I think you're looking for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_occlusion in general, and more specifically this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_space_ambient_occlusion. Short explanation: it makes pretty lights
Gorgeous looking game. One suggestion. How about adding collectibles, eg. Like the Orbs in Crackdown. Having to search every corner of the game to find maybe 500 in total of these would make the whole experience much more rewarding for me at least.
There already are "collectibles" did you notice those purple glowing orbs? Or all the details in various nooks and crannies you can discover? They just aren't listed as collectibles, achievements, etc. Which is good in my book. There is not even a list of landmark orbs, where you can check if you found them all. No Gamecenter, no Leaderboards. Nothing. BR is about the only game I know where I do not insist about having full information about all mechanics (in a broad sense). And in my opinion that's the perfect approach for BR, because it doesn't distract you from the experience. So: "maybe 500 orbs" -> please don't. Those would massively pollute the scenery, and are about as far off from what I think Robert's intentions to be, and what I think people play BR for.
@nullzone purchased on your recommendation, looks great! I have issues with on-screen joysticks, but this looks like the game to push me to finally purchase a controller.
I did notice them and appreciate them. Not what I what I am asking for or the same thing though, even if you try to make them sound so. I like having a goal (and to use your argument... So does a lot of people) - looking at my stats seeing I have collected 280 out of 500 etc. would be just that. In regards to you saying "please don't" no need to go there. Think a little out of the box, as the dev already does. If settings can be changed as much as they already can, sure a "show/hide orb" option would make us both happy. And not just Mr. Nullzone.
Like Nullzone said - they're glad to see the hero. Of course without the quests you haven't done anything heroic yet Part of the quest line involves filling the unkempt, lonely BrightRidge inn with guests.
Thank you for the feedback - it's very helpful I missed that about the fox, its a bug where when you walk through a viewdot in animal form, when you exit you can no longer achieve the stand still animation. Ive already found a fix. Yeah, in general it is hard to look up. I am adding an option to get rid of the automatic view centering that's applied by default, but a fix for now is to goto OPTIONS > SETTINGS > TOUCH DRAG LOOK - turn it on and then you can drag to look around and you can look up, and the view will not autocenter. The ponds should splash when you walk on them so ill look into that. But one thing i was really bummed about is that there's no longer default splashes in rivers. Unity uses PHYSX or something for its physics, and they removed the ability to add triggers to convex objects (or concave, i can remember, but its what my rivers use) - im looking for an alternte solution but for the time being no river splash
Nullzone is pretty close - there is ambient occlusion, its under OPTIONS > PLAYGROUND > EFFECTS > SSAO (which stands for screen space ambient occlusion) and it basically adds little shadows around all the objects and in creases, it makes the scene look more realistically lit, but its a cpu hog and it's off by default. Newer version of unity have a newer ambient occlusion effect so ill be trying out different versions as i upgrade. The Occlusion button in the RESOLUTION tab, that a weird story. Most games, including BrightRidge, use occlusion, so they hide everything that is not visible to the payer, like if something is behind the mountain then we dont show it to save CPU power. BUT it also takes CPU power to figure out if something is hidden or not. Usually it takes less power to figure out whether to occlude (or hide) things than it takes to show everything at all times without figuring it out. BUT strangely in my tests i started to notice that in many circumstances it was taking more CPU to actually hide unseen things than to just show them all. So i added the occlusion button to test. The difference is really minimal, and im not exactly sure which was the better option, so i just left it in and figured in the wild people mat have comments on which one worked better. I think its safest to just leave it on
I'm sorry to hear that Do you mean this trailer? Its been a while but I know that it's in morning time, and the only big differences are now reflections are off by default on iPhone6, i removed that stone altar, and there is a new mud instead of that rippling sand texture (which i want to add back) - also the text used to have a small black outline aound it back then, but it was interfering with he speed of the game, not a lot, but performance was so key i had to remove every last thing i could do to squeeze out cpu power Some screenshots and a couple of videos where filmed off the mac, but i know this one was filmed on the iPhone itself. Maybe for it i turned on Far shadows, which i find makes huge difference in the quality of the scenes, and i might have turned the grass density from medium to high? If you meant a different trailer please let me know and ill comment on what i can
Thanks Leegames I like your idea about an on/off button - that works so far for the enemies, and as Nullzone points out there's different ways to approach the game. The upcoming quests will give some more structure, a reason to explore the environment. I like goals and quests too, so i see it as what will really "finish " the game. Im not sure about implementing collectibles per se, but its definitely an interesting idea (i really jumped to the top of so many buildings i Crackdown hunting those orbs too, and it can be a meta game in itself so ive put it on my list to explore it a bit more. Thank you for the feedback. I mention it a lot on the forum, but it all really becomes a part of the games DNA and its very helpful.
Hi MintDragon - that was really nice of Nullzone to recommend BrightRidge, and I'm glad you're trying it out I am working on MiFi support and hopefully it will be on the next update. You can also hide the joysticks in OPTIONS > SETTINGS > JOYSTICKS off, and you can change the way the Look Joystick behaves (from drag and hold t lain drag to look) in OPTIONS > SETTINGS > TOUCH DRAG LOOK What would be really cool is haptic onscreen joysticks. I think eventually devices will use haptic (vibration) feedback to simulate a more physical experience. I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the new trackpad on the macbook. It is a solid piece of metal and doesnt move, like clicking on a wood table, but the haptic vibrations 100% fooled my mind into feeling like i was actually pushing down and clicking something. I think eventually it will be used so we can "feel" the outlines of virtual joysticks and even have some resistance when we move them.
And thank you, Nullzone, for recommending the game. I think you should have another landmark in BrightRidge as it's foremost historian
Might be getting a bit much, but thanks Robert! All I did was drop a few lines in the Planar Conquest thread where I am pretty active: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=3817208#post3817208 If you ever find a good model for a grumpy old man, you can drop me in Brightridge Inn with a huge tankard of ale I'll pay for the model.
Thanks for quick replies to our messages. I finally figure out how to look up but the method is not that "natural" May be here should be a post about the best settings for each device so constant 30 fps can be maintained. I can feel my iPhone 6s getting warm when playing this. Figuring out the windmill thing for the time being!