt even know that it would work. Its funny because i was trying the game on defaults on my mom's iphone 6S the other day and i was like "ill just try that feature" and bang the frame rate shot up, so thats good to know with like the iPhone 8 and higher the game will be ready to possibly do a steady 60fps - thats why a lot of these features were built in to account for whats coming i the future. But im also working on new updates that will allow full textures - right now there is a full texture option but its really only about a third to a half of what the actual gae textures in my projects are, so there is room to grow:)

  2. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    I suspect its probably the price of cool visuals:) But think if i can optimize the cpu usage t would porbaby help the battery life. Ive been optimizing that a bit each update so there's no one specific solution for that, but as i work on Vandgels and BrightRidge at the same time they wull both get the same optimzations,a nd as i learn more about coding (for example WaveLightGames a few posts before showed me how to readout my memory) it should imporve over time. As for which effects use more battery power, im not sure but i would generally say the faster the framerate and the lower the quality the less juice the game will use.

  3. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks stelph:)

    I havent heard of Gamevice but ive checked them out. It looks kind of neat and i think that mobiles are moving towards being more like consoles every day, and gamepads are a big part of that.

    Its experimental because Unity doesnt ave built in support for pressure senitive buttons, so in BrightRidge if you turn on MFi Options > Settings > Controls (i think, im going from memory here:) you can only use the joysticks on your game pagd and one button.

    i JUST bought a plugin called InControl last night, and i am going to add it into the next update or two, its probably one of the most popular gamepad plugins in Unity and i can see it supports dozens of gamepags, maybe even Gamevice? Its extra important for me to get it working fully, not only because its cool to hook your IOS device up to the tv and play with a gamepad (ive done it) but because i really want to get the mac/pc (with expanded graohics and global illumination) and Apple Tv versions out, and all thats really missing is the gamepade support, so hopefully i will be able to figure it out and get all of us on gamepads soon:)

    PS thank you for the tweet too - BrightRidge needs all the exposure it can get:)

  4. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks Mariko - that kind of support helps a LOT:) Im very excited to actually get a newer iPad so o can see first hand how the game runs, and im curious about the next generation of devices that are coming in the next few years - they are SOOOO powerful compared to what we had just five years ago. Anyways i really appreciate you sharing the game - the more people that know about it, and hopefully enjoy it, the more chance it has of eaching the size of audience I need to be able to work on this game and others full time - then i could really show the world what i can offer instead of just working on it part time after work:) I think there could be so much more to these games.

  5. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Im glad to hear you find it a good value. I get a lot of feedback that says the opposite sometimes and its hard to hear but essential to hear what everyone has to say. On my worst days i find it very unpolished, but ive come to acept im doing me best as a solo dev part time and i am just so plain enjoying creating and sharing these worlds that i try not to listen to that negative voice in my head, so its extra encouraging when i hear someone like you say its good value for money. onestly one of my big goals for teh game was to make it like a stick of gum - i grew up ina single mother family, not a lot of money, electricty cut off etc... and i just wanted to price it in a way taht it could reach as many people as possible. And I hate surprise bills from any source - i prefer peole to know exactly what we are paying for, so no in app purchases (which are fine in the right circumstances) and just the full experience for one price.

    Im pretty (well kind of) confident that if i can finish Vandgels (its coming along great) and get that Mfi support in (which will allow me to release the Mac/PC and AppleTV versions) that i will get closer to realizing my dream of sharing the wider world. By the way here is a pic of the world map from http://nimianlegends.com/empires - i ve had this world in my head a long time and these games are like pieces of the world in your pocket:)

  6. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #1766 Nullzone, Aug 2, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    Just hopping by really quick to say that this is one of your best pictures so far. Why? Details.
    Folks, pay attention to the sunlight reflection on the water, left of the cliff. That looks SO realistic, I'm staring at it in total awe for a few minutes already.
    And the lit-up clouds on the right look like I've seen them in real life, really outstanding work here.

    UPDATE: As Protopop jumped in with another post between:
    If I ever again see you use the word "unpolished" for your work, I'll come over to Canada and inflict ... hhmm, what do you folks do for severe punishment? Extreme crocheting for an hour, while wearing a Mounty uniform and drinking maple sirup? :p
    Get over it, yours is one of the best I've seen in almost 40 years of gaming. Just accept you're great. Oh, and look up what the German proverb "sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen" means ;)
  7. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks - I love design feedback - and a lot of it eventually makes its way into the game world, or at least informs some of the decisions i make. even if i dont follow it exactly its hard to no be affected in some way by feedback - even when its negative i can say its often led to me improving the game:)

    I actually did try fuse, and the results scared people:)


    My other option was Daz 3d - ive been making really amazing characters in that


    , bt their licensing restrictions, complicated export and high poily count made it unfeasible to use, which is ytoo bad, because ive been looking for that holy grail of cool character design for years. Someday someone is going to combine all of this and make a really great app for that, and i think fuse comes close, but its not quite there yet, at least for me.

    When i was looking for my initial characters i was most inspire by Fable - so almost cartoony and stylized, which i love. But yes the landscape is more towards photo realism, but it was hard to find more photo realistic, polycount appropriate characters, and i found myself drawn towards more stylized ones like the current barbarian girl, which i bought from one of my favorite game artists Bitgem : https://shop.bitgem3d.com/

    So its just sort of a stylistic decision i feel most comfortable with - it might work better in Residi Bay, which is a Mediterranean environment more in the style of over watch or blizzard games in terms of a stylized look. Its also kind of like the last Guardian (my favorite game) where the main character, teh boy, is stylized compared to the photographic environment.


    I thin the final part is that i buy most of these models, so i also kind fo have to go with what i can find, but im pretty happy so far. But ill think about what you said - although I do have an overall art direction, its always evolving,a nd i think as i make kore game worlds and learn more we might see more influence you described in different worlds:)


    Im glad you mentioned the auto quality setting - thanks to a push last week by Shining Jade on the forums, the latest version of BrightRidge 7.6 actually detects all IOS devices correctly for the first time. You can see it if you goto Options > Settings > Quality > Resolution at the bottom. I use Unity 5.2 so i couldnt detect newer devices, but instead i detect them by their device id codes which dont change. I spent last week tracking them all down, and ive collected recommended settings for iPad Pro and iPhone 6s and iPhoen 7 from players and will do exactly that in the next update - so look for higher, custom set quality in devices then. BTW if you have an optimal set of quality to suggest for your device (which one is it? i cant remember if you told me) please let me know. I only have an iphone 6 and an iPad air 2 and ipad mini 2 so im relying on players to let me know how it performs on other devices:)

  8. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen
    To place his light under the bushel

    lol:) im going to retranslate that and say its to light a fire under his A** :)

    Thank you - yeah, Canadians have a reputation for being polite. I actually love that we say "sorry" to people all the time - i know it upsets some people, but i think its a sign of strength and of being comfortable with ourselves, and for just generally respecting people. But of course teh world is made up of all kinds of flavors otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. i hope i can continue to ut that kind of diversity and thinking different in my game worlds. Thanks for the boost:)

    That water is anew trick i learned for vandgels, becuase its a lot more vertical i can hide the realtime water after a certain height and use prerendered water at a certain altitude and it looks realy good i think. I spent a lot of time rendering the clouds - i like it dramatic - and i am trying to more to a fully procedural sky system, but for now i find that digitally painted clouds still look so much more compelling - it was alot of work and im glad you noticed the details:)
  9. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Interesting translation, but no ;) it means you're selling yourself and your abilities short. So ... stop doing that, willya?
  10. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    I think this is what Walter Benjamin spoke of when he talked about the spirit of translation differing from its literal meaning:) and will do on the short sell;)
  11. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    #1771 stelph, Aug 2, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
    Its defiantly good value for money, as mentioned I'm new to the game but it's clear a huge amount of work has gone into it and the world that's been created in lightbrudge is fantastic, and the footage of Vandgels is as close to Zelda:Breath of the wild that I've seen! It's clear that there are some rough edges and i was lucky that I was able to come and read the thread to work out why I was getting crashes when I tried to max out all the settings on my iPad Pro, but even with those I'd still say it's easily worh more than the current asking price

    The world you have planned looks fantastic, and I agree I think the game will do well on the Apple TV where I think you'll get a lot of interest! I look forward to exploring more of the world and supporting you in future

    EDIT: I've just seen Gamevice have tweeted back, sounds like they're impressed and will reach out to you soon - they're defiantly the biggest players in the MFi controller world at the moment so if anyone can advise you about adding controller support it's them

    Attached Files:

  12. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    And looks like they've offered you a controller to help test support for a controller #
  13. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    is MFI controller supported? just wanna make sure before buy
    apple should had enforced MFI controller support YEARS again or at least show some icons on the app's page like game center used to be ........
  14. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @henry: start reading one page back http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=4037236#post4037236 ;)
    MFI works, but with only one button currently. Gamevice offered to help Robert with implementing that better, right above your post. So, for full MFI, have some patience.

    Also, that rocks that they offer to help you. Well done, @stelph!
  15. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    I'm a big fan of Gamevice, theyre really pushing MFi controller gaming by offering to support devs and running their own site where they list all the games supporting mfi since the App Store won't let you search for them


    It's a great feature to add as well as the mfi standard means if controller support is added, all controllers will work including Apple TV, and I'd bet mfi controller owners are the most likely to snap up supported games, particularly ones as grand as this.

    Have to admit, offering the controller was a step further than I'd expected, they obviously see the quality in the game!
  16. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Frankly, if you want a Switch-like controller for your iOS games now, look no further than Gamevice.

    Still waiting for the device for my future 10.5" iPad Pro

    Side note: the great Afterpad is working for Gamevice now, good support ensures! ;)
  17. stelph

    stelph Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 16, 2016
    Agree, I have a switch but I am very close to selling it now as other than Zelda i'm not really feeling many of the games coming out for it - plus with the Gamevice and games like this, GRID Autosport, Total:war etc it feels like the iPad will actually do a lot of what I need from the limited time I have to game now!

    yes I saw his announcement, have followed his site for years and its certainly a plus for Gamevice who look like they're trying to expand their market, they've just announced a Samsung Galaxy S8 controller as well

    Just finished the first "story" mode of love and Tin - No spoilers but I thoroughly enjoyed it as a warm up to the game and the storytelling and cinematography were excellent - the final image certainly tugged on the heartstrings! I know the games are first and foremost environment and exploration type games but I assume there are also going to be more stories added over time?

    With the experience with Zelda: Breath of the Wild it feels like you have gone in the same direction as them (they've gone in the same direction as you!) in that they developed a living/breathing world first with people and taska and then added the main story ontop, I think this helps keep the game feeling natural as you poke around and come across things in your own time if you dont want to follow the overarching story at the time
  18. Xcxc

    Xcxc Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2017
    are there any plans to add more chapters to NL:brightridge?

    or we'll have to wait for the new game (NL:Vandgels, this is a new game right?)
  19. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Yea the snake idea is awesome!
    Yea I believe all the iPad pros could definitely use a higher upgraded setting and the manual save setting is a nice idea !
    Sad your setting can't do what Minecraft scan do, but hope you find a similar way it is quite handy ^-^
    Gotta say I love this game it's gorgeous!
    Fun to play, even more amazing in explore mode when you have no worrys #
  20. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    This is gonna be awesome!

    I can't wait to see everything knowing your game is Premium & offline supported if they are separate purchases I'll buy them # Anything to help support this amazing game!

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