Universal Nimian Legends : BrightRidge HD (by Robert Kabwe)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by redribbon, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Durduhdur

    Durduhdur Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Read through this thread and I just loved Roberts passion for this game, the industry and just his humble attitude. I went to go buy it and In my rush didn't realize it wasn't compatible with my iPad mini first gen...oops I won't be getting a refund though consider it .99 gift to continue your journey. Good luck rob.
  2. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #242 bigjack66, Aug 7, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
    It has! Works on mine.
    Wherever you stand and wherever you look you get an extraordinary view and the character gives it a very Iconic look.
  3. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Great suggestion! in fact i want to give users more granular control with the camera and the quality settings and have it on the list of things to add in an update (which one exactly im not sure, i tend to batch similar things).

    Originally there was a camera zoom function but when i added the 'viewdots' that you walk into i removed it to make the viewdots have more impact, be more special. But now that ive played it a lot and heard feedback i think giving users the ability to set a default playing height that suits them, aside from the viewdot effect, is the way to go. I know i also want to add back in the "diablo" camera which was a higher 3/4 view because it looked really cool seeing the landscape from that angle. since oogling the landscape is the core tenet of the game it can only help:)
  4. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    That's great. I'll see how complex it is a slider (which would be cool) is to implement vs say a set of 3 default settings. But if i can do it elegantly a dedicated slider that was interactive would give the player great control. And as i work on this its becoming clearer to me giving lots of control to the player helps expand their interaction with the world. Either was at least one will be in an update soon:)
  5. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thank you - I work contracts so its always good to know about new places to find work and looking at Gamasutra hadnt really crossed my mind - i appreciate the point on the right direction:)
  6. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    That is awesome - thanks Kyoshirin! Yeah, the people on this thread are cool, arent they? People have been very supportive and given lots of feedback which not only makes it a better game (update 1.1 was because of feedback) but also encourages me - money is something im working towards for sure, but the impetus is a desire to create worlds, and kind feedback like yours on what i put out there keeps me motivated. I kind of feel like even if i dont sell a lot, well Shadow of the Colossus didn't either but a lot of people loved it. And most of the feedback i get had been really, really energizing and positive. Now im no Fumito Ueda but i can say i did make a game many people have liked and thats something too:)
  7. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    It will play on iPod Touch 5th generation but will lower resolution textures and some of the detail missing - like particles, splashes and extra rocks mostly - oh, and the windmill is missing!) but the core of the game is the same where you can fly, hunt, explore.

    I didn't want to advertise that the Ipod 5 is supported - im not exactly sure why. i guess because its a simplified in some ways version of the game, like something released on xbox 360 vs xbox one. And i was a bit concerned that on a full, wild ipod it might crash - although it tests perfectly on mine. Finally because i wasnt totally sure that i could upgrade the newer device versions and still have it be backwards compatible with A5 devices like ipod touch. But i thought it through carefully, with continued optimizations im also building the new content in a way that should minimally impact the cpu so i dont THINK it will be a problem but...I guess i am playing it safe.Anyways knowing that if you want to give it a go and you have the fifth generation device it should be safe to go for it:)
  8. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks Durduhdur - thats really supportive and generous.

    It should work on the iPad Mini 1st gen, albeit with lower detail. See my previous post for more details about that. If it crashes id try restarting the ipad. I havent had it crash on mine yet and i know a few other people are running it on their mini - like bigjack - so since you downloaded it i would give it a try and let me know if it works.

    If it doesnt still, i want you to know that i learned a lot optimizing it and im using that to continue to optimize the game on all systems to run faster. so look hopefully for better performance in each update.
  9. Infinity89

    Infinity89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    Sorry but I read somewhere in the thread that it's not the complete app and is separated in different app! I was wondering when will the others be available!
  10. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    The next part of the series is Nimian Legends : DoonPillar and I am aiming to release it after i finish update 1.3 or 1.4 on BrightRidge. I want to get the BrightRidge game a bit more updated with a few quests and new mechanics before I port things over to DoonPillar:)


    Ask any questions Infinity89 - I'm happy to answer them:)
  11. Infinity89

    Infinity89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    How many episodes are expected?
  12. Kyoshirin

    Kyoshirin Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    No problem :) and once you keep exploring with this first game I'm interested to see other elements you will add to the future games I like that the core is mainly exploration ! But I also love you placed some adventure aspects in the game like ( the giant tree beings ) maybe for future quests like similar to shadow colossus you could add missions to hunt these beings as part of a side story or even spirt entities showing up on the map that you can aid / combat but like people said we don't want another sky rim based game by seeing your passion and creativity once you fully explored your world creating capabilities I'm curious to see how your creativity and artistic work can create quest/battle like experiences that seem natural to the nimian legends world and also future powers like you mentioned spirit animals being able to control them will be cool / or becoming them or powers allowing you to become one with the environment such as the water or forest ( like being able to control it somehow ) sorry just throwing in ideas and thoughts for quest /story ideas I still want to keep the natural game exploration core :)
  13. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    There's 4 in total - here they are on the world map:)

  14. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    I appreciate all feedback - thank you:) There is an overarching story in Nimian Legends that i'd like to bring more into the games (terraforming and religion are two big parts of it), and the connection to nature is a very strong theme that i'll definitely follow up on.
  15. Kyoshirin

    Kyoshirin Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Sounds awesome ! when i see your world i just think of the many possibilities that can be done is it and you played many decent RPG games seeing different stories quests and elements and terraforming and religion sounds awesome :) just do what you do best and I'm sure the results will turn out as awesome as the world is becoming man all these interesting unique iOS games coming out yet so little time >.<
  16. Mamalovesyou

    Mamalovesyou Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    Finally after spending some quality time with the game,I can easily say that it has the best graphics of any ios game Ever.Seriously it looks a hell lot like what oblivion would look at high settings and at times even rivals skyrim.

    I would rather have this as a showcase for apple metal than a bunch of flowers in that zen garden demo.The devs should contact apple guys and refine/optimise it further with their help this could really be a great engine for open world games.

    I like how the water specially has those real time reflections,that's quite something.Only if the resolution of it would be at par with everything else then it would really look sweet.:)

    I don't know if it's a single guy or a bunch of people but keep it up! This could really be something special.:)
  17. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thank you! The Unity engine, a few bugs aside,is really flexible and capable of some great scenery. The Unity Asset Store was essential also. Most of the great models came from there.

    It's just me working on this, and I loved hearing your comment. I mean, Skyrim is my second favorite game (after Shadow of the Colossus) and I really loved how they gave me an open world just like I wanted - go anywhere. I would walk around literally for hours just exploring the forests and rivers and falls and ponds with giants and that beautiful spooky birch forest. I mean it was just breathtaking. So that's something I wanted to try and achieve.

    I am building these 4 episodes and will be linking them to the world map at http://nimianlegends.com so that there will be a connection between the 3d virtual worlds and the 2d map with all of the legends and lore.

    It's almost embarrassing to admit but i dream about Apple showcasing the game at one of their speeches and Tim Cook is like "where's the developer? there he is..." (polite applause) :) Man that makes me laugh to myself outloud just writing that.

    Anyways whenever I ask myself is this worth it (i mean it is but resources are limited) I just remind myself that there are obviously better games out there, but I do have this world that is fleshing itself out and part of its about having a solid set of play mechanics and the other part is about continuing to fill out the world of Nimian Legends in a way that fun and accessible so we'll see.
  18. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #258 bigjack66, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
    I think you're doing things the right way, release the basic framework, albeit a very good one, and then listen to feedback to see what the players/customers like and incorporate those ideas which you feel suits the style of the game and optimising it. Then you have a better framework for the future episodes leading to less optimisations to them. You've probably already thought of this. But I thought I'd verbalise it. I checked the video for comparison and there is a fair difference, that's not to say the lower resolutions aren't nice, they are, very. Just wish I could get one of the better ones. Tho the 6 should be out soon so it'd be better to wait for that!
  19. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Exactly! I'm going to do one update for new mechanics (like more animal forms, jumping, new landmarks) and one for quests, ill post abit more about those in my next post. That gives me..well, i dont have to say it again because honestly you said exactly what my plan is:) Is good to hear it out loud and know that it sounds like a sound plan:)

    Yeah there's quite a big difference between the A5 and A6 - I guess the ting is the difference between the fastest and the slowest IOS device today is pretty big and getting bigger.

    I cant wait to see what the game can handle on the iPhone 6!
  20. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Quest Update

    I thought i'd share a bit about the upcoming quest update and what I am working on:)

    I thought a lot about it and i wanted each of the four games to focus on one of the central themes in Nimian Legends. BrightRidge focuses on Wilderness, DoonPillar focuses on Religious Conflict, Residi Bay deals with the Blood Plague and GoldenWood touches on the terraforming aspect.

    The Nimian Legends map http://nimianlegends.com deals with 3 paths for your character: Strength, Speed and Spirit. I'm incorporating these into BrightRidges quests. There's 3 quests for each skill, 9 in total, and fulfilling a quest of a particular type lights up a new node on the stone pillars for that particular skill. Once you light up three nodes on a single pillar type...

    Strength quests involve violence, spirit involves connecting with nature, and speed is about wit and sometimes battle. there's also 2 new characters, master Nimian Hunters - an ancient sect of hunters - some living in harmony with nature,and the others wanting to master nature.

    This allows me to bring some action (aka violence) but i feel gives it more of a purpose. Violence is part of real life so while you have that option following the strength path, im trying not to write it as throwaway violence but more a part of choosing that particular approach. and each choice has consequences, some of which will prevent you from taking another particular path.

    Update 1.2 and 1.3 will likely be the mechanics updates (new options, new wildlife, new abilities) whole 1.4 will add the quests on top of these. It makes sense to finish the mechanics update first because they can affect what kind of adventures I can offer. I hope you will al stay tuned and please spread the word, or rate this game on the first page of the thread - there's stars at the top - if you like it it will give me a boost:)

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