Universal Neo Monsters (by NTT Resonant Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    #161 CoreyFox, Oct 24, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2015
    Going for the re-roll, wish me luck..
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Finally the weekend and will be picking this up in a couple of hours, so far what I've been reading it sounds good and with less irritating mechanics that waste time or cost money.

    Also if people actually are complaining about price they are insane....it might as well be free at the price it's at as if you can't afford that how do you have an iOS device. I like the way the dev works out price for entertainment time and he's right, I use to do exactly the same thing and think what could I do for hours upon hours for 79p?
  3. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    So I am starting to get a little stuck and wondered how folks are pushing through this wall. I'm on Frost Island, getting ready for Expert League. I've done quite a bit of the online Missions, currently in Chapter 2 in the Holy Ruins - so net net I am Hero Rank 9.

    In terms of monsters I have 69/69: 1 4(5) star, 5 3(4) stars, 5 3 star in my team. All of the "ultra-evolvable" monsters have burned their training points, and I've probably added 6ish sessions to each of them but seems like diminishing rewards.

    When I fight out in the wilderness I win pretty easily, and Rares I see are not an improvement. Against other trainers I'm getting close to losing (and to boss mobs as well) but I can't seem to make the team a whole lot better. So what do I do now? The requirements for ultra-evolution seem really steep and could take weeks to accumulate due to the respawn rate on gold/silver keys. Any suggestions?

    Note that I've already spent 10 bucks.
  4. hunkyducky1

    hunkyducky1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
    I enjoy the game as such but is quite apparent that you can only really get the good monsters by paying and even then its luck. Then theres the timers. You have to wait 24 hours for one key. I don't really like when features of the game are hidden behind a paywall. If this is supposed to be a freemium then make it a freemium. Its a fun game other than the few free to play aspects.
  5. Abbadon

    Abbadon Active Member

    Mar 25, 2011
    #165 Abbadon, Oct 24, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
    I'm at the same point on frost island, not even two days after installing the game...actually got lucky with a legendary, so I still have some training to do...but the two guys I have that can be ultra-evolved take a lot more stuff than I have right now...there aren't any guys I can capture that actually improve my team, so my only option seems to be grinding really slowly for silver and upgrade stuff, but that takes a huge amount of tickets...plus a lot of keys...

    Not sure how long I will remain interested in the game if my pace is slowed down like this...
  6. hunkyducky1

    hunkyducky1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
    Yeah same here... Why an event only opens for 1 hour when realisticly you only have enough time to attempt it once as the 1 hour expires before you gave generated enough tickets to make a second attempt.
  7. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Thanks guys - glad to hear I'm not missing something. Frankly even replacing one of my guys with a legendary wouldn't make a lot of difference I think.
  8. Abbadon

    Abbadon Active Member

    Mar 25, 2011
    Probably not, since you don't have enough points to be able to put more legendaries or super-epics in your team, unless you make your team a lot smaller...

    I'm considering grinding for some combo dudes...maybe play a whole team full of poison-monsters? don't know if that's even possible based on the encounters so far, but might be interessting to try, since those poison-eater attacks are brutal...
  9. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    I'd like to figure it out though because the game is terrific and I can't put it down....I really want to finish it.
  10. midasmulligan

    midasmulligan Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2015
    Couple observations. The game seems like there are , for lack of better words, micro stuttering as you move around the maps-it doesn't seem like a smooth frame rate. Also, there is something like a screen tear when there's a transition to battle ( I'm on an iPhone 6s+).

    Does he game get more strategic in battles? It seems like it's just a matter of attrition with as you trade hit for hit. Do more combinations come into play? All I've witnessed is the poison one at this point (couple hours in)
  11. Avatre

    Avatre Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    #171 Avatre, Oct 25, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    I've played Dragon Island Blue, Hunter Island and Micromon, and while I liked them all, there wasn't really any push to go back to playing them over the hundreds of other games. I didn't get very far on Micromon, in fact I started playing that again the other day rather than purchase this, yet another of the same. I played it for a few hours, but I didn't even get past the beach place before getting bored, I was just grinding and grinding to level up each of the pets and capture one of every type before moving on to the next lot, then there was grinding for gold to buy the stupid capture cards that didn't work half the time anyway... So yeah, I gave in again.
    I don't know what possessed me to purchase this one after that, but I'm really glad I did. This one seems to take everything I liked about the other three and put them all in to one. The most noticeable of changes (at least from Micromon, I can't really remember the other two very well):

    1 Warp back to town to heal pets! No long run through screen after screen when you're out of potions.
    2 Free, infinite, captures!!! It works the same, the lower the health, the better the chance, and there's no pushing to buy any higher chance capture cards (I don't think there even is any!)
    3 No potions as they're not needed with the teleport back to base and then back out to waypoints.
    4 The pets aren't levelled individually. After each fight, you earn training points, which you then use to train your full team (of 10 so far) with health, speed, attack and defence, and levelling each of these earns xp towards evolution.
    5 There is something of an energy bar but ONLY on the online missions, those missions earn you extra xp and a diamond here or there towards your next egg. It's easy enough to just pop on to the online missions, use your tickets (energy) and then go back to the main game.

    I'm only on to the second island so far and the dungeons are disappointedly small, but perhaps that changes the further in I get. The only thing I'd really like to see added is something to indicate whether the monster you're fighting has already been captured.
    Sorry this turned out quite long, but all in all I'm loving this game and everything about it, it was more than worth purchasing the previous three just to get to this one. If anyone is still on the fence, I definitely recommend Neo Monsters.
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I keep re rolling for a legendary at the start but getting bored by the drawn out tutorial since you can't skip it. Does it really matter much can I get them all anyway without paying? Also does the start monster matter much? As in do you meet certain types earlier in game so are best choosing strategically vs what yours will be strong against or the type you'll find last? Or simply pick what looks best?
  13. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    #173 Moocow, Oct 25, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    It's kind of unfortunate no monster-catching game has that same feel as pokemon. I don't know why no dev bothers to put any exploration into these games? Is it really that hard to make 2D maps like Zenonia where you can actually walk around with a D-pad and do quests? Neo Monsters has a "map" if it can even be called that. Basically you're thrown into a 2D map where you have VERY limited movement capabilities. There isn't even a movement pad, or any environment obstacles, or ANYTHING on the map except trainers. You basically tap on a screen to move that direction. You might as well just make it all text-based, "tap option A to fight wild monster, tap option B to fight trainer 1, etc".

    TLDR: It's basically Pokemon, except without the actual exploration, RPG elements, items and quests. You just get the tournament fights, that's it. It's not exactly a bad game, but it does nothing that 10 other "monster catching" games didn't already do. Highly disappointing.
  14. tornadogaming

    tornadogaming Active Member

    Feb 28, 2015
    We've just recently started playing this and so far we're really enjoying it.
    Graphics are great, the detail of all the different NeoMonsters is fantastic and the battle mechanics make it really easy to play.
    The fact that you can play this offline is also a big plus in our eyes.

    For those that are considering picking this one up, we've made a little gameplay video as we get into the second island in the game.

    Highly recommended!
  15. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    As you progress u get to free roll.. But I personally feel it's best u roll for a legendary in the beginning.. I never ever use a non legendary friend for quest.. So you can see the impact is a lot on losing friend points, and legendary monsters are so cool.. Those with poison eating... Wham bam thank you ma'am types lol
  16. sakuraarts

    sakuraarts Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
    This game is more shin megami tensei then pokemon

    The 4v4 and the character dialogues specifically
  17. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    I dont think it's necessary to get a legendary to start with. Started with an epic as well and got a legendary later on. Legendaries can't be evolved to their final stage until you reach hero lvl 35 or 45 don't know anymore. Many players won't even get there.

    For those complaining about keys and 1 hour to finish stuff: I only start these extra dungeons when I am close to a lvl up which refills your tickets. That means I have 2 tries per key.

    Frost Island seemed easy to me! Maybe try to ultra evolve the starter monster? It just needs a few things to be ready. Epics are easier to evolve as well.

    Stuck in the S class champions league )=
  18. Tulki

    Tulki Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    #178 Tulki, Oct 25, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
    It seems the "pay 2 win" aspect is starting to show through now.

    Like I said in a previous post, the amount of training points you get for offline battles keeps decreasing as you do more of them. This means it keeps getting harder and harder to train your monsters offline. Even if you capture a low-rarity monster and try to train them, you're gonna be stuck with a lower rate. It keeps getting lower and lower until it becomes completely unviable to train your monsters offline, and it never goes back to normal.

    Unless you go online. Where you get to spend energy to actually get training points at a non-diminished rate. But then you eventually run out of energy and have to spend gems to regenerate it or wait for a long time. Oh, you can buy gems for money. There it is.

    Nobody has managed to justify the diminishing returns on training points while offline. I'm not talking about hero level. I'm talking about training points. You keep getting less and less offline. The game doesn't explain why, and nobody here has managed to explain why it works this way either.

    HOW are training point earnings calculated? And why do you keep getting less and less as you progress when playing offline? Is there a good way to train without waiting for energy timers?
  19. hincy89

    hincy89 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2011
    How does this compare to evocreo
  20. Lukeycloud

    Lukeycloud Active Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Meh haven't had a legendary yet, my super epics are getting stuck because I need to farm more training days with them, then I use online and the unleveled legendary just pretty much laugh at my pets..

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