I am working my second job this evening, sorry, I'd love to... Doomfan, I tried to join and start a second game with you and it bugged out.. really sorry. We'll catch it another time.
EDIT: Okay so I've played multiplayer with JCho133 and it was pretty fun/chaotic. It's not my favorite multiplayer on ios, but it's definitely fun. That said, I've only played one map on multiplayer so far, and I am looking forward to playing the others! Still have to play campaign a bit.
Yeah, come join us now if you want a mp game. I decided to play tonight instead of going out, so I got the next 4 hours free. Or if anyone else wants to join us, pm us.
Yeah, just played for 30 minutes with Repapermunkey and Bramblett, repapermunkey was really good. If you got some time later, let's try a 4 person game, actually did ok the second game. Well, maybe one day I will be good as you all.
Thanks for inviting me to play guys. I definitely like this multiplayer... Connector ;P But in all seriousness, it's a fun multiplayer game. Got my blood pumping with 3 players, I can't imagine four. It would be so chaotic. You should definitely be able to have a higher kill-limit; if you were to play a four player game on such small maps, the game to 15 kills would be over as soon as it started!
Yeah, been playing mostly 3 person games yesterday and today, hopefully we can get 4 people to work, it definitely would be awesome with 4 players.
I think it would be cool if you could have custom settings that the host sets up. At least in private matches
Yeah, I had fun! I feel like it's all about strategy and the weapons. At first, I thought some of the weapons were unfair, but it seems like they all actually have pros and cons. Some are slower but stronger, others a faster but weaker, etc.