Hey people's, PLEASE help us cheapskates out and like the pOst! Just over 60 more to get the sale going. Even if you've bought it, vote! If you do, it means more sales for BigDaddyCreations and a better future for awesome upgrades! Ppppleasee. I'll lend a kidney!
may i chime in and suggest that you have a "face random challenger". Who cares if you lose, as long as you can easily find someone online to play with, thats the main thing. Carcassone is awesome but finding someone to play with can be difficult. Words with friends is awesome that you can find random opponents/resign/etc so something like that would be awesome!
I can understand the sentiment, but it's possible that by putting the game on sale, the devs will make more money from the app getting noticed than w/o the sale.
If the devs think so, they should simply put up the sale. But I won't throw my "yes I want it too" onto the table. Of course people want games cheaper, you don't need to ask for it.
That's not the point - it's not JUST about the sale. Of course they could put the sale up, but they're doing the promotion to try to get more attention to and interest in the game. Of course, by posting your response here, you're already participating. But if you post to the facebook page too, then your response will be listed on your feed, thus virally promoting the game even more.
This. I just started this as a joke, but the devs will only benefit from another sale. Their December sales did them some serious good. And 100 sales at a Lowe price is better than 20 at the current price. If the dev didn't want the sale or didn't think it would help, this promo wouldn't be going on.
Come on, guys, this whole thing is just for fun and raising NS Hex awareness So if you want to help (and make our facebook page look better ), tell your friends - it's just 51 votes left!
Neuroshima Hex MEGA SALE started! I got two words for you: 'MEGA SALE'! Neuroshima Hex for 2.99$ and Neuroshima Hex: Puzzle for 0.99$. Any questions? More info here: http://www.neuroshimahex.com/830/mega-sale-started/
Thanks for the sale. Since Hex Puzzle obviously uses the same engine and graphics as the base game, any chance adding Hex Puzzle as an in-app purchase to the base game? I estimate this would save about 50mb in storage space, which I am severely lacking at the moment. I already own both, but I would pay for Hex Puzzle a second time to save the space.
Well, one thing is for sure - we're not going to add Puzzles to original NH any time soon. Our idea was to make them two separate products and expand both, so we're planning to release new sets of puzzles for NHP, for example.
Did anybody else notice Apple posted this as an online multiplayer game in iTunes? http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewMultiRoom?fcId=432108030&ign-mscache=1&ign-msr=http%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.appstore.com%2FZsm
@Juicebox_R, sure. We're currently working on an universal multiplayer solution that will make our lives easier when adding multiplayer to our different games. This solution is still in alpha testing phase and will make its first appearance in our next game - Army of Frogs - because client-server communication is less complicated there than in NH. We're also planning to make our multiplayer games (NH especially) multiplatform also and to make iPhone-Android phone games possible. We know it takes a lot of time and that you guys are waiting for it, but it's really complicated this that needs a lot of testing and we don't have a whole department of people who would only work on this one thing
So what happened to this promise? We plan to add a team-match mode (2 vs 2) in future. It's the best mode for 4 player matches in Neuroshima Hex. A reply that I got from Marek PaĆczyk after complaining about AI ganging up on the player. Will this never come?