Front page: News page at the same time: Please fix this! It's very annoying to look at the front page and not know whether or not I'm actually seeing the latest posts.
Actually you can just skip doing the RSS thing and find other outlets to get your mobile gaming news from. We barely sell ads as is, and actively circumventing them is just hastening the moment we'll be shutting down the site. I understand ads suck, and that there's a lot of problems with our site redesign. You can either appreciate what we've been trying to do for ten years in bringing good games to the forefront, and be understanding that we are trying our best to fix the problems with the barely existent resources that we have. Or you can be mad enough about it that you find somewhere better to go for mobile gaming. I honestly don't blame you either way.
Jesus, man, if you don’t want people to read the site just shut it down already. I care about this because I like reading TA and want to stick with the site to support you guys. If you don’t want people around, though, fine.
I never said that at all. Your issue above is totally valid, I myself have no idea why certain stories don’t show up under the news section. It’s frustrating and no one wants stuff like this fixed more than we do. My issue is with the guy encouraging people to not visit the site in like ten different threads tonight. TA is a house of cards that can blow over with a sneeze. Telling people to actively circumvent us getting any ad revenue is only contributing to that. Ad blockers have already basically destroyed us. I’m saying I get it though. I understand people get frustrated with issues and are looking for how to get a better experience. But if doing that is helping kill TA, do you even actually care about TA in the first place? The royal you, not you specifically. Anyway people are going to do what they do, not a lot we can do about it.
I appreciate the TA content. It’s great. But if the method of getting that content is terrible why would I suffer through it and encourage others to do it when there is a much better way? I used to support TA through Patreon also but Eli in his typically dismissive attitude had a problem with a forum comment I made and told me he’d rather lose “one more frozen burrito” than have me support him. So I stopped. You guys have a habit of getting pissy, telling people to go somewhere else, then being upset that people go somewhere else and don’t support you. Long story short. Everyone should really try Feedly. You get the content you love in a FAR superior format. There are no ads and you can be sure you’re not funding any unwanted frozen burrito purchases.