Maybe over simplifying but played 2 rounds so far. It gave me a Gwent feel. U play cards back and forth. Not attacking the opponent’s unit directly but laying out cards, activating ability, until you ran out of moves. Then count the power to determine who won that district. Looks more complicated than Hex
Yes, great game and looks to have quite a bit to learn to fully exploit the strategic opportunities. My only gripes so far is that multiplayer matchmaking is sync... (and no takers yet, so no idea if play is sync.) and devices have unique multiplayer ID (kind of like Race for the Galaxy first build) so no playing MP on 2 devices. Hopefully they could improve that to link them like RthG? It takes a while to play so I hope play is async! Still well worth the money and I’ve really enjoyed my few games (despite losing!) Gameplay vid posted above is a must watch to get an idea of strategic examples
This is one of just a few asymmetrical gameplay board game apps on the App Store. Asymmetrical gameplay meaning either side (and doesn’t have to be AI controlled) has different objectives. Another one will be Root, coming later this month. iOS and mobile in general is seeing a good stream of board game releases which I’m more than happy to see.