Everyone here who wants to be a mod...you are missing the obvious piece of the puzzle! Your screen name must be the theme song of a popular television show. Since "Scrubs" is now taken, might I suggest the following screen names for you to begin your quest for the mighty mountain of modship: 1) UwannaBwhereEverybodyKnowsUrName 2) LoveExcitingAndNew 3)YouTakeTheGoodYouTakeTheBadYouTakeEmBothAndNowYouHave (OK, that's long, but you'll get noticed) 4) GreeeeeeeeeeeenAcresIsThePlace2Be 5) 1O'Clock2O'Clock3O'ClockRock 6) ComeAndKnockOnOurDoorWe'veBeenWaitingForYou 7) They'reCreepyAndThey'reSpookyAndAlltogetherOoky 8) BelieveItOrNotI'mWalkingOnAir 9) IsaidW'ereMovinOnUp 10) Here'sTheStoryOfAManNamed... 11) JustSitRightBackAndYou'llHearAtale Hurry up and get 'em quick! Bonus mod wanna be points for naming the shows these screen names come from (4 is a gimme). Congrats to INSM for a well-deserved appointment, now the rest o' you lot, get crackin' on your campaigns!
1. I think so 2. Most of the Time 3. I only have post like that in the Eliminate thread 4. Yes 5. *Leaves for the grocery store*
I thought the same thing, but rather than mention it I put it down to the fact most of those shows aren't on over here.
Congrats man Any person who can start a thread about a game 7 seconds before its out deserves some sort of prize
I couldn't give a rat's ass what you find funny. Oh, wait. Did I say rat's ass? I meant to say RAT'S ASS!
I think arn or Hodapp should make him a super moderator. And change his name to ImNoSuperMod. http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=7704&highlight=super+moderator
Hi ImNoSuperMan, There was one of your sig I loved the Most, It says something Like but they dont understand that I'm No SuperMan. Yep people beleive in you. You don't need to do the Talking, we believe you are a Super Man. congrats.
Ya. It was the theme song of US TV show Scrubs. That's where I stole this user id from "I can't do this all on my own, No I know, I'm no SuperMan"