Universal Neo Monsters (by NTT Resonant Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. ZigZaGameDev

    ZigZaGameDev Active Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    Let me say THANK YOU to all those of you posting with such kind words and praise. It makes us remember why we worked so long on this :)

    Q: Is there a difference in choosing male or female at the start of the game?
    A: Yes, you are either a boy or a girl. Joking aside, its cosmetic only... for now...still joking

    Q: looks like there's super evo materials but can't be bought just earned. Looking at my monster I see 4/5 stars ect. How can I eventually 5* him? I've evolved him twice but he stays at 4*. Do you use these event materials somehow?
    A: The final star on a monster that is unfilled can be filled in using Super Evolution. Its in the monster menu but the game will tell you about this when you are ready for it. You can earn the ingredients to super evolve doing the ingredient missions in the online section

    Q: Also what does training session days mean? Like next to all your monsters. Some say 35 some say 60.
    A: It is how many times you can train that monster(measured in cards played). There are ways to increase this that you can find in the online section.
  2. Nohr

    Nohr Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Hey Zeil!
    Another dev here :)
    To answer your question, the first step to Ultra-Evolution is training your monster to max stats (for the rare monsters, this likely means you'll need to add training sessions to the monster along the way).
    Once your monster is at max stats (this game will alert you when this happens, though you can view your progress anywhere monster details are shown, such as edit teams), you need to collect the evolution materials from missions. You can view the needed materials under Monsters > Ultra-Evolution.
    Then finally, you can Ultra-Evolve!
  3. Nohr

    Nohr Member

    Oct 22, 2015
    Aaaand, you beat me to it!
  4. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #84 Zeillusion, Oct 23, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    Thank you so much for helping & answering my questions! You guys totally rock. This games a real gem. It appears tons are playing as well.

    I have no problems supporting such a great game with such helpful devs, rock on!

    So I played a few event material missions and got a few 2* monsters. These are essentially materials I should keep? ( storm bottle / skull bottle ) are these 2* materials to upgrade a monster to 3*? It doesn't have any info when I click on them. Although I did get them from the material event.

    & also it appears as you hero rank up, you gain the ability to hold more tickets?
  5. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    After like 6 resets I got a super epic monster lol.. Satisfied ####
  6. ZigZaGameDev

    ZigZaGameDev Active Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    Yes those bottles and stuff are ingredients to turn guys who are, as an example 3+1 unfilled start into 4 stars. Yes on the tickets question.
  7. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    #87 Zeillusion, Oct 23, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    Haha Rin I was lucky enough to get leefy (super epic) on my first try.

    @thanks devs.

    All these people I can add as friends already have legendaries, I'm a bit jealous. I'll have to try and get one soon.

    I also need to figure out what all these events are for. I now know materials but the "silver" and "coin" event I can't figure out haha

    Lots of event games have descriptions, can't find one. I'll look for a wiki later to answer all my questions since I'm new to this series.

    & im assuming "youth" fruit allows you to change time with your monsters allowing for more training
  8. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    It would be cool if you had a counter whereas after X number of gem summons the epics get removed from the pool or something like that, I dropped $8 on the IAP and got 3 regular epics, so I probably won't be spending more money as RNG isnt in my favor apparently.
  9. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Is there any reason to use the delete monster? The delete so far just delete my monster without me getting any returns. Why do I need to delete then?
  10. Seil

    Seil Growtopia Seed Master

    Aug 30, 2012
    I'm assuming there are egg/whatever exclusive monsters. I'm not fond of that, but I'd like to know if there's an in-game method of acquiring the eggs(and not just a couple here and there) if that's the case. In games like this, collecting is a huge part of it and if it's not possible to actually do that without forking over many games' worth of money to a gacha like some gambling addict, that's a deal breaker.

    Even ignoring collecting, it sounds like there's potential competitive play and if there are powerful monsters hidden behind a cash-only RNG, that's pretty broken.

    Edit: Oh, also, is it even actually possible to own everything or is there a limitation on space that also runs counter-intuitive to the genre?
  11. Tivius

    Tivius New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
    I asked this on facebook but never got a reply, one thing I enjoyed about HI and DI was the infinite dungeon. The fact that it was offline was cool and I really dont get into the PvP all that much. Will something like that be back in this game? Or even better something like a battle tower from pokemon, where we go against AI trainers?
  12. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    ^ someone more experienced should answer.

    Although online activity and missions gets you gems and it's 5 per pull. There isn't PVP in the game yet so yeah don't worry about not having the legendary monsters. I'm sure they're hard to get, after all, they are legendary.

    If PVP is introduced don't worry you won't be facing them anytime soon.

    As far as I can tell the game is friendly with only having one thing to buy, eggs. I've got a great team for free so far, no paywalls, and overall really enjoying myself.

    Online missions use tickets that are on a timer but the devs do need to make some money,

    As for bag space, as far as I can tell there's no limit. There's hundreds of monsters.
  13. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Hi guys. Love the game and so many improvements over your other two. I will be playing this for a while like the others.

    My only big complaint early on is this share-system with friends. When I got to the online section, all the friends you could choose have legendaries. This encourages everyone to mindlessly reroll over and over and over at the beginning. The reason is why would anyone use your monster if it isn't legendary? Therefore you lose out on another currency.

    I actually re-rolled myself about 10 times without success until I got frustrated with downloading again and the tutorial. Maybe a way to purchase a guaranteed legendary one time at the beginning to even out the online playing field?
  14. Seil

    Seil Growtopia Seed Master

    Aug 30, 2012
    Thanks for attempting to answer at least. The thing with me, really, is that I'm a collector in these kinds of games. I have a living dex in Pokemon, for example. Collecting is a big part of the experience, and running into walls due to self-crippling of a game for the sake of money is a turnoff. It's kind of become a staple of the mobile market at this point, to make games with a ton of monsters/units/cards and hide the best ones a $5 gacha(The fact that this particular price point took off is annoying too haha). For me, it's not even just a matter of the more powerful things being behind it, but the fact that it's destroyed the aspect I'd be most interested in, collecting.

    Beating the game is usually just part of it. I can beat a Pokemon game with just my starter and a couple HM slaves, but that's not my focus or where the game ends for me.

    I've no problem supporting devs, or paying proper prices for games for that matter. However, I refuse to support devs who've crippled the experience for the sake of making money, y'know? I'd rather spend $60 elsewhere for a full game than $1 followed by hundreds thrown at an RNG to actually complete it.
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Since I was watching football I decided to try rerolling. Terrible idea. Almost 3 hours and not a single legendary. I can't even tell if there's a trick with the wheel or it's just completely random no matter where you hit stop. I think random makes more sense because if someone figured out where to stop the wheel they could keep amassing legendaries. So it may just all come down to luck unfortunately. Doing it for 3 hours with no payoff is sadly disappointing. I'm guessing if I bought IAP for more gems I wouldn't get one either..
  16. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    What was your best roll?
  17. hunkyducky1

    hunkyducky1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2013
    The thing I find annoying is the timers on the tickets and "youth fruits". Unlocked the "youthfruit" event to find out you need 15 tickets to attempt it. However i didnt have enough tickets to attempt it and the event expired before i recovered enough tickets. This is an aspect I'm not too impressed with about this game. You cant really progress to get some of the better monsters without the lame timers...
  18. ZigZaGameDev

    ZigZaGameDev Active Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    #98 ZigZaGameDev, Oct 23, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
    Lots of questions. I came back on before going to bed to try to get a couple more answers out there. I may not get to other questions asked today.

    Q: I asked this on facebook but never got a reply, one thing I enjoyed about HI and DI was the infinite dungeon. The fact that it was offline was cool and I really dont get into the PvP all that much. Will something like that be back in this game? Or even better something like a battle tower from pokemon, where we go against AI trainers?
    A: We actually can handle a dungeon that is virtually infinite in the online section. We have to test it and decide if its fun or not still so cannot promise anything yet. Being in the online section does not mean it is PVP. You can treat it just like any other dungeon except you have to be online to start and finish it.

    PVP: This is in game,just not available to everybody until we work out the kinks. We are not sure when this will open up but the feature does exist.

    There is a limit of 250 monsters, but the game tracks everything you ever had in the monsterpedia so you can still try for completion. If you are going for completion, there is no reason you would need every single monster as you will be trying to have many powerful ones and have no room for weaker ones in your lineup.

    Friend points and re-rolling and everybody has legendaries: It actually only feels like its all legendaries on the share screen because its sorted by stars. Try flipping some pages and see what other people have to offer. 50 choices are presented to you. Unfortuneatly, we cannot stop people from deleting the app, re-installing and re-rolling. But there is a silver lining. A new way to earn friend points, gems and more will be added sometime soon to the online section.

    @Seil I would like to quote Zeillusion "As far as I can tell the game is friendly with only having one thing to buy, eggs. I've got a great team for free so far, no paywalls, and overall really enjoying myself." We created a game with 900 monsters and we feel we did a good job of letting players collect a powerful army. We are sorry that this breaks with your desire to collect every single monster but this is how we built the game. Thanks for your feedback.
  19. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I honestly can't say because I don't know what's good or not. I can get Super Epic probably 35% of the time and 65% is anything lower rarity.
  20. Tonk Montana

    Tonk Montana Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2010
    Thank you for the reply and silver lining. But...why would we want to scroll down?

    Everyone wants the most powerful ally on their team to win. Therefore anyone with a legendary now reaps all the point advantages until some future change. This factors the whales and skews the PVP component from early on.

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