Universal Neo Monsters (by NTT Resonant Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    #241 Derprozess, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    There is a big paywall in the way of having great monsters in our team. With €4 you have a chance to get one, but you cannot be 100% sure to obtain it. With two purchases my chances were 50-50. As I see in this forum many players, when starting game, take their chances to win a free Legendary, that monster we start with. How in earth is this gaming? Spending hours and hours to get something that should be free? (At least the developer should give everyone a Legendary when download the game, as this is Premium game, no matter the low cost when you have to spend money to enjoy great monsters in your team)
    I'm not saying this game can't be completed without spending a dime, by 5-10% of the players. One guy here already did it, but this only prove that developers these days are targeting players with no skill and no patience to pay real money in order to have a chance to finish the game.
    I know I'm in minority here, but I see that more and more players are starting to complain about this game model.

    And can anyone explain to me why is there an option to purchase gems by €80? When even this amount of money won't guarantee you the unlock of the whole in-game content? Nobody forces you, I know, but still...

    I hope this model will change at some point in time and all content in this game will be accessible for all, not only the ones with big fat pockets. It wasn't my intention to offend anyone and if I did I apologize about it.
  2. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    I would love the before mentioned idea of paying 10-15$ to get acces to an infinite dungeon with the possibility to catch every single monster there!! They could still have eggs for 1-2$ for the people that don't wanna spend the 10-15$. But I think we will have to wait for their next game for it, if ever...
  3. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    Oh for those interested:
    The amount of obtainable gems:

    6 Leagues = 12 gems
    5 after that (not to spoiler anything)
    X before (I don't know if you start with any? I guess the 5 for the first roll)

    = 17+ start

    So far:
    Chapter 1 = 2
    Chapter 2 = 7
    Chapter 3 = 7
    Daily rewards 1 every 10 days

    34 so far which equals almost 7 eggs plus the starter egg.

    Oh and you are able to catch 3 Epics (4 star) on the last island. "Just" epic but they are the best catchable monsters as far as I know.
  4. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    I think you are not quite correct on this point. Paying real money will give you a bit more options to chose from on top of the 7+ free monsters you will get through offline and online play. But by no means that is enough to beat the game if you just don't know what you are doing. The game will remain tough. Consider that legendaries will also cost more to use and they don't really shine that much pre ultra evolved.

    I would say even paying 30$ wouldn't guarantee you beating the game. I'd say they created a very challenging game targeted to people that put time and effort in there to master the system or at least lvl up their hero lvl so they can take a shitload of monsters with them in order to finish the game^^
  5. Uchti

    Uchti Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    I know it seems like I am spamming right now haha. Sorry for that!

    Just wanted to say I finished the online campaign as well (part 7 chapter 3) which is a bit disappointing! I was hoping they would have implemented chapter 4 at least...

    I really like the story and the additional insight you get through the online missions. I think they complement each other really well, it just feels a little bit like an unfinished game at the current state )=
    Please add more stuff Devs!
    At least an infinite dungeon or sth like that so that people who finish can do something in there.
  6. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    What monsters u have u seem good at this game. I am struggling with chapter 2 boss mission lol
  7. PixTragic

    PixTragic Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    It's a premium game with hardcore f2p mechanics. We paid for the game, give us access to all the monsters without having Iap. I would buy a legendary since I have reroll end for 4 days straight without any luck.
  8. RandallPeek

    RandallPeek Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    You paid a buck for a game that you can enjoy for many hours. Stop whining about what you don't have and be happy for what you got.
  9. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    I think this is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard on Touch Arcade Forums. What gives you the right to weight my time in the money I spend for playing a game? It doesn't matter how much you play for a dollar or in my case 10€ as long as you realize at the end that any sense of accomplishment is missing. I paid 5€ for "Brothers: A tale of two sons", I ended it in four hours and I had more great time while playing and finishing the story than in 20 hours or more of playing Neo Monsters. So no I'm not "happy" at all
  10. RandallPeek

    RandallPeek Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2014
    I'm guessing you're the kind of guy who'd go see 'Frozen' then complain that there weren't enough car chases and aliens and that popcorn and soda weren't included in the ticket price.
  11. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    And sense of accomplishment for everyone is of course same as yours?
  12. Derprozess

    Derprozess Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    No need to be sarcastic of course I was talking about myself. It's a bit sad to realize you can't say anything against a game if you don't agree with the majority but I apologize if I offended you in any way
  13. Duke12

    Duke12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2013
    You didnt offend me and Im sarcastic by nature so my apologies too. I was just trying to point out your response was imo bit over agressive in the beginning there when you coulve just said while he might be happy with the content youre not and then bring out the accomplishment issue.

    But I was poking my nose where it shouldnt have been in the first place really so again sorry
  14. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    #254 CoreyFox, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    You are projecting ideas onto these guys that they never conveyed.. They seem to be coming from a place of principle, not specifically referring to economics..
  15. unoriginal7

    unoriginal7 Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    I feel ya derprozess this game has tons of potential but it's just alright and it's the fact that the most epic legendary monsters are locked behind a sort of gambling/paywall mechanic. Almost all the monsters I've caught in the wild are worthless... Dragon island blue was amazing but this just feel cheap and tacky especially with the keys and waiting to level monster bc I don't have enough points to fit my best on the team.
  16. traderjose

    traderjose Member

    Dec 16, 2014
    I'd like to give this genre a try, but am concerned about this app being an F2P in Premium's clothing. For those who have played the developer's previous offerings (i.e., Hunter Island), did they differ in this regard? Would you recommend any of those games over Neo Monsters, or games by other devs? Many thanks.
  17. CoreyFox

    CoreyFox Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
    You can guarantee it is FTP in premium clothing.. This does not make the actual game play bad by any means. You are going to get well beyond your 1-dollars worth of fun from this title.. You may begin to love NM so much that you start to see its dirty secrets, but that is a different story..

    Personally, I liked Neo Monsters so much on release day, that I went back and bought the two earlier titles as well.. I am happy with the purchases, and I have already voiced my areas of concern within this thread..

    As to how the two others differ, I will let someone with more direct experience on these games weigh in..
  18. Avatre

    Avatre Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    I'm beginning to wish I'd tried re-rolling several times when I started now. I'm quite far into the game, quite a lot of my monsters are fully evolved, and I've earned enough gems to try for a legendary five times now. My luck must be terrible. The best I've managed to get is a super epic, which was the first roll, everything else has been below that. The chance of someone using my pet over the legendaries is next to nil, so I earn very few of the 'friend points'.
    I'm happy with the tickets system, that works great, but the time for the keys to regenerate is ridiculous. I need to collect a lot of ingredients for the ultra evolve thing as well as de-aging fruits for extending training sessions, and I've now got more than a 20 hour wait before my next key. For a premium title - even at only 79p, that seems just far too long.
  19. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    #259 Moocow, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    This game makes absolutely no sense in combat mechanics:

    - Thunder is weak against grass but great against thunder... Lolwut?
    - Water is weak against thunder but perfectly fine against grass... Facepalm
    - Poison attacks are considered "fire type", and great against grass... Huh wtf? Yes I'd like to see the devs try to go poison a poisonous snake
    - Certain fire monsters only know "poison sting". Lol. A frickin moose with fire on its skin attacks with... Poison sting lmao
    - Every single enemy in the "online" quests if they can be even called that since there is absolutely online component whatsoever other than timers (YES TIMERS, in a PAID game. You can only do 2-3 quests before needing to wait for x hours) is thunder type... Lol?
    - The grind. Don't want to buy IAP for OP monsters? Prepare to spend countless hours one-shotting weak wild monsters to grind your points up

    Save your $0.99. If you enjoy the freemium crap with timers and energy bars and grinding, you're better off with a game that's actually like, you know, FREE?

    Let the fanboy flaming begin, it amuses me.

    I've come to the conclusion that no iOS game can recreate pokemon or fire emblem. Devs are simply too greedy to bother making a proper RPG. Why actually put effort into making quests, equipment, a proper story and directional movement when you can instead throw at you timers, online friend code spam, IAPs and more IAPs and call that "RPG". Good thing GBA4IOS still works.
  20. nosoup4crr

    nosoup4crr Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
    Pretty silly to judge a game by what appears to be the first half of it. PvP isn't out yet. The PvE event isn't out yet. Based on how other gacha games have worked in the past, you can likely expect to gain gems from PvP and Log in bonuses. You'll probably be able to get higher-tier monsters from the PvE events...maybe even legendaries eventually.

    I feel like a lot of the criticisms I'm reading are the things that will be addressed by those "coming soon" boxes. Of course, schedule is important. More and more people will finish existing content this week. And if they have to wait 2 or 3 weeks, something tells me many will get bored with doing nothing but grinding rank via youthful fruits.

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