The screenshots are awesome as usual my personal favorite is number 4, with the shadow Giska. And I got something that you might find interesting: I hear you two know each other already from the Unity forums. Pixelcry uses sectr for (un)loading zones in his open world game. Got curious when he mentioned it, and thought it might be something for you as well.
Hi Nullzone - sorry for the long time to reply - i have been crazy busy working on the story mode and im on the final act 4 Thanks for the Sectr information - it looks very interesting. The more i work on the game the more i finesse it and maybe i can use this streaming tech in a future update. Ill post a short trailer below that shows some of the scenes from the story mode
Thanks! Yeah i really like it too. Of course i always look at it and see what i would like to do more, but its pretty good for one person (and the asset store so i try to appreciate it it, and its easier when i read comments like yours Here's a short trailer for the quests - im also making a "Wonder" trailer thats softer with more of the quiet moments - watching fireworks, pollinating flowers etc.. Most of the story mode is non violent nature based quests so i want to be sure to communicate that with the other trailer. I think a lot of people come to brightridge expecting more action so i dont want people to be disappointment with like "whats all this nature stuff" Ill post that trailer soon. In the meantime...
No worries, I suspected something like that don't overdo it, yes? Not good when you overwork yourself. The trailers are very nice, I especially liked the music in the "Small Wonders" one. And looking forward to see the fireworks.
Thanks And yes i am a firm believer in making sure not to overdo things and get rest. I overdid things once years ago and i dont want to do that again. Im making really good progress and am on the last act. I like the fireworks and originally they were white, and my mom was like "no colored ones?" so i made the switch. Its all these little comments that make their way into the game - sometimes they sounds like so small but they make me think, and i like seeing all these little influences make it into the world Find the Light Trailer
Holy cow! Those videos are amazing!! # Seriously, they should be promoting your game at the WWDC to show off new Apple hardware. VERY well done, my friend! #
Hah, I told Robert the same thing a good while ago already; but I assume that our dear dev is just too modest to jump at Apple with a "check THIS out!" Wouldn't mind saving him the trouble, if he's okay with it. Does anyone have an idea where to send this best? Couldn't find a general or marketing contact email right away.
Thank you - wow, what an ego boost, and I need one Once BrightRidge is finished (v3 quests coming up and then a final v4 polish/bugs update) i will look into more seriously marketing it to some of these channels.
Wow those are great deals Thank you for the scoop. I love their work and i have few of their assets (in fact there were 3 that were in the original version of the game, they didnt end up working in BrightRidge but i will probably sue them in the desert version DoonPillar)
I'm finishing the last 2 chapters of the Story mode tomorrow (there are about 50 chapters, some longer some very very short). On average id say the adventure is about 1.5 hours of gameplay - plus you can play storymode or adventure mode -adventure mode is the original brightridge, no story, no interruptions The overarching nature of the story is about friendship and nature based quests, but there is also quite a few more epic moments. About 3 of these are a bit violent but more of a flash and bang thing than actually harming anyone. A fan of the game wrote me and asked that it be EPIC So i posted a quick capture of some beta footage with one of the more action-y scenes. It's unlisted because it has what could be some spoilers for parts of the gameplay. But i thought i'd post the link here too. I figure anyone who is inetersted enough to come to this thread might be interested in some footage. warning - Its poor audio with temp dialogue. Also i forgot to deactivate the jump pads in my test, so they make an appearance a bit early. One of the nice touches of an open world wilderness is the world goes on around you. Catch 1:29 on the right and you'll see the Ent Mother and her child fleeing the action. Warning-story spoilers in this link
Hi currymutton I' about a day away from finishing the new storymode version 3 update. Then i will be doing another optimization pass, and a final playthrough to find any game breaking bugs i might have missed. Then ill submit it to the app store. Im also planning a final version 4 update to fix some bugs, add some polish, and a few things that i feel are essential but didnt make this cut. If i can sell at least a few thousand, it should be enough to convince me that its safe to deliver the sequel, or side-quel actually - they would be from the original unreleased game, and include 3 other nations - the seaside cliff city of Residi Bay, the puzzle filled desert tombs of DoonPillar, and the dragon kingdom of GoldenWood. There was a few years work on this before i committed to the pared down world of brightridge, and there are so many places ive mad than no one has seen. I would love the chance to be able to bring them to life alongside this game