Universal Neo Monsters (by NTT Resonant Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014

    I think we all get it, it's a game charging 99c and still having iap's. But you still get a decent amount of eggs for playing with more coming in the future... I am fine with it how it is (daily login gem every 3 days would be better than 10 though) but that's just how I feel.

    Some other stuff you said is just wrong though. Thunder is weak against earth and strong against water which is pretty intuitive...

    I see you are coming from Pokemon where the element of the attack is the deciding factor. Well it's different here but that doesn't mean it's worse?! Every monster has an element (6 possible) every attack this monster has will attack with the same element. So a fire monster that uses Poison sting will be effective against an earth monster while the same attack (poison sting) coming from a lightning monster will be weak against it.
  2. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    Someone asked what monsters I use since I've already beaten the game:

    Just a few here:
    I started my game with Pharaoguard (epic) and I am pretty happy. Ultra evolved him
    Same with my starter (the water one)

    Shadowlance and Gearwolf are the 2 super epics I use and I love them (=

    Angelon was the legendary I got later on! Stuns when he comes in and can purify and risky heal all. It's good but not gamebreaking! My super epics feel stronger. But the heal can change entire fights!

    Lower than epic monster I used:

    Rhynonbrawl for sure! It's awesome
    Voltray for some poison combos
    Leobolt (which everyone got at the star) till the very end!
    0 star moji! He costs 1 and can purify and sacrifice himself to heal all
    Rosa queen for combos with sleep
    Megalorex is strong
    Raijin for his stun bomb and aoe Thunder

    And for the very final boss I needed a 2 star and a 3 star I never used before:
    Stegospike to absorb all stuns and purify
    Thug frog to enrage my heavy hitters while he stealthes and explodes with the 400sec bomb when the timer is up (=
    These 2 where great for the endboss!!
  3. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    6 hours in and I'm pressed to believe that once you hit stop, the gacha is randomly decided for you. I don't think there are any "tricks" to get a legendary.
  4. Talaen

    Talaen Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    I've noticed the delay from press to stop is very inconsistent as well. If there is a trick I'd love to hear it. :)

    I don't expect anything for free and have already spent around $15 on the game, but until I'm able to catch the better monsters in game (hopefully someday) I want to maximize the value of my gem rolls.
  5. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    How many rolls get in those 6 hrs? Have you gotten your 1st legend yet?

    Takes me 15 minutes for a roll, and that includes downloading the app.. I got my first re-roll legendary in 7 tries, about 2 hrs. My second re-roll legendary came in after 17 tries. 17 tries = 5 hours.

    That is 7 hrs of rerolling, you better believe I would rather buy a legendary or two, if they were available outside of gacha.
  6. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014

    In the 2 older games it was possible to improve your chances of a more successful egg roll of I remember correctly. It doesn't feel like it's possible here though.

    Hm... I don't really agree with you here. You are proposing they should sell legendaries as well? This would mean there will be eggs for 4$ as they are currently and guaranteed legendaries for 10$. I don't think that would help at all. Probably you would complain there as well since there are different qualities of legendaries out there and you would want to pay more for an even better one ;)
  7. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    I do not remember mentioning anything about buying legendaries for a certain price - if I did, it would have been purely hypothetical. But when the time is right, (I am not intending to come across as pushy) I think it would be nice if other avenues within the game were made available to get top-shelf monsters. I kinda doubt that it would equate to buying them outright for a certain dollar figure. I would much rather see challenges made available via iap that allow players the opportunity to win Monsters.. The best example I have to compare it to would be Hearthstone, and its "Adventures".. Should they do away with Gacha, of course not - it's good money.. But adding other avenues within the game, would also be cool... By the way, these are simply critical observations and idea presentations, not complaints.
  8. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    No incorrect. The moment you hit start it's already decided. The animation and the stop is just for animation
  9. Skvar

    Skvar Active Member

    Mar 26, 2014
    So let me get this straight. I preface this with I love collecting. I cannot complete my monsterdex (who am I kidding I like having it mostly complete, there are always SUPER crazy rare that I give up on) without playing the egg wheel? Multiple times? I was really excited about this game. I have collected every monster I can on the first two islands, but according to statements, I cannot collect above an epic level on all the islands? Two egg rolls in and two epics. Selecting nothing but legendaries online for friends, why because you want to win don't you. I am sadly bowing out of this game. Yes I know I can complete the game with epics, but that is not the same as the enjoyment I get out of hunting down, evolving and combining my monsterdex close to or up to completion.
  10. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    I am a completionist too, I do feel your pain..
  11. PixTragic

    PixTragic Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    Yea I deleted the game as well and my two friends deleted it too. This free to play stuff just is not going to fly with us...doesn't matter if it is only a dollar. Sorry, but bye bye neo monsters
  12. nosoup4crr

    nosoup4crr Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
    I'm reading on the forums that duplicate captured monsters come with an inherent reduction to their skill cost. Can anyone confirm if skills times are reduced for duplicate monsters...if the reduction stacks...and what the cap on the reduction is?
  13. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    If I remember correctly there was a way to get the best monsters in their former game. They had online challenges. A deep muli level dungeon and it was a race. The first I don't know, 50? People who finished it got a guaranteed legendary after that it was a chance to get it.

    I agree with you that only gacha to get epics and above (with exeption of the 3 epics on the last island) isn't enough. I would love it if they add any chance to earn them online. PVP/PVE

    And I never had any duplicates. I hope it stays that way though, even with lower cooldowns it would be sad to roll an egg for a monster I already have
  14. andreadeda

    andreadeda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    I Can confirm that's the case for the monsters your receive from egg rolls;on my third spin (all free rolls from gems acquired in the game)i got again the super epic thunder dragon i already got with my first spin and this resulted in a reduction of the cost of his abilities (not much though, i think around 5% less time).

    I don't think this would work on monsters captured in the map but i didn't check...

    Game is ok in my opinion, liked the first two much more because you could try to catch strong monsters and obtain legendary ones with some work;if that's not possible here its disappointing.
    I'm playing at my pace so not rushing in (i just arrived on the snow island) and doing some pvp here and there; rare monsters obtainable on the map seem nothing special so far.

    I think i'll play the game through and then probably will just delete it; let's see if new contents comes out and if i get to do some more free rolls; i don't plan to buy gems as they are way overpriced (like in most of this freemium games); if it was 1€ for one roll i would think about it but at almost 4€ for a roll i'm not tempted the least...
  15. Talaen

    Talaen Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2012
    Personal Review


    Neo Monsters is one of the best monster catching games to hit iOS to date, with an enormous amount of available monsters and fantastic game systems. This is not an auto-playing style game, nor does the core offline game limit your ability to play with energy-style systems (although additional online content does). The game does not have the usual "Feed" your monster other monsters tactic to level or evolve, which is a positive as well. It is held back by an unfortunate commercial model at present, but this is something that could be improved in the future and I have great hopes for the game.

    Longer Review:
    Having sunk more than a dozen hours into the game so far, I wanted to give my own honest assessment of the game.

    For background, while I have played (and enjoyed) many Pokemon games over the years, I am not a competitionist by any means. I have also purchased and played the prior games from this studio, although it has been some time since I loaded up either so my ability to compare and contrast is limited somewhat.

    I like the aesthetics of the game. The models for the NPCs, monsters, and especially background art are all well done and are certainly higher quality (and resolution) than their prior games. I would not consider this a game to showoff the graphical power of your device, but all of the artwork is very appropriate and fitting to the game.

    The sound effects and music are fair, but not a standout to me. Neither a positive or negative.

    For all of the complaints (including my own) regarding the key and egg system, this is an absolutely fantastic monster catching game. Everything you could hope for is in here, between a fairly well-written story, selecting a "starter" monster, catching monsters in the wild (including harder ones in dungeons), and helping them grow and evolve. This is NOT an autoplay game, and there is a tremendous amount of potential strategy to leverage between passive and active skills, creating combos that can help decimate your enemies.

    Unlike many iOS monster games, your monsters don't just have a single skill and default attack. Even the lowest rarity monster has a few options, and even they can be useful in certain situations. Higher rarity monsters boast up to 4 active skills and 2 passive skills, and when you combine that with up to 16 monsters in your active list (i.e., that can be used in combat on a sequential basis), you open up tons of opportunities for strategy.

    For example, you can line up a monster that has an ability to do critical damage to sleeping opponents next to a monster which has "sleep bomb", which puts all active monsters (yours and your opponent's) to sleep. You can set your next active monster to be one that has 'Purify', so they can cure sleep on your own monsters - or bring in a monster with the critical damage to sleep next to start picking off enemies one at a time. There are similar tactics for using poison status effects, using stuns to cause long delays in monster action and then using 'Timestrike' to inflict critical damage, using sleep bombs + 'Survivor', which causes critical damage once that monster has been active and alive on the field for a certain amount of time, and many more.

    The offline progression through the base story, which breaks down into a series of themed islands, is pretty fun and provides a good story backdrop and progression. Each island breaks down into a few random battles, opportunities to collect a potential rare monster or two in the short and linear dungeons, and then battling a few trainers to gain access to the next round of the league tournaments. I'm about to complete the second to last island and have had fun working through this progression.

    The online progression is every bit as much fun to me, with a separate (but complimentary) story line, quests, and events to gain items needed for training and evolution. I would enjoy this part even more if there wasn't double timers for tickets (needed to do anything in the online mode) and keys (required for the non-story line events). I can accept that we might need to choose which of those avenues to spend time (and tickets) on, but locking away with keys that take up to 24 hours to regenerate is excessive to me. This is made worse as it is impossible to progress advanced evolutions without the items you obtain in these events, so a core part of progression is locked behind these double timers. On the plus side, the rewards of training points are substantially higher in the online mode, so once you gain a few Hero Levels (obtained via XP granted in online mode only), you will likely have more training points than you can spend.

    Difficult to assess at this stage, given the game just released. I do recall this studio was great with supporting their prior titles and had ongoing events and additions of systems made to keep players coming back.

    If you read any of the threads here, you will see the concern that of the ~900 monsters advertised, only 200 or so are currently available to be captured in the game. The remaining can currently only be obtained by using gems to spin a traditional gatcha wheel to see what you win, with the prized ranging between epic, superepic, and legendary monsters. I have no problem paying for the base game (a steal at $.99 in my view), and I can even live with having some aspects of content gated (as long as there is a robust game to play outside of those timers, which there is), but it is very disappointing to have no means of catching the vast majority of monsters. I would happily pay for additional unrestricted content (an extra few dollars for a new island, or an endless dungeon with the possibility of finding and catching rares), and I've seen others in this thread who have echoed similar sentiments.

    It is entirely possible additional content updates can expose additional monsters, whether through additions to the core offline game (new islands and comparable) or seasonal events (using the online tickets/timers). The developers have some large decisions to make in my view, as not addressing this point quickly will not only discourage new sales, it will also alienate the core players who have purchased many of their games in the past.
  16. Lukeycloud

    Lukeycloud Active Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Happy with the game content but the way you can never get a legendary except with extreme luck is pointless I spent a bit extra trying but for that reason I'm out due to the extreme in balance as there is no way for me to progress past the point I'm at. Other than that it's a fantastic game.
  17. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    We all should suggest that if say we throw 10/20$ towards golden e's that a meter goes up increasing your chances of getting an L. That would be great, especially considering lots are rerolling the tutorial and obtaining L's and once pvp hits it'll appear to be unfair.
  18. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    Question: When PvP will arrive, with chances to get another Legendary (without spending for lots of eggs) being close to zero, the online battles won't turn in something very close to Pay to Win? I for one - and I'm talking only by my chances against someone who spend thousands for in app-purchases - I don't think I'll have a chance with my poor Omegawyrm against 3-4 Legendary (and my dragon who's working only with poison skilled monsters don't have at least "hold ground" so he dies instantly when attack by a powerful enemy). I hope the PvP will match players based on their monster team, otherwise... enemies with big pockets for iAP will torn me apart
  19. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    Poor Omegawing?^^ it's the best legendary I have seen so far! Hunter island had something like leagues where you have to fight at stronger/weaker opponents online with different rewards for wins/losses in the league.

    I was hoping that you can't get duplicates which means that chances for legend arise increase by getting epics out of eggs. That was why I always thought: it's okay that I just got epics in the last 3 rolls, it will just get better in the future... But that appears to be wrong with duplicates possible )=

    2 more days until the possibility to transfer monsters from hunter island ends btw! You get 3 free starting egg rolls in HI if I remember correctly and I don't know if you can roll something that will give you a legendary after carrying over but at least one of the super epic dragons are possible! Get a hatchling in one of the rolls and take it with you to this game.
    I know it's even more rerolling and I said I rerolling isn't necessary to beat the game (which I still believe) but I know many people are looking for a way to get some of the stronger monsters!
    Maybe you can even play HI for the next 2 days, get a legendary and transfer it!
  20. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    #280 Derprozess, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
    Omegawyrm have active skills: Gigalux, Poison Touch, Poison Eater - I never tried Omegawing as none of my friends haven't shared it. Poison Eater is of course the most powerful but takes too much time (even helped by Accelerate Team rarely I can use it twice after I hit with Poison Eater). I'm on my way to the final battle (in Champion League) and I keep repeating the last battle without finding any solutions yet (even if in two attempts I lost the battle in the last second...) All my team is max lvl up, with 2 epics ultra evolved. Thugfrog is set to explode in the last round of the fight but even hidden by Stealth can't survey 400 secs. Anyway, I know I will win soon enough but losing so close to the end gives me headache.

    And about saying that Omegawyrm isn't much of a deal - I'm sure this monster is stronger than other Legendaries, but I find most of the friend list shares (Necrowing, Rexobone, especially Dreadghoul with Twin Dead Sentence) are far superior to that point of being game breakers; at least this is what I think.

    You are so right about winning duplicates monsters, it's not fair at all when thinking the gems are so hard to get and so expensive to purchase.

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