hey there, im new, and interested in becoming a dev! i'd like to create mostly 2D platformers/sidescrollers/adventure type somewhat open-ended games. but a while back, i heard that Apple charges u $100+ to become a dev. is that true?? if it helps, i've had experience in the MUGEN engine, so im not a ttotal stranger to coding, so what engine(s) would help me most in the 2D department in terms of it being easy to work with and looking professional at the same time? any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Yes, its true that you have to pay 100dollars to obtain the right to put apps onto the app store, which is a one time fee, but allowing you to put as many apps as you want out. As far as engines, unity does it all, but is expensive(6-700), and may be for more 3d games..... hmmm, have a dev get to you on that one
I would assume you could create 2d basic games (such as scoops, up there and wurdle) in Unity as well? If not then what would you need to make games like that?
hm. in that case, could i just piggyback off some other small dev team for free, or ask for a small cut of the profits?
so do u guys know any devs that i could go to?\im looking for a hand-drawn, gritty, style, not light-hearted like the examples games42 gave aha