New game: Mint Tin Pirates

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by slidewavellc, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. slidewavellc

    slidewavellc New Member

    Jul 28, 2015
    San Antonio, TX
    Mint Tin Pirates is now available for Android!


    Two pirate galleons cross paths and a battle is launched! Choose your color and remember that rough seas mean that a little luck goes a long way.

    Roll the dice and try your luck at capturing the perfect pair to sink your opponent's ship or their crew. Cannon cards do the greatest damage, but cannons take long to load and you’ll be able to complete more attacks by tossing hand mortars, throwing dirks, or firing flintlock pistols.

    Summon a lost pirate from the depths of Davy Jones’ Locker or even persuade an enemy pirate to join your crew! Roll doubles in the heat of battle and fate will smile down upon this lowly lot and uncover treasure! No pirate can resist treasure – especially if it contains voodoo that helps them fight!

    Once you destroy the pirate enemy, you’ve won! Or have you? The Pirate Ghost gives one last chance and can be a formidable opponent!

    Based on the successfully kickstarted tabletop version of the Mint Tin Pirates card game.

    Find out more at:

    We are the developers of this new game. Thanks for checking us out!

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