I like playing the red grenade launcher, it's fun just to spam the areas with grenades, though probably the blue gun is the best. One thing that I find a little hard as a weak player, is that when I die, i lose my gun, so the good player still has a good gun, and I have go run around looking for a gun. It makes it hard being weak. Don't know if there is anyway to setup a handicap system, but it might be fun to have a mp mode where you got to choose a default gun. Then the weaker players might have a better chance, but it's kinda funny running for guns while getting shot up by you guys. Kinda fun and hectic in a way too.
I think personally it's funner with up and down, though, probably I would play better without it. Would be nice maybe if it could be an option. One option that would be nice to is to be able to choose a default gun, would make it easier on the weaker players, and could create a handicap if the good players default it to a bad gun. The up down though, sometimes is kinda cool with the grenade launcher, it does change the tragetory of it right?
Yeah as connector said, it kinda ruins some of the strategy with the grenade launcher, and I would say with the energy gun as well
DO NOT get rid of up/down. It would make the game so much more robotic, I don't know why you would even want to do that. That said, I agree with Connector. The default gun in multiplayer is WAY too weak. It takes about 4 shots of the shotgun with good hits to kill others, and it should really be 2/3. Otherwise players who just spawned have zero chance.
Trigger fist was its own movement though: where this title seems to be like a throwback to the PSP's 'Coded Arms' series. - two awesome, fast paced games that simply lacked the touch screen capability which NS brings to the market. Granted Im posting only after getting through about 5-6 stages and obtained three guns, but even if the title is limites soley by it's release content, I hope DEV plans on providing some form of extended content updates. This baby handles like a dream!
Trigger fist was a good game, but I felt like it could've been much better. And I actually hated that "feature", or lack of one. That's just one mans opinion. But it was, indeed, a great game. This is not that game, and should stay that way. Maybe if you want to make it possible for some to have that, okay, make it a toggle. But don't make it so for all. PS. I think someone tried to invite me to a game a couple minutes ago, I tried to join but gamecenter messed up.
Those were definitely the most fun matches yet! Sorry I had to go, I really need some sleep :/ can't wait to play some more! Hopefully 4 people when they fix the multiplayer bug
Yeah, I tried to invite you, seem to get alot of 3 players going, but so far 4 players doesn't seem to quite work. I think. I prefer it with full up and down, the grenade launcher is really fun to play when you have to factor in trajectory. Anyway, some great games tonight all, thanks, feel like I'm finally getting better, two matches did alright.
Yeah you're definitely getting better! You're a monster with the grenade launcher (; Haha I tried to challenge myself to get the game winning kills with the shotgun
Speaking of Eliminate . . . I haven't played a ton of FPS on iOS (or in general, I suppose), but I really got into Eliminate when it came out, and the control scheme worked well for me. One of the things they implemented which I haven't really seen in other games is momentum when looking -- if you did a quick swipe to look around, it would spin you based on the speed you swiped (like inertial scrolling in iOS and OS X). You could stop the spin at any point by touching the screen. For whatever reason, this spin-to-look control scheme really clicked for me, and made any other FPS controls feel more cumbersome because I would stop moving as soon as I lifted my finger from the screen. For example, in Neon Shadow, I find myself swiping over and over again with my right thumb just to turn around, which feels tedious and makes my reaction time slower. I've turned up the look sensitivity, but it would be nice for the speed to be dynamic rather than fixed. Any thoughts? Also, what is "Look Spring"? I've tried toggling it on and off but can't put my finger on what the difference is.
Only played the first couple levels so far, but I'm digging it. Anyone have trouble connecting online through auto match? Also, couldn't seem to find the option for same device multiplayer, anyone know how to enable this?