The PC controls were a bit... finicky, and certain actions in certain places bugged out. Not game-ending, but I remember trying the co-op with my brother and staring in awe at a particular glitch. I forget if they fixed those issues post-launch, but it's not going to impede your progress if you do encounter them. Just... prepare for one, maybe two interesting bugs.
Fantastic to read your story. Thanks for sharing. Did you play the Last Inua? I really liked it. Loved the father + son connection. Also Spirits of Spring was pretty good. I will be downloading this one tonight!
I vaguely remember playing The Last Inua; it was good in its own way, it was a pity I didn't finish it. If I remember right, that game was based off a story from the Canadian Inuit, which is a different tribe of people altogether. I don't know about Spirits of Spring, I'll have to check that out. Glad you liked the stories!
Thank you for sharing this post, it was fantastic to read the memories and recollections you have. I could have read it all day and was actually wishing it was a book so it wouldn't end so soon. Besides the highly interesting subject matter, your writing style had me hooked from beginning to end. Now, a culture I previously knew nothing about has me wanting to learn more. As I said, I wished it was an excerpt from a book, so if you ever do an autobiography or something, (for all I know you may already be an author) please let me know. Thankyou again.
Thank you from the developer On behalf of the team behind the game, thank you. You just made our day.
I've been drooling over this game since I saw it on PS4 (I've only got a PS3)... SUPER excited to play this one tonight on my iPad Pro 12.9"! Thanks for porting it to iOS, devs -- your game is stunningly beautiful.
Oh finally a real game, another console game without any stupid iAP, feeling ok when buy games without iAP.
Excellent stories Mr. Album, and to be honest the dev can thank you for at least one sale, your endorsement of the legitimacy of the depiction of your people and their culture as displayed in this game has convinced me to reach for the buy button.
Hi, this game looks great. I have question, in pc review it say there is two player co-op play. Is it also same in ios? Im cant find this information in descriptions. It will be great to play together with friend^^
MrAlbum - thanks for sharing! Your post might be the best, most articulate and interesting post I've ever read on any forum!
got exactly the same feeling. appstore recently was bombed with so many bunch of crap with nonsense iap pricing. game like this is such a relieve to us who has waited for so long for a great decent games. anyway got a few questions to the developer: 1. why this game dont has the same graphics like in tegra devices(is it because of the exclusive contarct with nvidia?) 2. the optimization really need to be tweaked more. my iphone 6s plus become hot and the framerate started to drop after a few checkpoint reply. 3. controls is a huge matter to me in this game. sometimes when Spoiler the spirit fox(human spirit) try to retract the tree, the joystick become stuck to the opposite direction i was about heading to 4. does this edition includes the never alone foxtales? thanks to the developer who put their time to port this amazing game to our beloved platform.
Dev here again Bringing a game to different devices is always tough. Tegra devices like the Shield provide almost desktop-like performance for the game. In our internal testing, we're generally seeing at least 25 FPS during even the most intensive parts of the game on the 6S and 6S Plus (better than that at other times). If you're seeing less than that or the framerate is impacting playability for you, we definitely want to know about it. Please email us at support [at] neveralonegame [dot] com. Have you tried the experimenting with different controller layout/settings in the options menu? You might find a different sensitivity is more to your liking. Foxtales DLC is not in this edition. Thank YOU!
Dev re: co-op The two player co-op on the PC and console editions of the game is local co-op requiring two physical controllers (or one controller + keyboard/mouse). The Ki Edition is single player only, with the one player switching between controlling Nuna and fox, just like single player mode in the console edition.
@ThusSprachSpach - Can we replay previous chapters to find owls that we have missed without losing game progress? I'm reluctant to try because the warning message appears to suggest that game progress will be lost.
Replay previous chapters Yeah, that message is a little unclear. Here's how it works: if you are in the middle of a chapter and switch to another one, you'll start at the beginning of the chapter you select. So if you're going to go back and replay a chapter to get owls, any progress within the chapter you're leaving to go and do that will be lost. When you return to it, you'll start over from the beginning of that chapter. But once you unlock a chapter, it stays unlocked and you can always switch to it from the menu.
Okay thanks, I'm fine with that. I thought it meant that you would lose all the game progress after the chapter that you choose to go back to, and would have to play all the later chapters over again.
The bugs in this game are making me so sad. Until now, at least the saves were reliable, so I never had to do more than a small section over. But I took a break and came back to find the game set me back to before a really tricky part (it even deleted the third owl I had gotten in the section -- I have the achievement to prove it). I don't know if I have the patience to do it all again. If I fail at any point of this puzzle now, it still sets me back to the beginning of it, instead of just a little bit back. Feels like the checkpoint system broke. Just really sad now, bc I was pushing through before despite some control issues and bugs. I don't know that I have the patience to work through this bug though. Edit: I persisted and completed those sections again despite the issues. Hopefully the saves will work properly from here on out. I am still very nervous, though.