Finding it hard to connect with mp Dammit can not remember who I was jut playing. Lost connection. Wth.
There's definitely some server issues but I did a couple 3 player private matches and they were some of the most fun I've had for multiplayer iOS gaming since... Well, since Meltdown!
Good games, Conn, jcho! I got hammered in the last 1.5 matchs (then my device died :/) The game seems quite good so far. It's a bit hard to aim, even with aim assist, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
Well, Multiplayer was fun tonight. Thanks jcho, pocketnova, and sdiggot, it was a lot of fun playing Neon Shadow. Wow, Jcho is pretty awesome... Finally got one kill on Jcho!
Yeah, definitely, this game and Meltdown are great for mp, it's pretty crazy running around, man, I need some talc or something for my fingers, so much contact with the glass. Good times though, thanks, it was fun!
Looks like a lot of people is enjoying this. As someone who've had major problems adjusting to play FPS games on touch screens, can someone review and explain the controls in this game to me? I've bought, played and discarded most of the major FPS releases on iOS due to the controls. Not the games fault, I'm guessing it's because I'm so used to playing games like this on PC. I can't get used to play games like this on my xbox either. This game looks like it plays a lot like Quake, which is an awesome old school shooter that I played a ton back in the day.
I keep feeling like this is a futuristic Wolfenstein + multiplayer.. which is great fun for $2. Played a couple of online matches, very fast paced... It is a game that feels like a map editor, just like those old school games, could work, because each level has pretty much the same grid feel and the same set pieces... just a thought. I have not seen any up/down height variations (some rooms are taller than others, obviously, but no going over walkways or anything) and a topdown grid mapeditor would work well on iOS.
Pretty typical ios FPS controls, like Dead Trigger. Left side move vstick, on right, one moveable button for shooting, panning for anywhere else. I wonder if this will be getting ios 7 joystick support, joystick would probably have an advantage, but would be cool to have joystick support too for this game if possible.
Thanks Connector. I guess I'll give it a shot, if I can't get used to the controls, I'll just use it as an excuse to buy a joystick once some is available. Who am I kidding? I'll buy one of those anyway...
Standard touch screen FPS controls, except much more fast paced and arcade -like. If you are used to using a mouse and keyboard or even a controller, you will be completely hamstrung by the touch interface for aiming/shooting/strafing. Requires a LOT of practice to be accurate while circle strafing. I found the movement to be a bit "floaty" but that could just be a result of lag. By the sounds of your post, this game would not be much fun for you as there are far more superior FPS on iOS compared to this game. Its basically a Doom-like clone as gameplay/levels/graphics/weapon are pretty simplistic. I guess its just supposed to be frantic high scoring frag fests, like FPS used to be way, way back in the day.