Thanks - i am working soooo hard o the sequel There are a lot of new gameplay additions that ill be bringing back to BrightRidge too. I cant wait to share the game.
@nyanpass Oh yes! Robert isn't my favorite developer for nothing @Protopop Great to see you back, and with such great stuff to show off to boot! Any news on the release date? (Hinthint: My son's birthday is coming up in a few weeks... ) That Giant in the picture? He'll love it. The fight scene reminds me of Soul Reaver for some reason, very cool. Oh, and this at the very beginning of the fight video looks like she's using a spear. First thought was the "Zweililien" (Twin Lillies) from the German tabletop RPG DSA, like this: Methinks that would be more fitting than a sword. The latter's just so ... pedestrian
Thats a really great suggestion. Its a pretty easy way to make something regular more unique Ill take a look and see what i can come up with. Happy early birthday to your son. I think the game is going to be a month or two off so no help there, but i hope you guys will try it when its ready, and ill send you a beta invite as soon as its ready too
The Arborellum This is just a test of lighting extremes, you can change almost everything about the atmosphere, light, ambient light, focal length, blur and more.
The sunken Tomb This is one of the ten mini dungeons in the game, and one of my favorite Each one has a small puzzle t solve, and gives you a unique shape change.
Choir One of the small but big additions to Vandgels is the ability to sit down. I think it actually makes you feel a lot more like you are there, in the grand hall you can sit and watch the fire glow
Decorations The monastery has been decorated - theres distinct rooms and areas each with a different feel and function
Combat! This is really just a stress test - i summoned a bunch of enemies and allies and let them go at each other, while i run around in the middle. The new ai is capable of quite thorough combat on its own. But the focus on vandgels is still exploration, but its there, along with a new skill upgrade system, spells and improved combat if you want it, plus a few enemies roaming the land - of course they can be turned on or off depending on your preference.
StoneSkimmers! My favorite new addition, its something i wanted to add to BrightRidge, but didnt have time. They work great, and you can find them in one of the dungeons if you look hard enough.
Very nice stuff, as always Didn't have time to watch the videos yet. But the stills and descriptions alone are great. The choir is outright creepy. Like the idea with the mini-dungeons.
iPhone X Support I just submitted for beta testing the update that adds full screen support for iPhone X devices If all goes well ill submit it to the app store.
finally, been waiting and lurking for this sequel like forever hahaha. i can see that this game turn out to be bigger than expected. will be shining on the xs max bigger screen. hope the new iphone can handle it without throttling much
Im glad to hear that This is the BrightRidge iPhone X update - it runs super fast - , but i am about to release the sequel Vandgels beta too in a week or so. Are you on the beta list, because if you let me know your email i will add you Yeah, i am super happy with the sequel, there is a TON of new content and gamemechanics that i cant wait to bring back to brightridge too.
Thank you so much for the update, the game now looks and plays wonderfully on my iPhone X. I even started the game all over from the beginning today just to experience the whole game on the bigger screen(played on iPhone 7 last time).
Im so glad you took the time to let me know I wasnt sure anyone would even notice the update, and it is good to know that it made a difference for someone. I just got an iphone X and i am really enjoying how it looks on the wide screen too.