Universal Neuroshima Hex (by Portal Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VeganTnT, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    I think green's my favorite, too. The unit that attacks twice (with single ranged, double melee each time, plus it can move(!)) is great, and when you combine it with the green hq you can do a ridiculous amount of damage in one battle.

    Blue is a lot of fun too--I think it has the best unit for direct hq attacks (the guy who nets + triple melee).

    I think I've had the hardest time playing yellow vs. blue, since yellow depends a lot on melee attacks, but blue units attack so darn fast you often don't get a chance to do damage.

    This is a fun game, but I'm rapidly running out of things to do (4-player I find to be kind of boring 'cuz the AIs attack each other and mostly ignore me). It'd be great to see expansions and/or multiplayer.
  2. BigDaddysCreations

    BigDaddysCreations Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Software Developer
    The hardest (in my opinion) is to beat The Outpost (green) while playing Moloch (red). Try this one :)
  3. BigDaddysCreations

    BigDaddysCreations Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Software Developer
    We're writing down all of your suggestions and we'll add many of them. Neuroshima Hex is not fire&forget product for us. We plan support and expand it. When NS Hex was in Apple approval process by two weeks we done over a dozen fixes. Now, we're testing them. It will be fast update, with less features, but with more fixes of irritating bugs. Among other things we fixed crashes and hangs up, we removed a couple ways for simple win with AI, now you can't push disabled unit (stupid slip up in trailer) and many others. Full list of fixes I'll give soon.
  4. mlkaufman

    mlkaufman Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    If you add the suggestion about being able to see all the unit information without leaving the game, you can count on at least one additional purchase from me.
  5. Squeaker

    Squeaker Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Waiting for the iPad version. Not going to double dip so I hope it's coming sooooooon.
  6. kissrocknroll

    kissrocknroll Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    When you play as green ones
    theres lot of bugs..
    sometimes enemy can put 3cards
    and sometiems ur base doesnt atack on phase 0
  7. BigDaddysCreations

    BigDaddysCreations Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Software Developer
    @kissrocknroll, I think you're missinterpreting what's going on on the board :) Green guys (The Outpost) has a lot of tile with Mobility and those may be repositioned once every turn, so AI does not play three tiles, it plays two and repositions the onewith mobility. When is the HQ not attacking? Maybe it's under a net?

    If you find anybugs send us a report at: [email protected] (with screen shot if this is possible).
  8. onewithchaos

    onewithchaos Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    Been playing and I really like it. The on things that are starting to get annoying is viewing unit information. Maybe a double tap on unit to view info? And also fast-app switching which doesn't seem like it would be too hard to implement. I can go with or without online mp but for now the unit descriptions are starting to get frustating. Overall great game though I like the strategy part and have been enjoying playing with the different armies
  9. Ouisch

    Ouisch Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2009
    Ahh, good. I'm not the only one then. :)

    I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm constantly getting my rear end handed to me (even on easy), mostly because I'm really unsure what some of the modifier hexes do for you. Having some "in game" info screens would help a lot.

    I'm sure I'll get used to them all and understand it all eventually, but as a beginner, it's frustrating to have to exit the game every time I want info on a tile.
  10. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Especially since it resets your turn!

    Now that I've moved up to medium AIs, it seems that the computer players are tending to pick on me more, rather than the leader. If anyone's interested, I can post screenshots of a good chunk of a game, where factions are placing pieces targeting me instead of the leader, worst case scenario was a round where I was at 3/20, and was getting targeted rather than one faction at 14/20! :mad: Sad thing was that one AI player (at 13/20) most likely would have won if he attacked the leader instead of me.

    Maybe it's just a fluke - has anyone else seen the AI doing this? I haven't seen much of it in all the games I played on Easy over the weekend (despite the fact that I was in the lead/winning most of the games...)

    Also, my bad on the tiles button - it does open/close the tray as I would like it to do. :)
  11. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    What faction were you using? In the actual boardgame I'd be picked on because I use The Outpost and I can dish out a lot of damage in a single turn.
  12. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    I was playing Borgo.
  13. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Interesting, I've played with three AIs on medium and found that they mostly attacked each other. If you sit in a corner and place a few units to cover up your hq's weak points, it seems pretty easy...
  14. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Hmm, sounds like they might respond to threats? Play passive and they focus on the others but start attacking ai and they come after you?
  15. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    hi there

    after some more playing (mostly quick battles for learning)

    here are some suggestions

    - you have no draw. both are shown as winner , odd

    -the "game over" screen is a simple rehash of the stats screen , something nice would be good, instead of it woule be good to have a "retry" button so you can play a new game with the same settings instead of first going to main menue then start new game etc.

    - the less clicks the better

    - the stats buttonand screen, is in generall a pretty useless feature because it just shown one(!) new set of data.. the tiles left in youre deck.

    -instead os the stats button you could put the "tiles in deck" info into the modal view of youre "hand" which you have a button for (lower left corner)

    -this way you have had a button freed up where you could implement the
    way into the card informations etc.

    - in general i would completly rearrange the way you handle youre information in the "armies" section.

    the vertical scroll table you have there could be a bit smaller in height
    so you can actualy read the text without it being covered by the scroll view.

    the units section is from a usability standpoint pretty bad.
    you instantly get a scrollview of the possible tiles, no indictor that you can actualy scroll and if you press on a unit the scrollview dissapears and a previously obscured info view gets freed up and you can read the infos of the selected unit.
    but now you have a prominent back button which doesnt bring you back to the scrollview rather than dropping you off completly one "section" back.
    the "tap to change unit" text doesnt really help if its next to the back button because 2 are 2 different information one could interpret differently.

    instead of an horizontal scrollbar you could make it vertically, so you can move it up and down the the unit information appears instantly instead of needing always to select and "deselect" etc. would make the hole process alot more fluid.

    gaining information easy should be highes prioritie in thoose sections.

    it would be also great if youre ingame buttons would have an "pressed" state.
    as it is with touch devices sometimes under certain circumstances touches are not recognized, so it would be good ff the button glow or gets a different visual appearance if you press them.

    another thing would be to have some more visualized fight ingame.. this "wiggling" and "bumping" doesnt do the rest of the art any justics.. some
    stronger visualy effect would be good, not sure what kind of technical implementation you used but there are some pretty strong particles engines out ther you could use.. shooting , close combat, getting damage etc. this could all be more visually stunning.

    and one last thing if one attacks i would find it better to see the damage instantly (on hq) and not after everyone attacked, because if there is alot of "action" its hard to track why you'd loose x amount of health..

    well at the end of the day i'm looking forward to see what changes we will receive in the next versions.. looking at the stats youre sales are not too bad so we will hopefully see some long time support.
  16. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    I just tried Red vs. Green (medium) and got a perfect 20 to 0 score. Green kept getting mostly movement tiles (very few armies), but for some reason he didn't move his hq out of my units' line of sight. Granted, I should try a few more times to get a representative sample, but I wasn't too impressed with green's gameplay...
  17. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    They are incredible dangerous when played correctly. The base gives units touching it another turn in the initiative phase after the one displayed in the army. Add in plenty of units that strike more than once (many ranged) and you can dish a LOT of damage. I've done 10 damage in one battle phase with them
  18. CerenPL

    CerenPL Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    holy shit, now that's feedback. This game is incredible but it would be simply perfect if the dev would change those little things.
  19. Dinodog

    Dinodog Member

    Jul 9, 2010
    #139 Dinodog, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
    I agree this game is really good but if the devs read the comments on here (which are all great btw) and they put then in then this game could be awesome

    Looking fwd to future updates
    To the devs thank you for making this game...

    Also to all the people on this forum who play the game please give a review on the app store to Get this game up the charts where it belongs...
  20. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    This game will not even load to my itouch 3G. I've updated itunes, updated the software, and it refuses to sync. I've deleted and re downloaded it over and over and it still won't sync. Never had this problem with any other game. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?

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