Universal Nimian Legends : BrightRidge HD (by Robert Kabwe)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by redribbon, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. bhornburg

    bhornburg Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Really neat seeing an open world RPG engine so fully realized for mobile. Now that you have the tech, I'm excited to see what kind of interesting gameplay you could add to the world. Maybe similar to the gameplay cycle of mine craft (with simplified resource gathering instead of mining), where you find materials , craft objects and try to survive enemies that roam at certain times of day or world events that are dangerous.

    I'm not really huge on story in games, I prefer to create my own experience in games like Elders Scrolls. I think an an expansion of the fantasy-world experience you have already in progress would be the more unique and intriguing gameplay many RPG/fantasy gamers are always searching for.
  2. Hypocrypha

    Hypocrypha Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Crafting would kill this game. There's a billion other minecrafts. Go get lost in a cave in the new PE update if you want mining.
    It BOGGLES MY MIND how so many people want to turn this game into a clone of other games. Smh
  3. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Depends. Would be fun to make your own club from Authentic Entwood Branches(TM) :p

    You don't have to wait for me (was too busy, sorry) ;) go ahead and create one!

    Whoopdeedoo, welcome to the old folks club! Original Arcade Pong?
    Here's something for us, cue music: http://youtu.be/cNAdtkSjSps
  4. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks - those are rely great compliments. I especially like hearing about how you got to play it on the plane. that's exactly the kind of thing i was hoping it would be good for - just lose yourdelf.

    I bought monster hunter also - 15$ ! it was so expensive. Any ways i have great respect for what they have managed to do. For me personally the gameplay is a bit restrictive but actually thats one of the reasons i wanted BrightRidge to be open world. You know, i mean no nothing just start running an go wherever. Ivea lways loved that.

    The games about 2kmx2km of land, but it's part of a much larger world ive developped at htto://nimianlegends.com and you can see brightridge on the map in this screenshot. BTW i love maps and ill definitely add one to BrightRidge, im just experimenting with pulling the camera a kilometre or 2 into the sky and using that as the map but a hand drawn old school one has a lot of appeal too.

  5. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    :) I don't think of myself as a hard worker, but i guess i am. Its just that it doesnt feel like work somehow because i honestly love creating and sharing worlds - so thank you for saying that. Follow your passion and it wont be work:) I have it working on A5 now, its simplified version and it still needs optimization, but as i mentioned earlier it's better than just a crash.
  6. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks for the kind words bhornburg. It's especially interesting what you said about narrative - it reminds me that everyone enjoys games for different reasons. I think thats what made grand theft auto such a great seller. Over time i noticed some people were like "yes you get to kill kill" and i liked the combat but the real draw for me was the exploring. So it offered so many different things there was something there for everyone.

    It helps me as i kind on 'sculpt' this world and update it im learning more about 'what it is' so i really like hearing feedback from people like you because it allows me to reflect on things differently.

    Anyways i just submitted a great update that really improves the graphics and frame rate - it should be out soon so i hope youll check it out. The the next updates 1.2 and 1.3 will include some new mechanics and content.
  7. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Version 1.1 Submitted

    I just submitted the 1.1 update to Apple so hopefully it will be on the store soon. I'm really happy with it since it speeds up the game quite noticeably and improves the textures.

    1. -Now a Universal App - iPad Retina min, iPad 4 and iPad Air support added
    2. -Massive optimization, faster frame rates on all supported devices
    3. -Unofficial A5 device support - less detailed version (ipad 2, ipad mini, iphone 4s, ipod 5g)
    4. -4x the original texture resolution on A6 and A7 devices - sharper more detailed textures

    Versions 1.2 and 1.3 will continue to optimize (ive learned a lot in the last few days:) but will also add some new mechanics and 3 Mini-ventures - The Cave, Favorite Places and Chop Chop.
  8. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    lol great song:)

    I was fascinated by pong when i was a kid. The first game that really fired my imagination was Space Invaders. I also had these small arcade systems that were really cool. I had frogger, my cousin had pac-man. I would just study how teh LED lights worked and the patterns it made.

    The other thing that fired up my imagination was the box art from Atari 2600. It had the 60s style fantasy artwork look. I specifically remember Yar's revenge

    because back then the games were just a few lines and dots - we had to use our imagination to immerse ourselves in it and so all that box art was especially important. I mean the game yars revenge looked so primitive...[​IMG]
    but after you read the little booklet and understood the story it brought the game to life and gave it a purpose. In game exposition was rare - no memory to hold it - so they moved everything into the books that came with it.
  9. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    I had both pacman and Feiffer. I think they are still in my parents house! Gotta fund my mini arcade.

    I agree with your assessment on people liking open world games for different reasons. I like gta v and others for the ability to wonder and explore. I probably drive, bike, and use hosts to see the map and be astonished at the "living" world that has been created. I recall initially playing gta v and was shocked at how they created homeless under the freeways and places where they would live.... Amazing to explore and see a sunrise and sunset etc... I felt similar with red dead redemption and loved it! I'm not as big of a fantasy game kind of person and liked elder scrolls but never got into it asxmuvh as the red dead redemption or gta open world games.

  10. Hypocrypha

    Hypocrypha Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    #210 Hypocrypha, Aug 3, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
    Not to quote David Lee Roth in Hot For Teacher, but waiting for Apple to approve this update is takin so long, "damn I think the clock's broke". How's that for dating? Lol

    I'm so big into 2600, love seeing Yars Revenge pic. If you don't mind white I wait to explore caves in BrightRidge, this is one cool app that is inspired by Atari's VENTURE, called Pixa. The story is great and imaginative and rediculius.

  11. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks for the link! I bought pixa and it's great. Its so easy to pick up and i love the controls. It's actually very inspiring to see how you can string tgether so many simple things into something more complex and engaging. It's like you just fall into these icons of glasses inside a square and you just get that they're lost glasses near the library. I can definitely learn a lot by playing this.

    It made me think of Gateway to Apshai and Venture on the colecovision.

    Yeah, the 2600:) "Have. You. Played. Atari. Today".
  12. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #212 bigjack66, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
    Update has just arrived and is working so far. I was going to say keep up the good work but I know from this forum you have been. Looking forward to exploring now . Thanks.
  13. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Hi bigjack66 - I'm glad it's working and thanks for letting me know:) Hearing from people about the crashing on A5 devices really pushed me hard to optimize the game i don't think i would have had the push i needed to do that if I hadn't herd from people about it. It's a good example of how both positive and negative feedback, when it's constructive, can help the game development process and make a better, more accessible game.

    I'm doing even more optimizations for the next update, and I might be able to get more detail back into the A5 versions (which i had to simplify). The next update 1.2 will also include some new mechanics and quests.
  14. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    BrightRidge Update 1.1 Available Now

    Great news - Apple has approved y first update and version 1.1 of Nimian Legends : BrightRidge is available on the app store:

    DOWNLOAD: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id885657108?mt=8

    What's New in update 1.1?

    - Now a Universal App: added support for iPad Air, iPad 4 and iPad Mini with Retina Display
    - Massive optimization: better performance on all supported devices
    - Sharper more detailed textures: 4x the original texture resolution on A6 and A7 devices

    Update 1.2 is coming soon too and focuses on new mechanics and quests.

    Open World Wilderness for iPhone and iPad
  15. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #215 bigjack66, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
    Cool! Loving the exploration element of the game. Looking forward to future upgrades. Have to say I loved seeing the walking trees and the whale, nice. It's a lovely experience, which I'm enjoying immensely!
    Who's polluting Brightridge? That's terrible! How much of that map is in the game? It's interesting to see your limitations. I've killed bears, wolves and deer but won't kill the giant trees or whale!
  16. Hypocrypha

    Hypocrypha Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Just to point out, first time I booted it up it showed half my man with no color. Today he's all there, but the bird has no color now. iPhone 5S 7.1.1

    Attached Files:

  17. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks for the screenshot. yeah i had that happen once with the bird too and then it disappeared but obviously there's still a bug there. I think when that happens its like the game thinks the eagle is far away from you and surrounds it full of fog, making him that solid steel grey color. Im going to look at the shaders and the batching and see if i can track it down. Let me know if it happens all the time or if restarting the app fixes it, and thanks for the hardware and software specs - that helps lot:)
  18. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Android Update

    Just an update since some people are asking, i have the game running on an Android Nexus phone and I just need to fix a few UI elements (at some update i will add the ability to move the UI elements) , add some quality options and fix the water texture (reflection was missing in my test) and then it should be good to go soon for Android. It's more fragmented than IOS so i'll need to pick up and earlier android phone, scan for the device tech specs and write some code to deliver the right level of detail.
  19. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Nimian Legends : DoonPillar

    As some of you might know Nimian Legends was originally 4 times the size, but I realized that it was too much to handle, so i divided the landscape into 4 separate games. The second one is called Nimian Legends : DoonPillar and it takes place in the sun drenched sandstorm swept Doon Barrens Desert that surrounds the ancient temple of DoonPillar. I'm working on it in conjunction with BrightRidge. The plan is to get BrightRodge to version 1.4 and then bring what I've learned and updated into the second game.

    Here's the logo BTW:)


    and the location on the world map

  20. Mamalovesyou

    Mamalovesyou Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    #220 Mamalovesyou, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
    How is that these mobile indie devs pull off these level of graphics in an 'open world' and the ubisoft are busy releasing assassin's creed card games!!!!
    Those graphics look a hell lot closer to oblivion,Draw distance,textures,hell even models look insane!!!
    I tip my hat to all those who had the guts to even attempt this kind of a game,My mind is blown.:eek:

    I'm buying just for the effort,the soundtrack seems pretty awesome too.Now only if they can capitalize on it and create a wrpg out of this game or a new game based on the same engine.

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