Universal Neon Chrome (by 10tons Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. vonknut

    vonknut Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2013
    Iphone 6+ here, everything runs fine, without decreasing any settings.
    So its should be all good.
  2. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Probably already been asked but given the choice - this or Leap of Fate?
  3. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    It has been discussed, the bottom line is that although they are both very similar in concept they feel very different from each other when playing. Leap of Fate is much more fast-paced and the levels are super bite-sized. Neon Chrome is more like a standard dual-stick shooter where you can move from room to room and sort of assess your situation and decide the best way to take on each set of enemies. Both have pretty cool long-term progression goals for being roguelikes, and both control really well on the touchscreen.

    If I had to pick just ONE I'm not sure I could decide! I'd say at the most basic level if you want something that's super frantic and gets your heart racing then Leap of Fate, but if you want something a little slower and more strategic then Neon Chrome.
  4. ZorakZoran

    ZorakZoran Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    Love this game, and thanks for the graphic fix. But as someone said before, can you make the cybernetic enhancements scale with overseer versions? Because as it is, the more you advance, the less you can choose, as a lot of them aren't useful anymore. Would be really, really nice of you devs. Please.

    And while you're at it I even wouldn't mind paying for a dlc with more of everything, being able to customize and improve class, I love the assassin for example but would be nice if I could choose him every time I want, make it also gain abilities... And new places, ennemies, backgrounds, etc etc etc.

    It's the game I always come back to, so I hope it will expand.
  5. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Thanks for that. Think I may go give Leap of Fate a try.
  6. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    I didn't like either of them. They got repetitive fast and the action didn't click with me.
  7. escapedturkey

    escapedturkey Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I got this on Steam for my laptop. It's a fun game. Is the iOS version also worth getting? I find the phone easier to game with but often the quality of the games aren't on par with their PC counter parts. How does Neon Chrome measure up in this regard?

  8. Mr. Grizzly

    Mr. Grizzly Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    I was a bit reluctant to buy this game due to the high price tag ($14 Canadian), but watched some gameplay and it seemed like just what I was looking for in other past twin stick shooters on the app store - most that didn't quite scratch that particular itch. This game does that. I work graveyards and literally played it all night long in between customers. The randomly generated levels means this game will keep me entertained for a long time to come and it will definitely stay on my phone!
  9. Bison Eye

    Bison Eye Active Member

    Jun 29, 2015
    I've gotten to Overseer 12.0 ... Anyone get far enough to crash the system?
  10. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    Geez, you must not be human! I've been battling on 5.0 for some time ;) Neon Chrome is definitely the BEST twin-stick shooter, bar none.
  11. Neglectfate

    Neglectfate Member

    Jan 23, 2017
    It's on sale for 4.99 USD until January 29th!
  12. afsplat

    afsplat Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    Just finished overseer 13.0. It seems mandatory to spend around $1M pre-run otherwise its a short game.
  13. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Bought. Thankyou. Now it's sitting on my homescreen right next to Isaac. Do I have time to play this. Absolutely not, but hopefully I will give it a shot soon.
  14. 10tonsLtd

    10tonsLtd Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    Note: If you use the "Zoom Mode" on iPhone 7 Plus (and possible 6+) the game may look pixelated as the real resolution is not recognized properly. We were baffled by this for some time as we had two strange reports about it, but it seems we now know the cause. Settings -> Display & Brightness -> View is the setting.

    We'll fix this in the future but meanwhile use "standard" for best results in Neon Chrome :)
  15. westred

    westred Member

    Jan 26, 2017
    Disabled Electronics Machine Process Mgr.
    Fargo, North Dakota
    One of the BEST games I have ever played!

    :). Neon Chrome is one game I can't turn away from very long. Great control physics make this so enjoyable to play! Now I heard 10 Tons is adding a new element to NC! First for the PC with all others, including iOS version. It already has a highly replayable nature to it, so this new mode can only be considered a boon. I believe I heard the new mode is a type of Survival Mode. Sounds great to me!
    Anyone know the best way to slay the Cyborg Spider in Overseer 2.0? I suspect it would be to start at Chamber 5 and work back up to the final (Overseer 2.0) Stage, grabbing as much $$$, abilities, weapons, etc.... to effectively conquer the SPIDERBOT?.... I have tried it twice and find it to be the most difficult stage to date! If anyone has any input, please do tell!

    Thanks for the great developement and added value you are providing to Neon Chrome, 10 Tons! Great game!:p
  16. westred

    westred Member

    Jan 26, 2017
    Disabled Electronics Machine Process Mgr.
    Fargo, North Dakota
    Well said! It is a GEM for sure!
  17. BC1377

    BC1377 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    how's the control without mfi controller? is it still good? between this and space marshall 2, which one is better?
  18. subgenius

    subgenius Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2014
    An MFI controller isn't needed for this one. I've played it to a pretty high level and maxed out all the upgrades with just the touchscreen controls without any problems.

    Personally I like NC more than space marshals 2. Marshals was a bit slow paced and repetitive for me and I ended up deleting it. Chrome will stay on my device for a loooong time though.
  19. BC1377

    BC1377 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    ok, thanks for the info xD gonna buy this game then xD
  20. TwirlingFern

    TwirlingFern Member

    Oct 6, 2014
    #320 TwirlingFern, Jan 26, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
    Tips at Neon Chrome

    The upcoming update got me excited. I didn't touch the game in about a month. I stopped on Overseer 18, and the only time I died was on Overseer #1. Here are some tips:

    Starting Out:

    • The shield regen character is very good.
      You want lots of cash to buy upgrades. Take the enhancement to get credits for finishing each level. This will give $10k-20k for each run.

    Mid Progression:

    • Here you have unlocked all the needed enhancements but still need to some perm upgrades.
      You still want lots of cash to buy upgrades. If you have high level of energy, then you get huge amounts of cash from the extra energy at the end of the level.
      Predator is by far the best weapon in the game as the damage is insane compared to all other guns. Take this gun at the beginning with some reasonable upgrade level like 10 or so.
      Depending on what you can afford, take 2 or 3 enhancements to start.
      I found the secondary which gives a massive explosion the most useful. It has a french name.
      You want the character with 2 extra enhancement slots and 4 enhancement choices. This is by far the best mid/end game character.
      Here is your desired loadout:
      Enhancement priority-
      1. Cash at end of each level for unspent energy (gives about $3k per each level).
      2. 35% heal at end of each level - Give massive survivability
      3. 40% damage reduction from having high energy. Keep your energy above 400 throughout the game to get max benefit.
      4. Crit Heal -This enhancement is insane. I don't know why other users say it is not useful. You get huge heals from this. Your predator gun will often have max 30% crit chance, plus you also get increases from your luck
      5. Damage Reduction of 20%
      6. Explosion damage reduction of 70%. Again a huge defense boost
      7. Clip size increase. Predator weapon needs this enhancement. Mathematically the 50% Reload speed + 50% larger clip is strictly better than the 100% clip size increase.
      8. 50% increased health
      9. Rate of fire increase. The best is 20% ROF + 20% damage.
      10. Rate of fire increase again. Knockback is better than vanilla ROF increase
      11 - 12. More health, boss damage, rate of fire
      This should allow you to melt both trash mobs and bosses, and give huge survivability

    End Game:

    • All permanent upgrades should be maxed out by now.
      Whenever you get a chance to get a perm stat increase then take it.
      The strategy is mostly the same as mid-tier characters.
      Use the same enhancement list but since now you shouldn't need much cash and shouldn't take any cash giving upgrades.
      I stop buying enhancements before I hit the 900k one and buy about lv. 20 Predator gun.

    Some tips & tricks:

    • When you save and restart a level it refreshes the upgrade chamber. If you start a level and the upgrade chamber is right at the entrance, if you don't like the choices then you can save and reload to get different choices.
      You can do this too for a chance at increased perm stat points, but you need to do it many times since the chance is low.
      You can circle around the boss and you won't take as much damage since his gun takes time to rotate to track you.
      Purple rooms are very good. Take them nearly all of the time.
      If you are in danger of dying then you can save and restart at the same level (though I never needed to do this since my character was already beefy)

    Possible bugs or unintuitive mechanics: When you get a weapon upgrade sometimes it is a dud. It says weapon level 25 already maxed, even though I may have a lv. 22 weapon. I think there is a max allocation of rate of fire, dmg, crit, etc, and if your upgrade is one of these categories then it will be a dud instead of rolling a different weapon bonus.

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